Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Chapter 631

Chapter 631 I cut you off

It was only at this time that Feifei dared to look at Xie Yaoshi with such openness. Normally, she did not dare.

Someone asked, in fact, what kind of feelings can make people feel unforgettable? What kind of man can make a woman love without regrets?

Feifei seems to have lived until now. After experiencing so many and so many hardships, did she truly understand the word “love”, sour and sour, but persistently waiting. This is the emotion she has produced towards Xie Yaoshi. It is different. When I was young, the blind worship of Xie Qingyan was also different from the forbearance of Xie Qingyan after the end of the world.

She just wanted to guard Xie Yaoshi, watching his sleeping face quietly, even if he was ignorant, for Feifei, he would be happy and satisfied.

The noise made by Xie Qingyan outside caused Xie Yaoshi’s brows to frown unconsciously in his sleep, and Feifei’s brows also wrinkled. She got up and stood in front of the window again, looking at the bottom of the building. Xie Qingyan was with the tent. The women outside, dancing arm in arm, thoroughly implemented what is called “just in time”.

According to Xie Yaoshi’s personality, it is impossible to tolerate the existence of comfort prostitutes in his team, but it can’t stop some women’s willingness, some men’s normal physiological needs, plus Xie Qingyan’s broken jar, occasionally Xie Qingyan also It is necessary to paralyze oneself by playing with women. This kind of women who are similar to comfort prostitutes but are not comfort prostitutes exist.

In the forest in the distance, the fire was shining little by little. Feifei thought for a while, looked back at Xie Yaoshi’s face, put on his coat, went out, and walked towards the forest.

In the depths of the forest, holding Xiao Ai, dragging Ye Yu, Su Su, whose nerves were not normal, finally stumbled to find a suitable place to settle her feet, Xiao Ai grumbled and hungry again.

Su Su settled Xiao Ai on Ye Yu’s belly and sat next to Ye Yu, thinking, what can I find for this little girl to eat? As an adult, she can dig some tree roots to satisfy her hunger, but can a girl under two years old eat tree roots?

Just thinking about it, the Mao Mao from Xiao Ai’s collar came out, and there were two fleshy wings on the triangular snake head. When Su Su saw it, he stared at Mao Mao and said:

“You get a little bigger, I will cut you apart.”

Maomao: “”

“Mom, I’m so hungry.”

Xiao Ai sat on Ye Yu’s belly, clutching her belly, and started groaning pitifully. Su Su endured her internal injuries, thinking about dissecting this mutant snake king. She can eat raw snake meat, and the little girl can. ? The little girl has this immunity, can she eat the mutant king snake meat raw?

“What about this? Where can I get you food?”

Su Su was a little bit embarrassed by this question. When he was thinking about what to do, Ye Yu on one side woke up. He was lying in the snow, his hands and feet were frozen. The key was to have no limbs except his neck pain. One was not painful, as if someone had been dragged away like a rag for thousands of miles, so Ye Yu snorted. Before he could react, he heard Xiao Ai’s voice of crying or not crying in his ears. Shouting to be hungry.

He immediately became sober, hugged Xiao Ai who was sitting on his belly, sat up, rubbed his sore and sore neck, frowned and looked at Su Su, and asked:

“Shu, what are you hitting me for?”

“It’s light to hit you. It’s a good thing not to kill you.”

Su Su glanced at Ye Yu, stood up, sat opposite Ye Yu, separated by two or three meters, Xiao Ai struggling from Ye Yu’s arms, and ran to him. Sitting in Su Su’s arms, the two of Su Su and Su Su, with six eyes, plus the two fluffy, looked at Ye Yu quietly.

Opposite the two of them and a snake, Ye Yu was still sitting on the ground rubbing his neck, looking not so awake. Seeing Su Su, Xiao Ai and Mao Mao looking straight at him, Ye Yu was taken aback. Stopping the movement of rubbing his neck, he asked:

“See what I do?”

“Dad, I’m hungry.”

The little finger pointed at her belly, and Xiao Ai curled her mouth and began to groan again. Ye Yu turned to look around and asked:

“Where is my backpack?”

No one answered him, Su Su didn’t know, Xiao Ai was ignorant, and Maomao didn’t know how to say, Ye Yu frowned, stood up, looked down at Su Su and Xiao Ai, and confessed:

“I’ll look for it to see what to eat.”

Then he left his daughter here and left!

The heart of being a father is really big enough.

Su Su didn’t know why, but she was quite disgusted with Ye Yu’s actions. She was like this at the beginning. She just gave Xiao Ai to Xie Qingyan, and then lost her. Now Ye Yu is doing it casually. In this way, I gave my daughter to her, and she was not afraid that she would sell the child.

“Mom, rubbing my belly, I am hungry and uncomfortable.”

Xiao Ai, who was sitting on Su Su’s thigh, turned sideways, and she was familiar with Su Su’s arms. She picked up Su Su’s palm and asked Su Su to rub her belly. Su Su’s hands were stiff. For a moment, as soon as the thoughts in her mind were interrupted, she couldn’t remember what she was thinking just now, and then she slowly rubbed the child’s belly as she used to.

Does she think she wants to sleep for a while? Maybe a lot of questions can be answered when you sleep. After all, Chen Xuanwu has been dead for a few days, and her brain should slowly return to normal. It’s not a way to get down like this.

She was already nervous and felt that this child was her little love.

In the dark forest, there was a gust of wind behind him. Su Su turned his head and saw Ye Yu, who had just left, with a bulging bag in his hand. He was walking through the forest very quickly. After a while, he landed silently. It went to Su Su’s side.

He sat beside Su Su with a happy face, and was very close to her. Su Su gave in, holding the child, and pulling the distance between himself and Ye Yu, and by the way, he stared at Ye Yu full of murderous intent. , I want Ye Yu to know what abrupt thing he is doing.

Where is Ye Yu? I unconsciously opened the backpack and smiled at Su Su: “Great, this bag is not lost. If it is lost, our family of three will have to drink northwest wind in this ice and snow. I will set up a tent for you two first. , Suah, you are injured, take a good rest, I will give you food.”

Ye Yu did it. He took out a folded marching tent from his backpack. The tent was set up as soon as the trained things were tossed. It was quite big, and he took out a small sleeping bag. It looked like It is specifically for children.

Su Su looked a little dazzled and yawned. At Ye Yu’s signal, he hesitated and got into the tent with the child. Within two seconds, sleepiness came. For the first time, he was in a man. Asleep in front of me.

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