Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1494 - Mountain water is full of doubts

The horrible space fluctuations suddenly burst into the sky above Hong Kong. The whole cloud was so smouldering that even the sun could not be illuminated. The sky in the big sky was like a fault. It was dark, like a reflection in hell, quite scary. !

The black robe flutters in the wind, and the white robe dances. This pair of handsome men and women are suspended in the void, with a mighty majesty, as if they are two heavens, that is, the ground, just a glance, you can make all the creatures Do not die, dominate the ages.

“Is it you?”

Li Jiayu, who is about to become a **** in the epiphany, is slightly shocked by the source of the belief, and the pupils are flashing a slight inconspicuous panic.

She is now at the most critical moment, and she can’t wait to disturb her…


Now I have to disturb her, it is actually two great enemies of time and space slaves!

If they were only two years ago, they were dead but not legendary. Although sometimes the air law bonus can still be a time and space, it is still not enough fear. With Li Jiayu now able to counter the epic level of cultivation, defeat them.

But now…

The two of them turned into an epic!

“Li Jiayu, do not reveal this kind of surprised expression, this is our complete body state, we are the life body created by fate, not dead, immortal, representing time and space, you, how can you Is it our opponent?”

The handsome young man in the black robe twitched his mouth and revealed a white tooth, but his tone was full of a high-pitched taste, as if he tried a chaotic thief in the emperor’s position.

The beautiful woman in the white robe also blinked her eyes, gently rubbing the hair blown by the wind into her ear with a hand, and smiled:

“The fate of the fate of the left arm and the right arm, will it be as weak as you think? If it is not the earth’s will to block. With the strength of my two bodies, one thought is enough to let a continent sink to the bottom of the sea! However, thanks to it The fate of the fate of adults, now, we have begun to fully penetrate the earth world. Even parallel space is no exception…”

Li Jiayu was shocked.

Destiny has already broken into the earth world?

How is it so fast?

Does the goddess of light not say at least half a year?

Say good half-year buffer period, half-year growth period?

If fate really comes so unpredictable, there is no time for humans and gods to rush to prepare for the defense…

Li Jiayu’s nephew shrank, and Ling Ran sighed: “How did you catch up?”

The black robe teenager shrugged and smiled. He said with a smile: “Is it amazing? We have your soul fragments. Although you can’t control you, you can always master your whereabouts and want to catch up with parallel space. Come to attack you, what counts is difficult? Destiny adults have long been able to come to the world to collect the power of faith, so we specially sent us to take the opportunity to pack you!”

The white robe is also smiling with a smile: “You must have a lot of questions, but it doesn’t matter. When you are in front of the fate, you understand everything… Oh, forget to tell you, now the fate is attached to you. Summon the beast.”

The white robe is a girl’s voice.

Li Jiayu’s face changed dramatically and his breathing was not smooth.

In a flash, she keenly captured the information she wanted!

She understands that the fate has mastered her soul fragments. It is because fate is attached to the zombie tyrannosaurus!

The Zombie Tyrannosaurus is a virus-free killing machine with no soul, with super high phagocytosis and combat power, and fate is an indestructible heroic will, the two are simply the perfect combination!

Damn it!

I said how I have always been unreliable!

It turned out to be the big variable of the zombie tyrannosaurus!

Li Jiayu had planned to take time out of the world to find the zombie tyrannosaurus, and surrender it so that it would not be chaotic around the world.

But the plan can’t keep up with the changes. Recently, there have been too many things happening in Li Jiayu. After a wave of unrest, I am busy with it and forget it.

This negligence is organically exploited by fate. With the body of the zombie tyrannosaurus being successfully settled in the earth world, there are endless troubles.

“Wow, what is in the sky, so spectacular… the cracked gap will not lead to the galaxy universe!”

“Look and see, there are two more people in the sky. Looks like a fierce look, will it be the legendary Cowherd and Weaver Girl? Or is it the Supreme Treasure and the Zixia Fairy?”

“What are you doing, and quickly use high-powered telescopes, you must not miss the shot of the three immortals. We want the world to see this historic scene!”

At the same time, people in Hong Kong are also crazy. Everything that has been left behind is looking up at the sky. I am so excited that I can’t do it. It’s a fairy, a fairy is going to reclaim the sea and reversing, then two It’s not even more incredible to have a fairy, and there must be a good show!

Not to mention Hong Kong, people all over the world are excited. It is such a big movement. It is obvious that the gods who are above the top are going to unveil the mystery. It may be to establish a diplomatic rhythm with human beings. This is to reverse the human process. The key moment!

But at this time –

People in Hong Kong have set off a wave of fear. Many people inexplicably sneaked into the ground to vomit blood. Seven people bleed, and those who are weaker are still vomiting and vomiting, just like poisoning!

The scene is unusually spectacular. The people on the street are like cutting wheat. They can’t afford to fall into pieces. They mourn and hold their ears and roll around. It’s terrible…

People are still like this, not to mention the small animals in Hong Kong. The cats, dogs and cats that people raise are all madly mourning the ground, the small direct visceral hemorrhage is serious, and the small ones such as the sparrow goldfish guinea pig crab Pets are directly violent and die!

In the air of the entire Hong Kong city, there was a faint blood fog!

What happened in the end?

Because of the pressure!

The life energy of the two epic creatures is too horrible. They intend to do it directly in Hong Kong. It is only a slight release of momentum, which is enough to shock everyone and seriously suffocate and die!

“Li Jiayu. Let’s just smash it, you are escaping, and it is also awkward to do unnecessary struggles.”

“If you don’t have a hand, the six billion humans on this planet will be ruined by you!”

When they say that they are playing, the two people in the void are sweeping out a wave of violent energy. If the sea is like a prison, it will be difficult to turn the sky, and almost half of the sky will be turned over.

“Jokes, I want to catch me with your two dragons? I’m crazy!”

Playing is a slave to time and space, but Li Jiayu can escape.

What is the chance to give up this opportunity to become a god?

As long as she escapes to the original world, she can summon two super Saiyan people. When the deer is dead, it is not necessarily the case. Sun Wukong and Vegeta are so strong. Even if they can’t kill the time and space, the slaves can beat them seriously and they will be defeated.

If she wants to do it, Li Jiayu immediately recalls her 10,000 avatars and returns to the body. At the same time, she stops the power of absorbing faith. Relining herself to the strongest fighting stance, she “squats” in front of her to hold up the light shield, and lay a lot of water, fire, flower, light enchantment.

“Haha, Li Jiayu, you thought that laying these things would give you a chance to breathe, so that you can tear open the space to go back? It’s naive, you don’t have a bright god, nothing!”

Seeing Li Jiayu read the spell. In the attempt to tear open the space, the opposite slaves of time and space could not help but laugh wildly. He looked at each other and directly used the power of time and space to block every corner of Li Jiayu’s body!

In particular, the space servants laid a ban within the radius of a hundred miles, disturbing the stability of the space. Originally, Li Jiayu could tear the space in two or three seconds, but now she will not succeed in spending two or three minutes because The ability of space servants to manipulate multidimensional space is too powerful and sophisticated!

Time slaves are unambiguous. The power of time is applied to those bodyguards to speed up the speed of their energy. Only in a blink of an eye, Li Jiayu’s enchantments are weakened by half, and it looks like a lot of light!

“Not good!”

Li Jiayu’s face is white!

She is not the first time to play against an epic overlord.

But for the first time, she is now an opponent who is so proficient in time and space. The talent of the slaves of time and space is simply unsolvable, and I am afraid that the epic level will be thrown down by them.

Li Jiayu also survives in the dimension of time and space. It is difficult to avoid the shackles of time and space. She is like a goldfish in a fish tank, and the slave of time and space is the master of the bathtub.

In the face of time and space servants, what moves are stunned, all in vain, unless Li Jiayu can have an epic level, can greatly immunize the power of time and space, otherwise she is impossible to be the opponent of time and space slaves.

Seeing that he has already gained the upper hand, the black robe juvenile said to his companion: “Li Jiayu also has an air transport and can always recover from life and death. In order to avoid extra-budgets, we should not seal her, directly hands and put her limbs. Interrupted, and then separated her soul from the flesh, to ensure that she could no longer resist, and then brought her to the fate of adults, then I went to catch Yang An and speed up the maturity of her seeds.”

The white robe matured her head and shook her head: “No matter, she can’t show us the palm of my hand. The Protoss Mozu has been restrained by the fate of the adults. It is impossible to protect her again. Moreover, this is not her own face, she is also impossible to use. The summoning technique, in front of us, she is the fish on the cutting board, how to slaughter how to slaughter!”

The black robe boy thought about it and nodded: “Hey… you don’t worry about changing outside the festival?”

“Ha, what changes can be made? In this time and space, can human aircraft cannons stop us? Slowly play with her, and then catch Yang An is not too late, but fate is explained, she is the tree of the resurrection. The key, and before the sacrifice of her, her blood can not be broken.”

“Oh… then let’s do it…”


At this moment, the slaves of time and space joined forces, directly mobilizing all the forces, and even taking the power of a thousand miles of space, the power of five hundred years, the strength of that power, to what extent?

It’s simply unimaginable, even if it’s ruining the earth, it’s hard to describe it. I’m afraid that the ordinary epic level will be beaten up in the face of the body!

When this power came out, the entire world was completely heavy. The land below Hong Kong was deeply sunken. The sound of the break of the “咔嚓嚓” was heard on the ground. The buzz is even stronger. Every second, there are a lot of weak people who mourn and faint.

The power of time and space superimposed by the two epic hegemons is like a thundering mountain top, falling from the sky and crushing the whole world. The horrible pressure makes it difficult for all living beings to breathe!

Li Jiayu’s face is more dignified than ever.

This horrific law of sexual assault. It is not that she can resist, the only way is to hide, but under the double blockade of time and space, where can she hide?


A loud noise.

All the guardian enchantments of Li Jiayu, and even her protective sacred mask, were all under the violent attack of the other party. At the touch of a pinch, it turns into pieces of debris, which is reduced to the purest energy and dissipated with the wind.

The huge impact force is directly on her undefended body, even if her body is tempered. Even a nuclear bomb could not hurt a cold hair, but it was still under the force of time and space. It was shot hundreds of miles away. It seemed like a flying meteor that was heavily plunged into the ocean and stirred up. Awkward white waves!


Li Jiayu struggled to roll in the sea and swallowed a few mouthfuls of salty water. Her heart was furious and hate almost burned the nine heavens, but her skin had already been in the space, cracking countless blood marks, and a lot of shocking blood rushed out, even in the sea. The **** red faint!

She is very strong, but under the cutting of space, the flesh is also extremely fragile, and time is able to easily escape her energy and vitality.

She is in the sea, but it is impossible to turn any waves…

“call out”

Li Jiayu suddenly flew up from the sea. Do not use the Holy Light to stop bleeding, so let the blood on the skin crack the blood, her blue eyes turn slightly, barely and coldly glance at the slaves of time and space, bite the teeth and hate:

“Do you really think that I am eating and dying? Wrong. Although I am escaping, I am really anxious, and you have to bury me!”

As soon as the voice fell, Li Jiayu raised a blue flame, like a ghost fire, cold and evil, with a faded beauty.

Unexpectedly, the opposite time and space slaves laughed loudly, laughing hysterically, laughing without mercy:

“Oh? You are going to die together? Is this the burning soul ban that you are proud of? Do you really think this trick was developed by you? Burning the soul can burst dozens or even hundreds of times. The fighting power, such anti-day taboo skills, based on your qualifications and IQ, can not be developed for a thousand years, this is the talent that belongs to the world tree family, you will, the fate of adults will also, even, he has I found a way to restrain the burning soul, otherwise he would also avoid the light goddess three points!”

“Yes, the fate of adults has already passed this method to us. What we do is to restrain you, so that you can no longer be an odd number that fate can’t master!”

As soon as the voice fell, there were dense black and white runes that appeared on top of each other. They formed a mysterious arrangement, and they also recited spells. The time and space in the sky seemed to have a reverse. The will is holding the soul of Li Jiayu.

“Damn! Why is this happening!”

Li Jiayu was really moved, and her lips became bloodless, because she found that no matter how it was motivated, she could not burn her own soul, let alone the power to get jade and stone. On the contrary, she was in the will. Under the imprisonment, the power continued to run out, and when she was not breathing, she was weak and unable to move.


Li Jiayu, who lost his strength, fell directly from the air, and fell in disarray in the sea of ​​rolling water, like a scale, helplessly sinking to the bottom of the sea.

But she hasn’t sunk for a few seconds, and her body has been pulled by a force of time and space. The next moment, “snap”, the space is transmitted, and suddenly appeared in front of the slaves of time and space.

The black palm of the juvenile’s large palm gripped her throat tightly, and she couldn’t breathe. The pale face showed a few weak redness.


Suddenly, four bursts of sound, accompanied by four brilliant blood blooms.

It was actually a white robe and a mature woman. With all the incredible power, Li Jiayu’s limbs were all interrupted. The joint distortion was not counted. There were also four **** wounds with big fists. The bones were deep, but the joints were broken. .

The white robe matured her fingers and took a look at the blood on the shoulder of Li Jiayu. She gave it to her mouth and tasted it. Then she showed her intoxicated expression and smiled slightly:

“Li Jiayu, Li Jiayu, you have today, don’t stare at us with this kind of fire-breathing eyes. This is the result of your destiny. From the beginning, your destiny is already doomed. No matter how you struggle, you still have to fulfill you. The mission, since it is a seed, you should take root, isn’t it?”

The black robe teenager frowned and said: “Well, it is enough to make trouble. Quickly separate her soul from the flesh. The fateful adult is waiting for us to return to life.”

“Hey, I can’t bear to see that I tortured her, right? When did you learn to pity the jade? Well? I have been with you for so long, why haven’t you seen me pity?”

The white robe mature woman couldn’t help but swear, but she also knew that it was a good thing to do business righteously. When she raised her hand, she shot it on Li Jiayu’s head.

In an instant, Li Jiayu’s brain violently vibrated, like the end of the world, turning around, the pain is difficult, just as the soul is crushed into a crush…

In the moment of losing consciousness…

Li Jiayu looked like a flower in the eyes and recalled all the bitterness since rebirth. There are regrets and disappointments. There are despairs and losses. I really didn’t expect that the final result was actually extremely sad. She was attacked by the enemy on the eve of her becoming a god. Strike, kill all hope and future in the hustle and bustle…

Is the mountain poor?

Perhaps, it’s really a mountain of water…

However, there is one thing that is very regrettable. This parallel space trip is to explore the mystery of the dark octopus, but I never thought that I had to start looking for octopus. I was faced with the catastrophe. I was afraid… There is no chance.

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