Apocalyptic Black Technology System

Chapter 115 - Haunted

He Suran ignored these flying locust monsters. His performance of the wind owl was even above the nightingale flying vehicle, and it didn’t take long before he could throw away the flying locust behind.

敢 He dared to drive in the wind in the Aodong city under the night for a reason.

From the previous church battles, he can see that the worm nest that administers this area of ​​Aodong City should be far away. The worm’s strain rate is relatively slow. With his speed and concealment, he can fully use the worm Chao’s weakness in timeliness, with the advantage of air, smoothly passed through the urban area of ​​Aodong City.

This is indeed the case. The wind swept across the high sky of the urban area. In the night, it seemed like a very insignificant bird, and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye. It could not even capture its starting point and fall. Point, can only be surprised to see it glanced past the figure of that second.

What Su Ran didn’t know was that in the vicinity of Dongcheng District, the two sphere monsters suddenly seemed to “smell” something. They searched everywhere and suddenly found their direction. They instantly adjusted and swept at high speed. Over the earth, “gallop” towards this side.

At this moment, Su Ran had already landed at the mine site.

He used the equipment on the windshield to directly scan which warehouse has the original ore hoarding, and flew all the way.

In fact, at this time, his new battleship with a cost of 3,000 resource points was already built, but Su Ran was not in a hurry to launch it.

Su Ran, who was chased by the sky’s mother nest before, hasn’t forgotten it. Now that this area is empty, Su Ran managed to withdraw from the safe area, but he didn’t want to be followed again.

It is definitely not enough to hold a battleship. Su Ran is better to hide first.

When the wind was gone, Qiao Xiangchen couldn’t help but said, “What are we doing here? Do you want to use the space capsule to move the original ore?”

Wu Suran ignored him, and went all the way into the warehouse in front of him, and did not avoid it. In front of Qiao Xiangchen’s face, he began to gather the raw ore inside.

有 There are a lot of raw ore here that have not been processed and have not undergone beneficiation. The military may find it meaningless to take these away. At this time, it is cheaper.

However, his system also likes this kind of stuff containing various messy impurities.

Su Ran back and forth, closed three warehouses, the resource point soared like a rocket, it can be up to eight thousand!

More than 8,000 resource points!

Plus his original resource point, this account is counted, his resource point rushed to the 16,000 mark in one fell swoop!

Su Suran exhaled slightly, feeling a little happy.

Qiao Xiangchen, who was behind him, became more and more frightened.

In the church today, he thought that this was a powerful awakening warrior. Later, when he was in the air-raid shelter, he felt that Su Ran was a person in the mysterious scientific research organization. By now, he is completely stunned. .

I collected raw ore from three warehouses in this minute. What kind of trouble is this?

Even if it’s space folding technology or something, this is too exaggerated?

Wu Qiao Xiangchen looked at Su Ran gazing behind him, and even came up with an unbelievable thought—this article, can’t it be an alien?

If it was normal and encountered such a strange state, Qiao Xiangchen estimated that he had been asked on the ground for a long time, but now, Su Ran saved him, and on the other hand, he looked at Su Ran’s equipment and skills today— —The most important thing is that equipment. Qiao Xiangchen took a look. He who has lost a lot of blood, if he really starts, who is holding the ground is really unknown!

Xun Qiao turned over to Chen Chen’s heart and said: No, this matter must be reported to the superior …

Su Ran is an alien, and with his knowledge of Qiao Xiangchen, it seems that he can also guess Qiao Xiangchen’s determination to report to his superiors, but this is exactly what Su Ran wants.

Xi Qiao Xiangchen is the top army in the army. This time he is responsible for defending the scientific research team. If he returns with the weapon of the next generation Thor on the dark side and reports the situation of Su Ran, he will definitely attract attention.

In this way, no matter whether the leader of the ice city Chen’s fleeing team can successfully reach the Beijing, Su Ran can open a passage to the military and create opportunities for his cooperation with the military.

Also, at this time Su Ran was excited–

16,000 resource points.

The first thing Su Suran thought of was how to use it.

Su Ran’s first idea was to build a ship!

什么 Which is not ferocious, Laozi Sky Sky Nest?

Twenty-six thousand, I built ten destroyers, and more than a thousand unmanned attack aircraft, to see who is the ocean!

But this idea only passed through Su Ran’s mind slightly, because he soon realized that, compared with the sky mother nest, even if he had ten heroic destroyers and thousands of nothing, Human-machine, human-sea tactics may not be their opponents.

Wu Suran and Qiao Xiangchen stepped out of the last warehouse, and walked towards Feng Zhi, who was at the first warehouse location in front of them, while silently flipping through the third-level manufacturing list that only he could see, thoughtfully.

In the end, his eyes fell on the most expensive thing on the price list.

High temperature melting nano clouds.

Looking at the cost of the 10,000 resource point, Su Ran pursed her lips, hesitated for about a second, still shouted in her heart with some trembling.

Instantly, the system responded.

[Dear host, the high-temperature melting nano-cloud weapon has entered the manufacturing sequence. 】

[Estimated manufacturing time: 5 o’clock. 】

时间 The manufacturing time of this thing is not expensive.

However, looking at the stock of resources that he had just returned to 16,000, it suddenly became more than 5,000. Su Ran only felt that his heart was bleeding.

Just now he was so rich ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ In a blink of an eye, he has no resources!

This resource point is too expensive!

However, this is also a decision made by Su Ran after thinking.

In the face of worm tide tactics, the most important thing is not to set up your own worm tide against them, but to destroy the mother’s nest.

Therefore, Su Ran wants super weapons that can destroy the sky mother’s nest in one blow, not countless low-end fighters that can fight back and forth with insects.

虽然 Although this resource is painful, Su Ran believes that it will definitely give back its own value.

Suddenly, at this time, Qiao Xiangchen suddenly looked right, holding Su Ran aside, frowning frantically, “What sound?”

声音 The voice is very subtle.

The chirping sound is like some kind of fiercely rubbing the ground, and it’s moving fast from near to far.

In this fierce friction sound, there is also some strange and strange sound, which sounds like a chainsaw rubbing against each other.

Because the voice was very low just now, Su Ran was pondering and hurrying to build the equipment. He didn’t pay much attention, so he heard it clearly.

However, when he heard the voice clearly, he suddenly changed color.

Because of this voice, he is too familiar!

That’s the sound of that sphere monster advancing!

That thing had penetrated almost his entire destroyer, and even the land killer was unloaded by this stuff. Su Ran’s memory of it was too deep. At this time, it was true to hear this voice. His scalp was tingling and his face was green.

Wu Suran cursed: “I have run more than a hundred kilometers in my day and are still chasing me? It’s a worm!”

However, behind this spit, Su Ran was cold in his heart.

The destroyer has crashed, and these two things can still be found along the way. What does this mean? !!

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