Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Chapter 40

Chapter 40 It seems to be Su Su

Su Su narrowed his eyes and sat in the car motionless, watching outside the open steel door. A Volvo drove in. The car was fast, with black and red blood stains and internal organs hanging on the lights, from the side of Su Su’s car. Soon, he entered the villa area.

It must be the owner in the community that can let the door of the villa area open automatically. This villa area is not owned by Su Su alone. People can escape from being surrounded by zombies. That is their ability. They want to find a place to live. After a short rest, Su Su couldn’t drive people out either.

She just glanced at the license plate of the Volvo, always feeling that the license plate number has an indescribable sense of familiarity. She can’t remember it anymore, so Su Su didn’t think about it. She stepped on the accelerator and went out. Going through the gate of the villa area, it runs counter to that Volvo.

“The driver seems to be Su Su!”

In Volvo, Xie Qingyan in the passenger seat pulled off his dirty white down jacket and turned his head to speak to Xie Yaoshi, who was driving. There were a lot of blood stains on his down jacket and his neck was bandaged. My hair is messy and greasy, and it looks embarrassing.

Xie Yaoshi’s eyebrows dazzled, the car slowed down a bit, and he glanced at Xie Qingyan. He seemed to be waiting for Xie Qingyan to say something, but Xie Yaoshi was a little disappointed. After saying that, Xie Qingyan didn’t speak any more. Did not say let him back up to catch up with the military jeep to see what happened.

The whole world was crazy. They finally went through hardships before they ran to the suburban villa area. Seeing that there were fewer zombies around, and now they went out again, Xie Qingyan was absolutely unwilling.

“I’ll take you to my villa first, and then drive out to find Su Su.”

Xie Yaoshi stepped on the gas pedal fiercely. At this moment, he just wanted to quickly send Xie Qingyan to the door of the villa, because he inadvertently glanced at the person sitting in the jeep. It really looked like Su Su. of.

Xie Qingyan in the passenger seat opened his lips and did not speak. He turned his head as if he hadn’t heard what Xie Yaoshi said.

Quickly drove the car into the garage, Xie Yaoshi pressed her lips tightly, without saying a word, led Xie Qingyan out of the car and into the villa, he walked in a hurry, went upstairs, and put on a set of usual workout clothes Sportswear, black plus velvet fabric, high-quality, wears an outstanding person like him, it looks extraordinarily energetic.

After changing clothes, Xie Yaoshi took a deep breath, thought for a while on his cold face, opened the safe under the bedroom closet, swept away the pile of cash inside, and took out a handful from it. A gun, a box of ammunition, and a sports backpack, and packed the remaining boxes of ammunition into the backpack.

Then Xie Yao Shicai ran downstairs. He walked to the door, opened the shoe cabinet, and found a pair of sneakers suitable for running and jumping. While putting on the shoes, he looked back and frowned. He saw Xie Qingyan sitting. On the sofa, the expression on his face still seemed as if he hadn’t recovered, dazed, his cousin was fine with everything, but his mental endurance was too bad.

Xie Yaoshi didn’t care about him, with a gun in his hand and a black sports backpack on his back, he went straight to the garage, backed out of the garage, and went to find Su Su.

Su Su, who was on the military jeep, didn’t know that, just by her carefully arranged nest, two people came to Xie’s family. One was her mortal enemy, and the other was the number one master of the apocalypse in the future. At this moment, she was full of thoughts. They are only placed on those who find Zhuo Shijia as soon as possible.

She walked all the way out of the gate of the Apple Villa area, looking at the bright street lights on the side of the road, a few zombies faintly dangling, Su Su’s hands were itchy, and she rushed up while driving, bumping, bumping, crushing, and crushing, without her. With abilities, without having to do it yourself, a few zombies were tortured into meatloaf for her.

Then Su Su got out of the car to pick up the crystal nucleus, and waited for a while, looking at the zombies a little further away, and slowly moving to her side, Su Su returned to the car impatiently and took it. Rush up the watermelon knife, one knife at a time, just like cutting a watermelon, and split the heads of these zombies in half. With the blade turned over, she picked out the crystal nucleus in their brains and grabbed it in the palm of her hand. .

Looking at the time on her wrist, Su Su looked forward to this road. Basically, she killed several zombies wandering on this road. It took only ten minutes before and after, and she didn’t want to be farther away. I went, because there was not enough time, she was afraid that if she had been out for too long, her parents would find that she was not sleeping in the room and would run out to look for her instead.

Looking at the gas station next to the police station, Su Su walked back to her jeep and set off to the gas station. She had to fill up her jeep, and then find a few smaller oil cans to put in. The kind in the trunk, by the way, ransack the supermarket in the gas station.

There are a few zombies wandering in the gas station, but there are no survivors. It is estimated that the survivors have either become zombies or ran somewhere else. The oil cans are placed in the warehouse next to the supermarket. There are many. The barrels made are of different sizes and specifications, and these are specially provided for customers in need.

Su Su took 10 oil cans of about ten liters, leveled the back seat of the jeep, first filled up his jeep, and then carried the filled oil cans into the car. Only then returned to the supermarket and wiped out the supplies.

She was very careful when she took the supplies. She only took what was needed and didn’t take what was not needed. The family of four didn’t need much at all. Su Su tried her best to get all the daily necessities. Some daily necessities were gone. Can still come out to grab.

Su Su didn’t feel a pity for the supplies that he couldn’t get. Let them lie here. In the future, there may be survivors. A packet of potato chips, a packet of cooked food, or a hall of canned food may be able to get one. The survivors have the courage to live, so why bother to collect everything you can see? I can’t use it up by myself.

After working for hours, Su Su drove to the door of the police station full of supplies, leaving a passenger seat in the car for Zhuo Shijia.

Not long after her car left, Xie Yaoshi’s Volvo followed. Xie Yaoshi in the car thought that he would run into zombies when he exited the gate of the Apple Villa area. Lying on the ground, some became meatloaf, some brains were split, and the brains were scattered all over the floor.

He wrinkled his brows, suppressing the disgusting feeling in his heart, and looked all the way along the direction where the zombies were scattered, and finally found the jeep at the door of the police station near the Apple Villa area.

Looking around, Xie Yaoshi found that several zombies around the jeep had been killed, and their deaths were quite miserable. Only two zombies were locked in the two police booths of the police station. Those two zombies seemed to have been lost. IQ, was hitting the glass door, trying to get out, but couldn’t get out, and didn’t know how to unlock it by himself.

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