Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don’t Move!

Chapter 40

Chapter 40 Three Days and Three Nights Without Rest

The car was flying fast on the road full of car accidents and scattered zombies.

Three days passed quickly.Of course, during this period, Bai Ling had to encourage Bai Shan to go out and chop zombies to collect food.

Although she showed her the food she had stored, it was still not much.

It is a pity that because Bai Shan was worried about the child, he did not succeed.After all, she left the child alone in the room.

During the period, Bai Xiaoxi also had fun with the child, as if they were not escaping from the zombie heap, but before the end of the world, they were very leisurely.

At this time, Bai Xiaoxi looked at the cars back on the highway, and looked back. There were a lot of cars one hundred meters away from them. Almost all of the roads were densely packed. That was the toll station out of the province. The horizontal bar has been broken.

Others screamed, ran out of the car, and rushed out.

Turned his head and looked at Bai Ling, as she expected.

Where is Bai Lingli thinking?They walked here along the highway in the previous life, only to find that the road was blocked, of course, those who drove out of the escape, after all, this is the place where the provinces intersect.

In fact, there were not so many cars, after all, after three days, there have been news posted on the Internet, and even on the radio.

That’s right, there are places where safe areas have been established.

The same was true in the previous life. Bai Ling didn’t think much about it, and she always thought of the reason for the country’s prosperity. Now she understands the consequences of the GD virus. Those upper-level leaders must have known for a long time that the secret is prepared, so it will be so fast. Establish a safe zone.

At first, she was in a big city. There were too many zombies. She saw several waves of people rushing to the safe area and died, so she always waited for larger and stronger talents to join.

This intersection is one of the passages to the safety zone, and it is also an intersection. There will not be fewer vehicles. If something happens, and the car is blocked later, the entire section of the road will be completely impassable.

Not only that, they also escaped from death, and most of their dead companions.

Now the expressway can still go, but the further back, the worse the road is blocked, after all, the expressway is a shortcut.

Otherwise, at most one week, during this period Bai Ling must also go to the small city to supplement resources, but it is enough for her to return to her hometown.But it is absolutely impossible to cross a province in such a short time.

Of course, from time to time there are other cars passing by their cars.No one cares about anyone.

For those who can reach here in these three days, what happened to Bai Ling’s heart, these people who came out early, not to mention anything else, are more capable of accepting this eschatology than others.

“Sister, you haven’t rested for three days and three nights, shall we find a place… take a break?” Looking at the blood-stained clear eyes, Bai Xiaoxi couldn’t bear it, he would drive, or even drive After a while, after all, it’s not as good as the previous life. Let’s not talk about the twists and turns of the road, the key is that the zombies don’t rush to stop their cars.

Almost stuck in that section of the road can not get out.

“We will rest tonight!” She crossed the province and arrived at her hometown, but they will face the junior zombies in a few days.

For the past few days, they have been talking on the phone. Fortunately, the grandma’s home is in the countryside, so there is no shortage of food, and there are few free zombies.

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