Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don’t Move!

Chapter 1447

Question 1448

The little white dragon spouted a breath of dragon, knowing that although they looked similar, they were actually two creatures.

“We came here, they also designed us to come.” Wen Ruyu took Bai Ling’s words gently, “If we didn’t guess wrong, your nest may have been attacked!”

“It’s impossible, no creature will know where our lair is!” said Xiao Bailong very calmly.

“You can feel it for yourself. Anyway, we are so weak, and we can’t threaten you. Isn’t it?” Bai Ling said solemnly.

Xiao Bailong looked at Bai Ling suspiciously, and then probed on the man. Also, these two weak creatures, even if it didn’t shoot, they didn’t threaten it.

In an instant, Bai Ling felt a powerful energy sprayed from the small white dragon. This energy made Wen Ruyu feel shaky, and Bai Ling quickly pulled Wen Ruyu.

The grass below also rustled because of this huge energy.

With a bitter smile in Bai Ling’s heart, a creature like dragon is really powerful, so they still want to take a dragon as a pet?I just thought too much.

Fortune-telling is not dead, the other side is worried that those two huge black dragons actually found other people coming, only hope someone can negotiate with those two black dragons wisely.

Otherwise, don’t even think about leaving alive.

As for this little white dragon, because they came into contact with them, they aroused its curiosity and disdain their weakness, so they did not directly kill them.

Bai Ling uses this kind of psychology to persuade the best, but not persuade, and can only exhaust all his abilities.


Sure enough, within a minute, Xiao Bailong’s entire body suddenly rushed above nine days, and accompanied by a huge roar.

Bai Ling can even see a cloud of lightning friction between the clouds because of its roaring roar.


Unexpectedly, with the roar of the little white dragon, a roar also burst from a place not far from here.

It is a black dragon, but apparently this black dragon looks very small. With the continuous promotion into the sky, the body of this dragon is constantly expanding.

From the fact that the little white dragon can become a little white spirit, it is known that dragon creatures also have the ability to shrink and enlarge their bodies.

“Before An Ning said that Wei Shaxing discovered five dragons here, all of them are adults, and now it seems that it may not be!” Wen Ruyu also saw Bai Ling’s eyes immediately whispered, “The dragon can become bigger, then even if it is just Dragons who have not been born for a long time can also have a huge body. I suspect that Yu must have concealed Wei Shaxing. In the dragon’s lair, there must be dragons or small dragons that have not hatched!”

The so-called Xiaolong is naturally not long after being born, and its translucency is certainly not strong.

“Fortunately, your reaction is fast. I guess the purpose of the feather is to allow us to contain these three dragons. She directs the zombies to capture the other two dragons. The world changes, it seems to have no effect on the creatures like dragons!”

In other words, the virus cannot affect the dragon, so the dragon will never appear to mutate.

At the top of Bai Ling and Wen Ruyu’s head, you can see one black, one white, and two dragons entwined at this time. They are extremely fast, and they can also see thunder and lightning around them. Even the white clouds start to blacken.

In a blink of an eye, the two dragons quickly disappeared in front of Bai Ling and Wen Ruyu.

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