Apocalypse Summoner

aChapter 2 - The storm is coming... scare the urine!

“Please, now it’s August 2013! 2012 has proved to be a fake. Who will now believe in the ridiculous prophecy of this end of the world?”

“Li Jiayu, is your brain broken?”

“Is it fun to play such a low-level joke? Are we all fools to play?”

“I also talked about the space turbulence, parallel space went, haha, can’t you see the novel and see your brain in the water?”

The classmates are all happy, and purely regards Li Jiayu’s words as a joke of sensationalism, and does not believe at all.

From ancient times to the present, the doomsday predictions of big and small are just like a lot of hair, but as time goes by, these last days lies are not broken – especially after entering 2013, people’s predictions about the end of the world are even more scornful. Who believes who is a stupid hat.

“Li Jiayu, don’t make a fuss. If you look at the outside and it’s so sunny and sunny, how could it be the end of the world?”

Sun Weiwei sneered in disapproval and pointed out the window, but saw the blue sky outside the window, the white clouds, the campus scenery, the faintly able to see the students laughing on the school road, intimate couples.

Li Jiayu approached the window, sniffed her nose, and greedily breathed the fresh air. He looked far and wide. He seemed to be engraving the last silence on the campus and watching the students who were still carefree and nourishing. Vaguely emerged from their tragic appearance, Li Jiayu was uncomfortable in his heart, and he said:

“Look, my friend, what will happen next, will scare you into the urine, if you have a life to survive, you will never forget this moment!”

Yes, if you can survive from the **** catastrophe of the end, I believe that everyone will deeply remember the moment when the end of the world is coming, accurate to the second!

August 29, 2013, 4:33:49 PM

Li Jiayu clearly remembers that unprecedented disasters broke out all over the world at the same time. The violent shock of the earth’s crust caused the earth’s crust to swell, causing a series of volcanic eruptions, mudslides, landslides, collapses, storms, floods and tsunamis.

I don’t know how many cities were destroyed in the earthquake and tsunami, and it is impossible to count how many people died in natural disasters.

However, Li Jiayu feels that it may be lucky to die in a natural disaster.

Because the rest of the people will face even more terrifying threats, living in panic and despair all day, do not know how many people live to live like death!

Just the human beings who died under the first wave of alien attacks, the rough estimate is more than one billion!

The bloodsucking worm enters the blood vessels and bites the blood vessels…

The sorcerer’s beast opened his brain and sucked his brain…

Wrapped into a scorpion by a scorpion stinking spider, and then melted into a muddy mud…

The sickle beetle pinches his head and lays eggs in his head…

A terrible Zerg frenzy, playing a terrible massacre feast on the earth!

It is said that the war of mankind is cruel, but compared with the slaughter of the Zerg, it is as gentle as a female cat!

However, the Zerg is still the weakest race in the earth, and there are zombies, zombies, scorpions, and ghosts in the abyss. There are many non-living bodies that are difficult to explain with science!

At the same time as the end of the era, it also pointed out a new direction for the world of science and technology…

“Now, you can hurry up and hold your ears. There will be a sunny thunder that will shake your ears.”

“Who wants to believe in you, oh, time is coming, five…four…three…two…one, sure enough, I didn’t send it…”

A classmate with Li Jia looked at the phone and then read the countdown aloud, but the word “sheng” in his mouth had not been read yet, and there was a shocking thunder in his ear!


The sound of this explosion was extremely high, and the glass of the window was slightly shaken, not to mention how painful the eardrum was.


The girl who was caught off guard was scared by the thunder and quickly covered her ears. Some of them were scared and white, and let go of the throat and screamed, extremely harsh!

“This is… sunny day…”

All the male students were shocked to look at Li Jiayu, but he was still the same model. The calmness was mixed with the unclear weight–he, how did he guess it?

Blind cat hit the dead mouse?

Can’t it be so coincidental?

After all, it’s rare to see this on a sunny day. It’s rare to see such a loud blue sky, and Li Jiayu can predict that there will be a blue sky in the next second. It’s very mysterious, and it’s not unreasonable.

In the faint, many students began to hair in their hearts, and there was a slight optimism in their hearts.

“I rely on, is your kid feng shui has been practicing full level? This is what you expected, it is difficult for you to really be a self-cultivator, and quickly accept me as a younger brother…” a classmate laughed.

“I don’t have time to joke with you… keep watching. After two minutes, the sky will be covered by thick black clouds… Or, you can call now and see if there is any signal.”

Li Jiayu said, turning around and going out to teach outside, Sun Weiwei was anxious and shouted to Li Jiayu:

“Where are you going? Did you run away from the cowhide? The class will not be over yet…”

Li Jiayu did not return, and he clenched his fist. There was a faint desire to fight in his heart. He said while walking:

“Go get weapons!”


“Fire axe!”

“You are crazy? Just take the fire axe in the corridor and you have to be punished!”

“Too lazy to care about you, let me know if you want to talk about it.”

Seeing that Li Jiayu walked out of the classroom door, Sun Weiwei just wanted to catch up, but heard the voice of Joanna after her: “The phone really has no signal.”

Jiang Linchuan’s voice then sounded:

“Mys too, the signal is broken.”

The students looked at the mobile phones one by one, and found that they could not receive the signal without exception.

At this time, Sun Weiwei was panicked. If it was only the blue sky, it could be interpreted as an accident. However, Li Jiayu could guess even if the signal was interrupted. It is definitely not accidental, and it is very likely to be inevitable.

“He… How did he know it? Isn’t the words he said not a joke?”

Not only Sun Weiwei, the girls in the whole class have no bottom in their hearts, and the scalp begins to numb.

“Don’t panic, signal interruption. This is not a common occurrence. I am used to it. Don’t put what Li Jiayu said in his heart. He must have taken the wrong medicine today. Don’t go crazy with him…”

A boy who is not very friendly with Li Jiayu said, but he quickly closed his mouth because he saw the dark clouds outside the window, appearing at a very fast speed!


The classmates gathered in the window, stunned and watched the dark clouds condense and rushed in. They started to look at the rare thunderclouds at first, but some people soon found out that they were wrong because of the rolling speed and condensation of those dark clouds. The speed is too fast, it is incredible, just like it appears out of thin air!

In less than a minute, the sky was already thundering, the sky was darkening rapidly, the sun was completely obscured by the dark clouds, and the air quickly turned cold. The cool breeze bursts, and it was quite cold.

“This… How can it be darkened so quickly? How did these black clouds come out?… God, just now Li Jiayu also said that two minutes will cloud the sun…”

Looking at the dark clouds that were spreading, all the students were stunned. Some timid girls kept shaking their lips. At this time, they could not doubt Li Jiayu’s words, or it was difficult to bring courage to doubt…

“Nothing… nothing, you are worried about it. Li Jiayu said that the end of the world will be blackout first, and all electrical appliances can’t be used. You see, our teachers’ computers are not open yet, our mobile phones are not bright yet…”

Sun Weiwei tried to appease the people, but her words had not been finished yet. The teacher’s computer was automatically turned off with a bang, the fan stopped spinning, and all the mobile phones in the hands of the students were out of order, and the black screen was gone!

At the same time, Sun Weiwei still felt a cold energy sweeping through her body and freezing into the bones. It seems that her bone marrow should be understood to be frozen, and her brain is like being bombarded by dozens of shells. Uncomfortable, screaming, only for a moment, she is like a dead and generally uncomfortable.

Fortunately, this energy just disappeared in a flash. Sun Weiwei was awake for the first time, but found that there was already sweating on her forehead, and she couldn’t tell the exhaustion.

“Ah, what was that, I was as uncomfortable as an electric shock!”

“Difficulty breathing… I almost couldn’t breathe, just like being caught in my throat.”

Everyone seems to be out of the ordinary mouth and gasp, and some people even stand still and fall directly to the ground.

Some boys with weak constitutions were bleeding from the previous energy shocks, and they couldn’t stop them. They were full of mouths, and the collars on their chests were dyed with **** red eyes!

“Ah, my pants are wet… I just scared me to urinate incontinence…”

There were thirteen girls in the class. Five girls were scared to pee. They stood in the urine, and they urinated in the white **** and ran down the smooth thighs…

When the whole class was scared of urine, they also wet the skirts and stockings, which made those girls who were already thin and shy, shy and blush to the neck, almost did not cry.

The fate is that the underwear is wet, wrapped in the buttocks, can not tell the strange, if their legs are weak and weak, long ago crying and shouting to go to the toilet can not see people.

However, at this time, there is no difference. The boys will not laugh at them because the boys’ thinking is more sensitive. They have an unspeakable panic in their hearts…

A boy was shocked and watched the phone with a black screen, shaking his voice:

“Cosmic storm!”

“It’s the cosmic storm that Li Jiayu said! It’s the cosmic storm that just swept our body, and let all the electrical appliances smash…”

“Well, even the spare lights can’t be opened…”

“All the words that Li Jiayu said have become true…”

Everyone looks awkward and creepy!


The dark clouds in the sky are rolling, the sky is dim, the wind is raging, the sand is flying, and the stone is far away. 

A lightning flashed through, and the deep gorge was illuminated. 

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