Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1626 - Pre-war confusion

At the same time as dyeing Hongxia is promoted and detached –

A vast circle of energy fluctuations also permeated from Li Jiayu’s body, and even the surrounding air was stirred up and spread out. It seemed to disappear into this space and emerged. . .

The goddess of light is still riding on Li Jiayu. She can’t help but be surprised. The joy comes from the heart, and she has a lot of hard work. She excitedly opened her lips and tried her best to calm herself:


Li Jiayu whispered: “Well, it became.”

The bright goddess trembled with the lips, sobbing in a low voice, tears streaming down her bright and beautiful cheeks, slipping down to Li Jiayu’s body, hot, hot, let Li Jiayu know how much bitterness and tears contained in the tears Pay.

“Great, detached, my perfect masterpiece, you finally become the Creator, we have the chance to win the battle!”

Li Jiayu sighed softly and looked up at the pure blue sky. At the same time, she stood up and embraced the graceful goddess of the goddess of light, and took her down from her body, ending the opportunity to merge with each other.

“The opportunity is just an opportunity… the odds are not big.”

“The odds are not big, but as long as we go all out, there will be a return! In this battle, Xu Sheng will not be defeated!”

The goddess of light steadfastly said, and at the same time she also took a move, illusioned the bright veil to cover her perfect body, although riding on Li Jiayu made her very comfortable and comforted, almost forgot all troubles, but her strength well. It’s not a person who is greedy for fun, so after Li Jiayu is promoted to detachment, stop and stop. No love, even if she is a little empty and itchy, there will be no more ideas.

After all, the fate of the present is too strong, and it is possible to destroy the planet in minutes. That is clearly a sword hanging over their heads.

“Well, you can rest assured. I will try my best!”

Li Jiayu also stood up, and when he thought about it, he instantly turned back to the hot and beautiful woman. At this time, Bai Jiayu was considered to be the first beauty under the true starry sky, and Jasmine and Black Jiayu were far behind, the temperament and appearance. figure. Nowhere is imperfection, it is the most outstanding stunner under the whole day, as if it combines the most beautiful side of all life.

In particular, the vast, deep, mysterious temperament brought to her by the super-de-gradation is like the deepest mystery of the universe. When she sees her, she will be immersed in her life and can no longer be freed.

“We are the last blood of the world tree… Jiayu, remember. It is not to do our best, but to win! Even if we will sacrifice in the end. We must also die with the fate, and must not let him destroy this cosmic plane, then It is the most proud masterpiece of our mother. No matter who it is, it cannot destroy the bustling world created by the mother tree!”

The bright goddess Jasmine sorted out the messy wet hair, looked at Li Jiayu, and also had a sharp color on the pink cheeks of the yu. The rhyme and the misty eyes were full of decisive determination.

Li Jiayu lowered her eyes and whispered: “Well… I understand…”

The bright goddess found out that Li Jiayu was not right. She quickly took her hand and asked: “How did you get rid of Jiayu? If you are promoted and detached, you should be mad at it!”

“No, I just feel a sense of mental exhaustion…”

“Well? Is it because I am riding on you, so it is too tired to make you too tired? I thought you could afford it…”

“…No, I have even experienced Liu Yinsha, how can I be afraid of you?” Li Jiayu shook his head in a smile, and turned to some confused: “Jasmine, I just lost my direction, even fate is The seal was defeated, but the lost relatives and friends were no longer able to recover… Yang An, octopus, black jade, and earth people from different worlds, my followers…”

The goddess of light is a face: “Jiayu, now is not a sentimental time, you should not be confused, you should take a revenge heart, bring the anger of the sky to find the fate of revenge! He let you lose much, You will let him pay back a hundred times, and you will only seal him, so that your last loved one will live, otherwise you will lose everything.”

Li Jiayu sighed: “Well… I understand, I will do my best to avenge them, even if it is broken, it will not make the fate better!”

Having said that, Li Jiayu sadly found that his mental state is quite unsatisfactory. After he was promoted and detached, he saw it very open. Life is like a flower that has passed away in her eyes. Does it really make sense? The flowers that have passed away today, It will still be open tomorrow…

She suddenly wavered, her spiritual level is too high, she even has the ability to tear open the gap of the main plane, flee to another time and space dimension, completely leave this three thousand world, escape the trace of fate.

Even if all the living things in this three thousand world are destroyed…

But in the future, there will still be new life bodies to replace…

Flowers bloom, spring and autumn, the reproduction of life is a cycle, even the goddess of light is life, she may die today, but how to die, after millions of years, mega-years, there will still be Her almost new bright goddess appeared…

No, not just her…

Even the world tree is the same…

Maybe after billions of years, after the 3,000-world world has reached its end and broken, in another corner, a new world tree will be born, and a new Li Jiayu will be born, and there will be new prosperous human beings. world……

Life is in a cycle, life and death are ringing, and the rise and fall of civilization is also on the rise and fall…

Do not!

Can’t continue thinking about it!

How can I have this strange idea!

I am a human being!

I want to protect the earth!

Jasmine is my sister and my woman, I want to fight for her!

I want to avenge their hatred for the octopus!

Yes, the fate of the decisive battle is my final obligation, and there is no escape!

Li Jiayu warned herself, but for some reason, she sadly found her eyes more and more strange…

It’s like that I was just a bottle of bacteria in the nutrient solution, but suddenly I changed myself from bacteria to train employees!

She can not only manage the bottle of nutrient solution, but even she found that there are hundreds of bottles of nutrient solution in the box, and there are hundreds of billions of small bacteria in each bottle of nutrient solution!

The dispute between the bacteria is disturbing, life and death, where can affect her, everything is nothing but cloud data for her!


Just as Li Jiayu’s confidence was shaken, Li’s next voice sent a slight nasal sound, and he woke up.

He opened his eyes and shot two golden lights, just like the rising sun and the darkness. The golden light sprinkled the whole world, dazzling, and made peace between heaven and earth.

There is no doubt that Li Wuxin at this time has also stepped into the detachment!

Li Wuxin, Li Jiayu, and dyed Hongxia, the three will be the three trump cards against the fate! (To be continued.)

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