Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don’t Move!

Chapter 1443

1444 A group of ants

Bai Ling looked down with wide eyes, and could not see anything at all, but soon the white dragon took her in that direction, Bai Ling lifted up again with a heart, and made it clear that they were Wei Shaxing designed it, so the direction she came over must be a trap.

Then Wen Ruyu, can he not notice?

After all, this dragon is so much stronger than her and it is not surprising that she can find that she can’t.

But Bai Ling can probably guess who it is.


Before Bai Ling’s thoughts fell down, he saw that because of this dragon, a figure with a barrier was rising from the weeds.

Wen Ruyu only felt that a huge white body like a hill was added to his head in the blink of an eye, blocking all sunlight, and before the reaction came, the whole person rose.

If it weren’t for his excellent eyesight to see the Bai Ling in this hollow place of the dragon, I’m afraid Wen Ruyu would definitely shoot this dragon, even if he knew he was not good.

At this time, Wen Ruyu had restored his original appearance. A face was very white and handsome, and his eyes were as deep as obsidian.Coupled with a smart casual clothes, although dirty, but much better than the sloppy Bai Ling.

Bai Ling noticed that this dragon looked at Wen Ruyu reflectively and gave her a reflective look. There was a trace of disgust in those eyes?

Yes, she would never be wrong, because the dragon’s eyes are very big, but it is very smart, the meaning of disgust is so obvious?

Soon she fell from the air.

At this time Bai Ling had only one idea, that is, she was rejected and abandoned by a train?

When he didn’t want to fall, he was hugged by Wen Ruyu’s eyes.

“What’s the situation?” Wen Ruyu whispered to Bai Ling at this time. Seeing Bai Ling still had a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, his eyes immediately felt a bit distressed.

But before waiting for Bai Ling to speak, the dragon seemed to be more curious, “Speaking, Sure enough!”

With a touch of excitement in the voice, in a blink of an eye Bai Ling and Wen Ruyu reached the front of the dragon, and the high dragon’s head was facing them nakedly, and his body twisted continuously.

“But you look much better than her!”

Wen Ruyu’s expression stiffened when she heard this, and she looked down at the still dark Bai Ling in her arms. Obviously, she did not restore her original appearance.

“What kind of creatures are you?” The white dragon seemed quite interested, but the sharp two rows of teeth were taller than them under the giant head facing them, and they looked terrible.

“We are not malicious to you!” Bai Ling did not let Wen Ruyu say the word human. Wei Xingxing also said before, because humans are constantly mining deep forests, so that these dragons are hiding in the deep forest, even now this dragon He has never seen human beings, and he must have heard the word human, so according to the words of our ancestors, we must think that humans are all bad.

“Are you malicious? Of course I can tell!”

Hearing this white dragon’s arrogant words, Bai Ling relaxed.

“I’m sorry, we accidentally disturbed your site!” Wen Ruyu naturally knew Bai Ling’s meaning, and then busy said it, “Relax you, I will never preach it!”

“Oh, a group of ants, what if you preach it out? You are so weak!”

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