Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don’t Move!

Chapter 208

208 Bai Ling Is Your Sister?

“Want me to collect things?” Bai Xiaoxi’s eyes turned around. Is this the village’s final choice?What about Uncle Li Zhenghao?Did he go to kill the zombies before?

Bai Xiaoxi couldn’t help but think that he didn’t let go before he understood the meaning of Huang Zong, so he said casually, “Yes, I asked my sister, if my sister agreed, I will go!”

“Your sister?” Huang Zong froze and turned to look at Li Zhenghao. His eyes were full of doubts. Which is his sister?Isn’t Bailing coming back this time?

“It’s Bai Ling!” Li Zhenghao’s voice was full of breath.

“What?” Huang Zong was surprised. “Bai Ling is your sister? Zheng Hao, isn’t Bai Ling your niece? No one outside said you have a nephew!”

“Now!” Li Zhenghao’s voice was colder.

Huang Zong glanced at Chen Xin, Chen Xin frowned, and simply stood up and said, “Li Zhenghao, I think my original agreement should still be counted, I have to bear some responsibilities since I live in the village, my people are responsible for protection This village is safe, and your people must go out to collect supplies!”

“I naturally know our agreement!” Li Zhenghao stared at Chen Xin with a staring gaze, and the tone of his previous discussion changed into a natural look.Just because Bai Xiaoxi is his nephew?So I want to order him to do nothing?

“Now it’s rare that your nephew rank is so high. I’m also thinking of you. If he took you out to collect resources, wouldn’t it have done more with less, or even reduced sacrifices!” Chen Xin seemed very sensible to analyze for Li Zhenghao, the tone was indeed More orders.

“If we don’t go?” Bai Ling heard this sentence as soon as he came. It was not difficult to hear the words. The position of the uncle in their minds usually, with a sneer in his heart, Chen Xin!Simply picked it up.

As Bai Ling went in, he saw a black suit that was not well-dressed, and the button on the suit could not be a stout man.

Bai Ling’s crisp and somewhat cold voice caused Chen Xin and Huang Zong to look up at the door, and the person guarding the door at this time had a sturdy arm pinched in her hand, obviously that person’s face Full of pain, with a moan.

“Oh, feed Auntie Granny, you are all here now, can you let go of my hand!” Granny’s hurt him.

Bai Lingguo really let go, the man suffered a loss, stared at Bai Ling with a trace of resentment in his eyes for a while, and then quickly walked to Huang Zong and Chen Xin.

Bai Ling snorted in his heart, his uncle had been doing such a thankless job.Oh when did this village become a world of outsiders?She Bailing came here and was stopped?

If he doesn’t shoot, the man’s squinting may not do anything to her. Just now in this house, I saw several women with beautifully decorated flowers moving in and out, and even the man who was staying outside said ambiguously. .

The key is not here, but that the women are the better-looking women in the village, some are not married, but some are married, or even have children, Li Jiaming’s wife is also inside, she is wearing fengsao, waiting outside The man looked too respectful to her.

Bai Ling didn’t know what to say about the mood at this time. It was really indifferent. Bai was blind. Li Jiaming once offered her as a goddess.

She didn’t believe that Chen Xin didn’t know who she was, but she still stayed by her side. It can be seen that Chen Xin is definitely not a decent person. They have guns in their hands. Where did these guns come from?

Bai Ling even thought that if he had done arms trading, he would have dealt with orthodox soldiers, even killed them, and grabbed their weapons.

Don’t forget that it’s even more horrible for soldiers to transform into zombies, especially for junior zombies, which have more power than before.Dare they go to the barracks to grab something?Who believes?

Now Bai Ling is determined to see their leader Chen Xin, and they are no different from gangsters.

When I think of my uncle’s going out, if something happened in the village, since it is all managed by such a man named Chen Xin!Bai Ling’s heart is uneasy.

And it’s nice to say that they protect the village. When uncles and others go out, if there are zombies outside the village, don’t they just kill them before going out?The zombies around this village are estimated to have been killed by uncle and others.

It seems that the collected crystal nuclei are estimated to be distributed to them. Chen Xin and others are sitting in the village and enjoying their success.

Thinking of this, Bai Ling’s mood was a bit gloomy. His uncle was actually instructed in this way. His grandmother was not respected and bullied?What did they treat their uncle and grandma?

Bai Xiaoxi had already got up, walked to Bai Ling with an apple, and wanted to offer her attentively, but when she saw her face getting colder and colder, her dark eyes looked at Chen Xin’s people.

Simply holding the apple and standing long behind Bai Ling, leaning against the door, when he saw Chen Xin’s squinted eyes staring at Bai Ling, Bai Xiaoxi frowned instantly.

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