Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Chapter 557

Chapter 557 Great is not great

In this life, Su Su has done her best to turn the tide. She tried her best to reduce the death toll in the Eastern District. However, in addition to the Eastern District, there are three districts in the Western District, the South District and the North District. That is not something she can control. There will be Dead people are certain, but the relationship between more deaths and less deaths.

The little Ai in her hand was a little unwilling to stand in place, stepping on the snow in the yard with her little feet. She took Su Su and walked to the outside of the yard step by step. It was snowing again today, and Xiao Ai was already bored at home. Two days later, she must go out to play today, so Su Su couldn’t. When talking with Fang Shuyi, she could only open the door of the yard and lead Xiao Ai down the steps.

Behind him, Fang Shuyi was silent for a moment, followed Su Su and Xiao Ai down the steps, looking into the distance, slowly walked over to a beggar, bowed his back, and his clothes were thin and tattered. Fang Shuyi’s heart was filled with bursts. Feeling uncomfortable, following Su Su and Xiao Ai, said:

“Su Su, let me explain to you now. If I mean, if the situation continues to deteriorate like this, my second uncle means that Bafang Village can absorb some ordinary people, and we will also actively operate and go to the capital base. Transition part of ordinary people.”

Plan for the worst and use the best manpower. This is what Fang Youmei hopes to convey to Su Su through Fang Shuyi. In case Spring City cannot overcome this difficulty, the location of Spring City is stuck in the capital base and Bafang Village. In the middle, there is no other way but to evacuate ordinary people in Spring City to the capital base and Bafang Village.

Xiao Ai, who is only a little big, wears a purple-red children’s down jacket and black tight cotton trousers on her two calves. Mother Su also specially wears a black tutu skirt for Xiao Ai, and she wears little golden boots. Two feet, from the last step, jumped into the snow, then let go of Su Su’s hand, stepped on the snow staggeringly, and walked forward happily.

Su Su thought about Fang Shuyi’s words, while following Xiao Ai, watching Xiao Ai walk by the name Huazi, she glanced at the ragged beggar at random, but she didn’t want to. The beggar was full of faces. It was because of the inferiority complex that he lowered his head and concealed himself, as if he didn’t want to teach Su Su to see him.

But Su Su could still see the ugly face of this beggar, like a bowl, the collapsed face, as ugly as possible, she just stood in the snow, looking at this ugly man, weird Asked:

“Huh?! Why are you? Where have you been these days?”

The ugly man shrank his shoulders, lowered his head, and did not answer Su Su. Su Su could not get an answer from the ugly man, so he remembered that this ugly man had his tongue cut off by He An and Hua Hua, and his throat was also damaged. No, he couldn’t answer Su Su.

So Su Su smiled and said: “Okay, I won’t ask you anymore. Are you not a fire-type supernatural power? I think your power level is still quite high. Spring is now recruiting fire-type supernatural powers. At any rate, I can mix clean clothes and eat my food, you can go to his place to report.”

In the snow, the ugly man lowered his head and shrank his shoulders with inferiority. He didn’t listen to Su Su’s words, and he didn’t know if there was a problem with his ears. He just glanced at Su Su and quickly lowered his head, leaning against his already condensed After crossing a layer of ice, he sat down, holding his knees in his hands, quietly looking at the door of the orphanage.

Su Su turned her head strangely, followed the ugly man’s gaze and looked at the door of the orphanage. It happened that the door of the orphanage was pulled open. Shi Xin, who had a big belly, looked as if out of breath. A hand propped against the door, looking at Su Su panting.

“What’s wrong with you? Isn’t it about to give birth?”

Su Su looked at Shi Xin like this, and was shocked. He ran forward two steps quickly, caught Xiao Ai who had been walking forward, and walked two steps in Shi Xin’s direction.

Behind her, the ugly man who was sitting in the corner suddenly stood up anxiously and rushed towards Shi Xin, but he was thinking of his ugly face, and suddenly stopped, retreated, and kept retreating. He stepped back to the wall, looking at Shi Xin sadly and anxiously in his eyes.

Shi Xin had a pale face, leaning on the door frame, shook his head, with a layer of sweat on his forehead, and said weakly to Su Su: “It’s okay, my due date has not arrived yet. Doctor Zhuo said that I am a fake palace. It’s okay to shrink, Dr. Zhuo told me to take a walk every day, which helps me to give birth.”

“Yes, you have to give birth easily, otherwise, depending on such a living environment, the risk of a cesarean section is too great.”

Seeing Shi Xin like this, Su Su raised his eyebrows and smiled. In the impression, Shi Xin should have always been a character like a charming girl. A little bit of pain would make him call for a long time. Tofu, such a woman, in order to give birth to her own child, follow the doctor’s advice every day, insist on walking, and dare not slack in the slightest. This is maternal love, is it great?

The ugly man behind Su Su squatted in the corner shrank with tears in his eyes, then looked at Shi Xin, holding his stomach up, and walking down the steps with difficulty, moving his bloated body forward along the corner. At this moment, the ugly man stood up suddenly and ran away like crazy.

Also watching Su Su, who was struggling with Shi Xin’s labor, took a strange look at the back of the ugly man, and a very complicated feeling suddenly rose in his heart. I couldn’t tell why, but I felt a little sad.

Then I heard Fang Shuyi standing next to her, and said: “According to the geographical location, there is a direct highway from Spring City to Beijing. It may be easier to walk than to Bafang Village, but inside the Beijing base It’s not as concerted as the rumors of the outside world, although it is now a base, my father, Fang Youli, doesn’t have much say in the base in Beijing.”

When saying this, Fang Shuyi’s tone was full of regret and helplessness. The person who proposed to withdraw was Fang You-mian. Why should Su Su’s Pupa Town accept those useless burdens? According to this idea, in fact, the capital base should accept all the survivors of Spring City.

However, in the entire Spring City, there are 400,000 people who are full of money. This 400,000 population is beyond the control of the Fang family. These 400,000 people follow Fang Youmei on the road, and the Fang family is responsible for these 400,000 people. , But if it is a journey of thousands of miles, dragging 400,000 people on the road with all the hard work, the people from the capital base will attack the other party in groups.

At present, I am afraid of cumbersome everywhere. The cumbersomeness of 400,000 people is enough to drown the Fang family by the saliva of everyone in the capital base.

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