Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Chapter 585

Chapter 585 Make a big box for growing vegetables

“What are you going to do?” Chunlai’s wife stopped her finger calculation, raised her head and looked at Su Su with doubts, “make toys for the children again?”

“Be a big box for growing vegetables!” Su Su smiled, took a deep breath and exhaled it, a little bit like sighing, and a little bit relieved, then pointed to the group that was on the side of the slide, and waited. The children in the line said to his wife Chunlai: “Will you let the soil child fill up the soil, and then let the wood child plant some vegetables with seeds?”

“I brought it!” Su Mu stood on the edge of the slide, supporting Xiao Ai on the ice steps, looked back at Su Su, and said: “I brought mutant seeds.”

Since the end of the day, Su Mu has had a habit of not knowing whether it is good or bad. She always thinks that the seeds in her hand are mutated seeds. As long as she wants to plant them, those seeds will follow her wishes. , You can grow as fast as you want, so Mother Su always habitually sews some seeds into her underwear.

Especially recently, the Spring City is not peaceful. There is always news that Spring City is about to be broken. Su Su also makes everyone ready to run away at any time, so Su’s mother sews seeds into her thermal underwear when she is fine. , I was so scared that I would run away someday, and I wanted to plant some food and vegetables on the road to eat but there were no seeds.

The seed problem was easily solved by Su Mu. There is no longer any problem to worry about in this underground parking lot. Although the abilities of those small wood type supernatural powers are low, but Su Mu is different from the wood type. If you can make a big shot, the vegetables she spawned alone can meet the needs of hundreds of children in the entire orphanage.

What’s more, Su Mu sewed all kinds of seeds in her underwear. She thought about eating vegetables, but she still couldn’t fill her stomach, so Su Mu sewed a lot of potatoes and sweet potatoes into her clothes. There are also some plump and juicy watermelon, orange, grapefruit and other seeds, which are used to quench thirst on the way to escape.

At this moment, when there are no conditions, it’s best to give birth to potatoes and sweet potatoes, and children can’t eat much. One potato and sweet potato is more than enough to feed a child. And the highest-ranking wood-type small It takes a day or two for a person with supernatural powers to spawn a potato and sweet potato.

But it doesn’t matter, these seeds of Mother Su’s are all “mutated seeds”. Under the care of Mother Su from time to time, those little supernaturalists can give birth to a potato and sweet potato in ten minutes.

After the earth-type supernaturalists filled the metal box for growing vegetables with fine soil, they made two mounds on the ground. The two small fire-type supernaturalists raised two mounds on the made mounds. Tuanhuo, my wife buries potatoes and sweet potatoes in the mound and roasts them in spring.

She did this back and forth twice, and the rest of the children would do it. Some of the more playful children were still playing on the slides, while some sensible children had already helped in baking potatoes and sweet potatoes.

Xiaoai watched her brothers and sisters turning potatoes and sweet potatoes in the soil on the edge of the fire. She thought it was fun. She stopped playing the slides, and lay on the edge of the soil. She used her little fingers to plan the soil. Godsend watched. , Immediately followed Xiao Ai’s butt, and had to play with the dirt.

Zhuo Shijia couldn’t, so she had to help Godsend, and by the way, she helped to look after Xiao Ai, lest Xiao Ai played too ecstatically and would rush into the fire.

Two hours later, the little man made two big boxes for growing vegetables. Seeing that he had been trapped for so long, it was estimated that the weather outside was not too early, so he made a lot of metal for these children. The bed is intended for the children to sleep. Although there is no quilt, it is better than sleeping on the ground.

Su Su got up, holding a hot potato in her hand, while cooling the potato, she slowly turned around the underground parking lot. She wanted to find out if there was any stairs that could be used to walk on the road surface.

Now, this underground parking lot is divided into two by Su Su. One side is where she stays with the children in the orphanage, and the other is where the survivors stay. In this parking lot, the entrance and exit are just a passage. Now This passage is located on the side where the survivors stayed, but it has collapsed. If you want to save yourself from it, you have to dig out the collapsed ruins little by little.

In addition, there is an emergency escape door on the side where Su Su is staying. You can take the stairs to the ground, but it also collapsed. Open the yellow emergency door, which is filled with pieces of reinforced concrete. , Strictly, can’t get out at all.

If you want to go out, you also need to clean up the ruins in the escape door, but it is impossible to rely on these children to clean up. Su Su’s water people can do this, but it also takes time, not one or two. Things that can be done in a few hours.

Or, go back and have a good rest. Anyway, in this underground parking lot, there is food and drink now, so I don’t rush out anymore.

Thinking of this, Su Su turned around, planning to put Xiao Ai to sleep, but saw Mother Su rushing over, saw Su Su, and said anxiously:

“Su, you are here, I will tell you something.”

“Ah? What happened?” Seeing Su Mu’s anxious look, Su Su was startled, not knowing what happened in the few minutes she had just turned her back.

But when she saw Mother Su, she ran to her in two or three steps, stretched out her palm, and said to Su Su with a panic expression: “Look.”

In the palm of Su Mu’s palm covered with dust, a piece of dry branch lay. The branch looked like it was dead and could not die anymore, but in Su Mu’s palm, at a speed visible to the naked eye, A little green came out, and then a young shoot came out.

Su’s mother clapped her hands, discarded the twig that had sprouts in her palms, then lowered her head, and randomly found a dry twig in a corner, flipped her hands, palms facing upwards, the palms of her palms turned up. The twigs inside gave out a young shoot again.

“I don’t have seeds in my hand, so I just touched these dead branches casually. Where did you say the shoots came from? Su Su, is there some extraordinary mutant plant around us” Su Mu looked in a little panic. Su Su, lowered her head and touched her whole body again, “Or, is it because the seeds on my body came outside? It doesn’t make sense. How did these branches come alive?”

As she was talking, a vine suddenly appeared behind Mother Su. The vine swayed back and forth, just like the tentacles of some big monster. It was the dry branch that Mother Su dropped just now. The longer it grows, the longer it grows. Big, it grew directly into a green vine, which frightened Su’s mother.

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