Apocalyptic Black Technology System

Chapter 170 - Night light

Chapter 170

Relevant data of several species of Zerg Sky Warfare that did not appear in large numbers in the Northeast Theater were integrated by the military as soon as possible, and after Su Ran’s on-site analysis and confirmation, they were immediately uploaded to each combat unit to ensure No errors in information.

Human air attack formations are advancing at high speed.

However, the performance of the distant sky mother nest seems very “slow”.

Earlier than Su Ran’s Enlighter arrived on the battlefield is the previous missile bombardment. This time the attack killed and killed a large number of war insects. They successfully cleared Su Ran as they attacked a clear space, and also swung open. Most of the clouds will brighten the night sky.

Those battered bugs seemed a little “baffled”.

They don’t seem to know who hit them at all. They can only roughly determine the direction from which the strike came from the location of the damage. They urgently mobilized the war insects to add them, but did not launch a counterattack at all.

This picture is very weird. The human air formations are about to kill them, but they are still looking for enemies like headless flies. They are like an old warrior with old eyes and faint eyes. Although they can barely lift the machine gun in their hands, However, the position of the enemy cannot be determined at all.

Of course, everyone knows that this is not the old swarm.

But they really can’t tell who is attacking them.

空间 In their area, space and time have changed. In other words, it is not the basic space and time that change, but their time and space. Therefore, they will not be able to get out of this area, let alone see the human air attack formations within easy reach.

一旦 Once Su Ran entered a specific area, they also entered the relatively weird space before they could be found by the sky mother nest and the endless war bugs inside.

In fact, if Su Ran had enough ammunition, enough time, and enough manpower, they could completely kill the sky mother nest outside this area. But Zerg ’s two support forces are already on the road, and even more terrifying is the stronger civilization and power that may be “lifted up” by the Zerg.

Therefore, they don’t have enough time, they must take the thunder, grab the sky’s nest in one fell swoop before all the worse changes occur, and break up the hordes of sea-like insects on the Northeast Plain!

Alas, the advance of the air fleet was slow.

Except for a sudden high-speed distance in the beginning, Su Ran deliberately reduced the flight speed of the entire air attack formation and adjusted the formation in the air.

For this battle, the new Beijing City took out almost all the living forces in its hands. There were more than a hundred pure military fighters dispatched, and some retired J-6s even flew back into the sky.

I can say that for this war, the military has already pulled out all its strength. There are various types of fighters. Su Ran reduced speed in cooperation with them to adjust the final attack angle. Although he had just given an impassioned speech, the battle was not fought like this. The combat power of more than 100,000 insect swarms under the unified command of the sky mother nest is extremely powerful. Su Ran’s attack this time must be directly inserted into the insect wave like a scalpel and wiped out in one fell swoop. Sky mother nest.

Once the war has begun, they must go all the way, killing a “tunnel” that leads directly to the sky’s mother nest in the insect tide. Any pause may put them completely into the “mud” of the war insect sea, and the entire army will be wiped out.

With the firepower and defense level of the Enlightened, it is impossible to survive in hundreds of thousands of war insects, especially not only those low-end migratory locusts, but also those advanced combat units.

更 And the more important reason is that Su Ran wants to give the rear troops a “bridge” opportunity.

They must ensure that they will not fall into the same situation as the sky mother’s nest. Ground forces and air forces will complete the construction of a physical bridge for them to anchor the three-dimensional coordinates of the entire human air attack formation.

Of course, there is a downside to doing this.

They are equivalent to opening a way for the swarm. If they do not overcome, the sky mother nest will be smoothly released with the help of humans.

Of course, this risk must be taken. If the Zerg reinforcements arrive, the situation may be even worse.

The puppet formation completed the last formation adjustment in the air.

Wu Suran finally glanced at the time, it was 23:17 at this time.

The announcement of the puppet army is ringing in every corner.

“This is the new Beijing City Command Center. You are one kilometer away from the affected border … nine hundred meters … seven hundred meters …”

The announcement of the new capital is ringing in the corner of each combat unit.

On the fighter, the pilot tightened the joystick, and on the destroyer, the main pilots stared so hard that they couldn’t even blink.

“… 500 meters …”

In the distant air, the swarms of insects that have been cleared by missile rain have filled about a fifth of the gap.

怪物 The monsters howled and yelled, looking blankly for targets, “ignoring” the human fleet close at hand.

“… three hundred meters … two kilometers from the frontier swarm …”

Su Suran spoke in a deep voice, and his voice was instantly transmitted to the main pilots of the seven destroyers: “The main gun is ready!”

Twenty-seven laser guns started to gather a little starlight.

At the forefront of the array, Su Ran’s Enlighter is also showing “fangs.”

The defensive baffle of the main gun of the Enlightened is sinking down the hull, exposing the muzzle of the superconducting magnetic gun under it ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ At the same time, on both sides of the Enlightened, the armor The board also rises layer by layer, with two 25-mounted rocket launchers on each side of the wings slowly probing the fangs, and in the sound of heavy metal transmission, probing the muzzle, and then rotating to adjust the direction , Diagonally pointing forward.

At this moment, the distance reminder from the military side has not ended.

“… one hundred meters …”

“… fifty meters …”

“Fire !!!!”

When the three words, fifty meters, fell into Su Ran’s ear, he immediately issued an order to fire.

The Qiming Ming took the lead in firing. The flames of the rocket launcher reflected the dark paint of the Qiming, while the heavy shells fired by the superconductive magnetic gun were moving forward.

However, faster than these physical ammunition are directed energy weapons.

The firing of the seven laser guns from the seven destroyers was about half a second later than that of the Enlightened, but the dark red rays that penetrated the world came later, and instantly surpassed the physical bombs running in midair. In terms of effect, such a close-range bombardment seems to have shot through the swarm of insects in the sky at the moment of launch!

Uh …

Uh …

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