Apocalyptic Black Technology System

v4 Chapter 16 - Tear


Kyushu Island.

Xing Ye Chun Xia was sitting on the nightingale aircraft and slowly lifted off.

The ground became far away, and the angle of view quickly became overlooking. Hoshino Chunxia’s eyes were on the ground. On the earth, a huge giant bug was carrying a large number of humans leaving the survivor base and returning to the ocean.

This is the last evacuation.

But this is not the last batch to evacuate everyone.

There are a large number of survivors who can only stay on this island.

Some survivors have begun to flee to other directions on Dongying Island, and all the old, weak and sick who have voluntarily left the evacuation opportunities to others remain in the survivor base, looking forward to the establishment of the future of Kyushu Island The city was stunned.

Hoshino Chunxia could not take everyone away.

She can only choose to take away people who are more useful for the future.

It may be cruel, but it is a necessary choice.

After this glance, Hoshino Junia slowly turned her head and looked at the tablet in her hand, which showed that she dispersed these survivors and members of the Xinjing Fleet to those places, all survivor bases, countries, and each in the world. Every place will be the new foothold of the people of the Xinjing Fleet.

And the battle in space is coming to an end.

The second huge cone-shaped object was guarded by the dodecahedral spaceship of Proximity Star and landed on Earth. This time it landed on the Northeast Plain of China, the land of Asia, plunging into Beijing and Longjiang like a wedge. The border zone of the province.

The dense dodecahedron cone-shaped spaceship arched and defended it, and it began to dig down.

One Pacific Ocean, one Northeast Plain.

No one knows what these two things that the Proximity Star Fleet dropped.

Is at least not yet informed.

And at this moment, the pilot of the Nightingale suddenly shouted, “Found the enemy!”

Hoshino Chunxia changed her face and color, and looked up the window as soon as she raised her head.

A flash of light was shining on the sky, like a galaxy falling towards the earth, approaching them at a high speed.

Before approached, the dense rays had penetrated through the sky, bombarding the survivor base on the ground and the war worms carrying the last batch of evacuating survivors.

A loud noise.

A war worm was hit by three horrible laser beams, and three penetration wounds with a diameter of about two meters were exploded on the body. The head was directly opened halfway, and the body was only slightly shaken, pushing the Jinshan inverted jade column. The collapse of the whole earth shook violently, and the survivors riding the war worm fell down like dumplings, screaming and falling into serious injuries and howling.

But at this time, there is no rescue, no one can lend a helping hand.

With their current combat power, they simply cannot be rivals of the Proximity Star Fleet.

According to the current data, there are at least more than a hundred of the twelve-sided cone-shaped spaceships of Proximity Star attacking the headquarters of the Xinjing Fleet of Kyushu Island.

This is an opponent that is simply unmatched.

Hoshino Chunxia issued a series of orders to prevent the opponent from being confronted, and those huge war bugs seemed to feel something in the underworld, or perhaps they received orders from the Queen of Swarms, and they also accelerated their pace on the ground. Running at a great pace.

The earth rumbling and trembling, some of the survivors who sat on it were not able to fix and sit firmly, and even were thrown off on the spot.

In a further position, the temporary survivor base is being engulfed by the explosion.

A Proximity Star dodecahedron cone-shaped spacecraft approaching at high speed quickly formed a mid-air array, forming a huge laser disc, heading down from the sky above the future city, the terrible laser beam was being built halfway from the center, and the future city was the highest The building of the new Beijing headquarters command building came down.

The flash of the shock shines in the world.

The ground cracked and the future city collapsed in the loud noise.

A large number of Proximity Star dodecahedron conical warships were turned and killed. On one side, they killed the living people in the temporary survivor base, and on the other side, they killed the fleeing fleet and chased them crazy.

This is almost one-sided slaughter.

Even the nightingale of Hoshino Chunxia was also hit, and the wings were billowing and smoking, and he had to descend all the way …

“Damn! Damn!”

Hoshino Chunxia ’s pupils reflected the death feast, her teeth clenched and her eyes red, but she was helpless. She could n’t even guarantee her survival. She could only watch the Protestant Star Fleet launch this massacre The fleet was destroyed.

The only thing to be thankful is that she has already evacuated most of the people who can evacuate …

And at this moment, a surprised voice rang on one side.

“Look! What is that ?!”

Hoshino Junxia turned her head in surprise, and was seeing the surging seawater, a figure was slowly rising.

Dull silver-gray skin, bright vertical pupil, slender body.

That is Meng Yibai.

The girl was rising from under the sea. With her rise, blisters swelled in the ocean, followed by a rapid increase, and a low-end deep-sea war worm with a grim-looking appearance poured out from the ocean.

They do not pose any threat to the neighboring star fleet, but they are not afraid of death. They stack on top of each other under the order of the empress and actively use their lives to resist the death beam of the neighboring star fleet.

And Meng Yibai was lifted higher and higher under the support of a giant sea snake-like creature. Her eyes were like electricity, staring directly at the Proximity Star dodecahedron spaceship.

A penetrating laser beam tears the sky and hits her, and she raises her arm slightly.

The space seemed to be twisted at this moment, and the laser beam carrying horror energy seemed to hit a folding mirror in mid-air ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ A large piece of luminous dispersion was flowing out of the ground, and then it was deflected by thirty degrees. Seventy meters away from Meng Yibai, “passed by” and crashed into the sea behind the girl.

Meng Yibai was raising his arm to face the dodecahedron conical spaceship.

Dark energy can surge in space.

The dome-shaped cone-shaped spaceship Proximity Star propelled at high speed suddenly stagnate, as if stuck in a quagmire, and as it advanced, its speed became slower and slower, and the shield on it seemed not to be attacked. Under the circumstances, an eggshell-like deconstruction suddenly appeared, and then, it twisted and deformed under unknown pressure.

Meng Yibai’s pupils are becoming bright, her silver hair dances violently, and even the six decorative lines on her face shine brightly.

Is by her side as if a storm is surging.

Then, there was a click.

The light on the dodecahedron cone-shaped spacecraft instantly extinguished, and the entire spaceship was torn directly out of thin air in the center, breaking into two halves, and fell violently towards the sea below.

Meng Yibai stumbled, his face became pale, and almost fell off the sea snake’s back.



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