Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Chapter 49

Chapter 49 We are her burden

“I’m full.” Su Su giggled and reached out to hook Su’s mother’s neck. “Anyway, you and Dad have fixed the defensive plans for this villa. Our family of four drove out for a while. ”


Su’s mother opened her mouth. She was planning to go out with Su’s father to make cement, but Su Su was not included in this plan, but if they didn’t bring Su Su, the bear child would definitely have to run out by himself! So now is it taking Su Su to go out for an adventure, or let the bear kid go out for an adventure?

“Okay, then go out and get cement now!” Su’s father hesitated and nodded, “But the prerequisite, Su Su, you can’t take risks. If your parents are in danger, you just need to sit in the car. ”


Faced with the concession of Su’s father and Su’s mother, Su Su naturally obediently responded. She took the car key with a smile on her face and drove to the garage. By the way, she moved back to the house with the supplies stuffed into the car last night. Su Su’s father and Su’s mother went back to the bedroom to put on clothes and prepare. Su Su had already moved all the supplies.

During this period, neither of Su’s father and Su’s mother had noticed that there was something wrong with the sentence in Su Su’s words. A family of four, she was talking about a family of four!

When Su’s father and Su’s mother changed their clothes and came out of the villa, Su Su had already parked the car outside the iron gate. The street lights in the villa area were on and off. It was obvious that there was insufficient power supply. This was high-end. In the villa area, the street lights inside are powered by solar panels, but maybe the recent weather has been gloomy and lack of sunshine? It’s another reason, anyway, it’s bright and dark, and the surrounding environment is just like making a ghost film.

Su Su drove along with his parents in the dark night, all the way to the outside of the villa area.

Because of Xie Yaoshi’s shooting yesterday, the street that had been cleaned by Su Su, a few zombies wandered from the neighboring neighborhoods, but the number was very small, and there were many newly added zombies on the ground, Su Su sat in the driver’s seat, took a casual look, and probably understood that someone had killed a zombie on this street.

Opposite the Apple Villa area, there are several shops selling construction materials. Under the guidance of Su’s father, Su Su drove the car to a construction material shop. Several nearby zombies gathered around. Father instructed, Su Su unfastened his seat belt, opened the car door with a watermelon knife and jumped down.

“Su Su! Come back!!”

Su’s mother yelled in fright. As soon as she was about to drive the door to rescue Su Su, she saw Su Su’s figure like a cloud and flowing water, spreading her arms and feet comfortably, and in a short while, the surrounding zombies were wiped out. Clean and clean.

In such a short time, Father Su hadn’t had time to get out of the car!

He was sitting in the car, looking at his daughter through the glass window, dancing surrounded by zombies, Father Su pursed his lips, sighed, raised his hand and rubbed his gray hair, looked back and looked stunned. Mother Su, Zhangkou said:

“Look, I said we don’t have to worry, we are her burden when we come out this time!”

“Parents, come out, it’s okay!”

Su Su outside the car, carrying a knife and holding a crystal core in her hand, walked into an open building materials store. She raised her hand to turn on the switch by the door, and the whole shop instantly brightened. Su Su looked up. There are still a lot of things in this shop, but there are bloodstained everywhere, no one and no zombies. On the counter at the door, there are still pens and books. It is estimated that the boss was attacked by zombies when he was doing the calculations? Or become a zombie and attack a guest…

Su’s father got out of the car and walked into the building materials store with his trembling Su’s mother. The two of them endured nausea and turned around. On the second floor of the store, they found ten packs of cement and a bucket of construction glue.

Such small shops are all small businesses. Generally, building materials are bought in such shops. They are all people who are under renovation. There is a temporary shortage of building materials, maybe a few nails, maybe a little bit. Cement, so there is no stock in these stores.

Su’s father went downstairs with a bag of cement while Su’s mother searched for food in the shop. Su Su casually glanced at the boss’s counter, took out a bunch of car keys from inside, and forgot to glance at the pickup truck outside the store. , She walked to the front of the pickup truck and tried it at will. The door of the pickup truck was opened.

“Dad, Mom, we have a car to drag cement!”

Su Su sat in the driver’s seat and happily yelled to the parents in the shop, thinking that every owner of a construction material store would be equipped with such a pickup truck for transporting goods, otherwise he would deliver goods to his door on weekdays. Extremely inconvenient!

It’s just that she shouted, and a few zombies moved after hearing the sound. The activity of the zombies at night is better than that during the day, and the sense of hearing and smell is also more sensitive than during the day. It is just those zombies that came from a distance. The action was too slow, Su Su couldn’t wait, jumped out of the pickup truck, and went to meet the zombies that came over.

In two minutes, Su Su killed the zombies, holding the new, **** crystal nucleus in his hand, rubbed his uncooperative stomach, and retched a few times on the tree pole. Suddenly There was a small sound in his ears, which made Su Su alert.

She straightened her waist and listened carefully, as if it came from a small supermarket opposite. There was no “hoho” sound from zombies. It shouldn’t be a zombie, but it didn’t resemble the sound of normal human activities.

Su Su lifted his feet in flat boots, and walked two steps to the small supermarket with the door open. The faint sound of blood became more apparent, and there was a faint smell of blood in the air, but it was hidden. There is a durian smell.

She gently walked into the supermarket, turned on the light switch on the wall, followed the squeaky sound, picked up the knife to find it, and walked around a shelf. She saw a pair of men’s feet, wearing sneakers, and went up again. Seeing Xie Yaoshi clutching his neck, his face pale and leaning on the shelf, there are a few broken durians beside him, it seems that he was injured, in order to prevent his blood from being smelled by the zombies, he deliberately broke open A few durians, put them by your side.

His head moved slightly, and there were some potato chip bags behind him that made a fine noise, and Xie Yaoshi’s eyes were so dark as he watched Su Su approaching, he raised his head and looked at him silently. Xiang Su Su walked over, with firm facial lines, but hidden fragility in his eyes.

Su Su stood in front of him, with a calm face that made people unable to see what she was thinking about. She raised the watermelon knife in her hand and slowly approached Xie Yaoshi with a sharp blade. In Xie Yaoshi’s subcutaneous artery, she felt a strange feeling in her heart. The future master of the apocalypse is now under her knife, and Xie Yaoshi’s life is gone.

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