Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don’t Move!

Chapter 198

198 Villagers’ Ideas

“Grandma!” Bai Ling couldn’t help but tears fell down again when he hugged this short and thin body.

“Just come back, just come back!” In any case, the village is safer than outside. Seeing her come back safely, the old man’s mind was put down, but she still couldn’t help crying. She had worried about her for so long, the child had already Much taller than her, the hands like dead branches clapped comfortably on her back like when she was a child.

Once seeing her mother jump into the river to kill herself, Bai Ling had a long time to wake up from a nightmare, or could not sleep, the old man in front of her hugged her and slapped her back gently.

Li Zhenghao turned his head aside, wiped his hands a few times, and turned to look at them with red eyes.

Bai Xiaoxi also stood on the side, but he was very cautious. Although he had sent a lot of text messages and even talked on the phone, he was a bit shy when he really saw these two elders.

Many people in the village have not yet entered the door, but they don’t want helicopters that were not seen before the end of the world to land at the entrance of their village?And still a military aircraft?

All of them ran out in surprise and curiosity at the moment, and when they really saw the girl who only saw him during the Chinese New Year, Li Dongmei was almost shocked.

I dare not imagine that she really came back today as Li Dongmei said, and it was exactly twelve o’clock.

“Really come back?”

“I didn’t expect her to be so big, but she actually knew the soldiers who were flying the plane!” The village gates leaned on their heads and squeezed past, trying to see what was going on outside.

Undoubtedly, everyone looked at them with hope and excitement.

“I said, there must be more places outside that are safe!”

“Well, we’ll ask them when the time comes!” The village seems to be full, but who knows if those unpredictable zombies will come?

Where did anyone remember just mocking Li Zhenghao and Li Dongmei at this time?Has Bailing been a dead thing?

He Guixiang’s plump eyes were glaring like mung beans. Li Zhengxin, who was standing next to her, swallowed and quickly pulled He Guixiang’s sleeve, “Mom, I didn’t look at the flowers?”

Now when monsters are rampant, so-called soldiers and policemen have also died a lot. When there was no power outage before, you can still see videos of rescuing senior officials in a certain area. Later, the entire army was wiped out.

At that time, only the plane that started was able to come back but did not dare to stop. In one plane, a soldier was bitten, which caused the entire military to be infected and finally crashed directly.

It can be seen that this zombie is so powerful, how many people dare to go out?

She came back from such a far place, and also met a man who flew the plane?

Can soldiers who can afford an airplane be ordinary people?

However, when Li Zhengxin squeezed over to see the man in a military uniform, he had a clean and beautiful face, sneering with a sneer, “What did you think, what a big officer, it turned out to be just a little white-faced soldier!”

He Guixiang didn’t think about it at this time, but the two cabbages with mud in her hand. Her words just fell shortly, with a disgust for Bai Ling in her eyes.

Is she intentional?

The former 30-year-old man with a Chinese character face who was a smoker was Huang Zong. All the people here called him Zong Ge, who was Chen Xin’s confidant.Keeping at the door, after seeing this scene, his face was shocked.

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