Apocalypse Summoner

bChapter 140 - Divided into two dust settled

The one hundred and forty chapter is divided into two… the dust settles

The fallen angel yin is the king of the holy armor, flying all the way, it seems to be just chasing, but it is dangerous, the physical attack of the king of the armor is too much, not only will fly, but also use the head Arched large pieces of stone mud to throw the sky, and even spewed poisonous black mist from the mouth. (Look at the text novels to the ‘Astronomical Network’)

Although the poisonous black mist of the cockroach is not as powerful as the dragon’s breath, it is more than corrosive. If it is touched, the fallen angel will be burnt to the stomach and die.

The pursuit of all the way is definitely a lifeline

On several occasions, the fallen angels have only suffered a little bit of poisonous hands and died.

“It’s too difficult…not because it’s too big, it’s less flexible than me, I’m afraid I’ll be swallowed in it within ten rounds…”

Li Jiayu thought quietly in his heart, controlling the fallen angel to swim beautifully in the sky, just like operating a superb fighter to avoid the missile, once again dangerously avoiding the smashing fly.


Suddenly, there was a very harsh worm in the distance.

This is not the trembling of the king of the armor, it is clearly the sound of the dragon

The fallen angel jumped in his heart and looked up, but he saw the black night, and swarmed in groups of flying worms.

Not only the dragons, but also the second-grade gold butterfly, the ghost head moth, and the purple beetle known as the air killer.

The swarms are vast and dense, and the huge body stirs up the wind pressure of large swaths. At first glance, the number is at least two or three hundred.

Two or three hundred flying worms are absolutely tricky. The fallen angels have already dealt with a sacred armor. If you have so many worms, it is almost dead.

“Damn these worms are coming to the jade of the four souls. This quasi-legendary sacred object is not only fatal to the cockroaches, but even these low-level worms will desperately want to snatch.”

The fallen angel breathes heavily, his face is more and more unsightly, and he simply flies in the other direction. His speed is faster than that of the dragon, the golden butterfly, and the ghost moth. Instead, they can be thrown away. The only thing that needs to be worried is That dozen purple beetles. (Look at the text novels to the ‘Astronomical Network’)


The purple beetle made a whistling whistle, vibrating the six pairs of wings behind it, crashing like a rushing high-speed train. One purple-black beetle flew the fastest, and the fallen angel fell to the fallen angel three or two times. before

“This head is… the black beetle doesn’t, it just has to evolve into a black beetle with a three-pole intermediary.”

The fallen angel heart shock, the purple-black beetle is obviously only a small step to complete the evolution, directly across the three-pole low-order, become a three-pole mid-level black beetle

Although it is not a black beetle, according to the animal trainer, the purple-black beetle is not as powerful as the black beetle, but the speed is much faster than the black beetle, because after the evolution of the black beetle, the body will be magnified three times, and the wings are slightly Degraded.

“Well… it’s faster than me.”

It was a back-space swaying, and the fallen angels were able to escape the attack of the purple-black beetle. However, it was such a harassment that the purple beetles in the back had already caught up, and more than a dozen purple beetles swarmed over the fallen angels. Really dangerous


Seeing the despicable purple beetle dare to rob the four souls of the jade, the king of the armored armor is unstoppable, once again spurting out a black smoke poisonous mist, the fallen angels are hiding, and the purple beetles that are caught off guard are smashed, and instantly Five or six heads are corroded into residues

“It’s not too dangerous, stop here… I have to go back.”

In the face of such a dangerous situation, if you fight again, you will find yourself guilty, and the fallen angels will retreat in their hearts, just…

He is more than two hundred kilometers away from Li Jiayu. Whether it is the power of the contract or the connection of the soul, if he wants to return to Li Jiayu, he will be delayed for at least two seconds, which means he has to wait five seconds. To open the door to space

However, it is easy to insist on five seconds. Now every second, every moment, the fallen angels are facing the sickle of death.


Behind him was a gust of wind, the fallen angel frowned, and quickly evaded several purple beetles, but a bigger crisis followed. (Look at the text novels to the ‘Astronomical Network’)

The purple-black beetle slammed into the moment when the fallen angel was tired and coped.

“Hey… bastard”

The fallen angel clenched his teeth and tried to avoid the purple-black beetle, but it was too late.


The purple black beetle’s forelimbs are sharp and horrible. It is easy to cut the armor of the fallen angel, and even cut the left side of the fallen angel’s abdomen without any hindrance, and instantly squirt a large piece of blood, if it is not a fallen angel, dodge, Just now, it was directly squatting.

After eating such a heavy blow, even the fallen angels have to suffer from severe pain. The body has such a moment of stiffness, and even the palms are not pinched. The four souls of jade fall out from the bottom and fall down.

The crystal clear four soul jade exudes a purple glow, it seems that the worms are desperately robbed in the yin

In a flash

Whether it is the king of the armor or the purple beetle, they are all crazy.

The first to receive the four souls of jade is a lucky purple beetle, with his own knife and leg, and his body trembled with excitement, but it is also unfortunate, because it has not been half a second it was two purple beetles Rushing up, the huge pyramid slammed into its mouth and tail, and it took its life in an instant.

The soul of the four souls falls again

Another purple beetle caught it. The purple beetle learned to be smart. He tried to flap his wings and flew away the first time, but where did it run off?


The leader of the purple beetle, the purple black beetle seems to be angered to the extreme. In the past, the only man who had no intention of Nono had eaten the ambition of the leopard and dared to rob him of the soul of the four souls. I really don’t know how to write the dead words.

It was first and foremost, and a purple leg beetle was seriously injured by a knife, but in the fierce fight, the knife and leg also cut the jade of the four souls.

The jade of the four souls is very fragile and is not much harder than glass beads. (Look at the text novels to the ‘Astronomical Network’)

Therefore, there is no doubt that the sharp knife legs and the four souls of the jade are also cut into two pieces.

Two hemispherical four soul jade

The purple black beetle no longer manages the seriously injured purple beetle, but instead rushes to the two divided sacred objects.

However, it has no chance anymore, because the oncoming is a black smoke poisonous mist, which instantly erodes it without residue. The purple black beetle that is infinitely close to the strength of the three poles has withdrawn from the stage of competition.

“Oh, how can the insect get the jade of the four souls?”

The fallen angel licked the huge wound in the abdomen, but it was as hard as a lightning bolt. In the moment, the jade of the four souls was held in the hand, but only one piece was held.

There is another piece, you have to pick it up too.

Dangerously avoiding the poisonous fog of the King of the King, the fallen angel just wants to reach out again, but it is too late.


There was an uncomfortable high-voltage electric shock coming from behind, which made the fallen angels numb, and I didn’t have to think about it. The unsuccessful low-level worms caught up.

The attack on the fallen angel is the second-order gold butterfly.

This kind of creature is not big, it is just the size of a computer desk, but they are all gold, the body is as hard as metal, can release the attack of the mind, and even release the super high voltage, a blow Under the five seconds, the elephant can be cooked alive.

The fallen angel was seriously injured, and now it’s such a trick. It’s just worse, it’s a life of death.

And at this time

The king of the sacred armor raised his upper body, splitting the mouth of the huge blood basin, spewing out the stench of stench, and swallowed the fallen angel with the remaining piece of the soul of the four souls.


The king of the armored armor excitedly licked the long tail, excited

It doesn’t matter that it has been chasing for so long, the jade of the four souls is the thing in its bag. (Look at the text novels to the ‘Astronomical Network’)

The dragon dragonfly, the golden butterfly, and the ghost head moth saw that the king of the armored king successfully captured the jade of the four souls. One of them was like a chicken blood, and did not want to attack the king of the armored king, but it was useless, huge. The power gap is there, and even if they attack again, they will not be able to hurt the King of the King.

At this moment, the fallen angel was caught by the tentacles in the mouth of the king of the sacred armor. It has numerous poisonous smog and strong acid in the mouth. It can destroy the body of the fallen angel at any time and completely remove the half of Li Jiayu. The soul is torn.

However, fortunately…

The half of the four souls jade held in the hands of fallen angels gave a strange light, and formed a protective cover, which protects the body of the fallen angel, not only isolates the poisonous acid, but also protects his tongue from being licked. broken

“Oh… it’s a big deal, it’s actually falling into this field…”

The fallen angel coughs blood and breathes in the dark mouth. The only thing that makes him feel warm is the half of the soul of the four souls. He is more and more able to feel that this sacred object contains incredible the power of.

“The half-soul of the four souls can protect me… If it’s a whole piece, isn’t it better? Just the protective cover is enough for me to get away… oh, the problem is that the tentacles are now being caught. I can’t find another piece of debris at all…”

“The body is about to collapse, and even the mental strength of the body is running out. It won’t work… If you can’t keep going, the remaining half will be powerless… Damn, really not willing, this head will get half a soul. When Yu Wanyi evolved to the quasi-legendary level, no one was able to subdue him within half a year…”

“Even if the young talents and talented characters of Yucheng Yangcheng are united, it is not enough to see… even if it is Yang An after half a year, all the men who gather him can only play with it at the top, let alone the distance between the mountains and rivers. Ten thousand kilometers in the southern province…”

The fallen angel sighed with pain and just wanted to meditate on the spell and tear open the space back to Li Jiayu…

Abnormal change

The half-piece of the four souls in the hand is spiritual, coming out of the hand, and then instantly poured into the injured belly of the fallen angel.


Li Jiayu’s consciousness is extremely scary

It’s incredible that the half-soul of the four souls is drilled into the body of the fallen angel. The strong demon power and powerful power contained in it are not affordable.

Sure enough, for a moment, the half-bone soul of the four souls is like melting, the blood of the fallen angels rises, and the strange feeling of a strand sweeps the soul of Li Jiayu.

“Oh… so uncomfortable”

If Li Jiayu is a demon, this moment will definitely be very comfortable, but his soul is human, and the jade of the four souls is severely repulsed. In the blink of an eye, Li Jiayu’s soul is inexplicably wounded, the strange and gloomy power. Hit into his soul.

Just as Li Jiayu’s consciousness is about to fall into a coma… The Pope’s inheritance has emerged with a warm light, dispelling the evil spirits of the four souls, slowly blooming above the fallen angel’s body.

Li Jiayu’s consciousness has been protected, and the fallen angel’s body has undergone even more incredible changes.

If Li Jiayu is still awake, he will definitely change his face, because the face of the fallen angel reveals a singular expression of loneliness and high altitude.

This expression is definitely not belonging to Li Jiayu.

That is to say… the fallen angel at this moment seems to have another soul.

But fortunately… the expression just appeared for a moment. The next moment, the body of the fallen angel entered the door of time and space and returned to Li Jiayu.

Inside the mouth of the king of the armor, everything is dark and quiet.

Only the depths of the mouth, half of the four souls of the jade with dazzling purple halo, beautiful…

The one hundred and forty chapter is divided into two… the dust settles

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