Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Chapter 635

Chapter 635 Probably for fun

Behind her, Xiao Ai in the tent saw her parents playing and holding hands, and she quickly crawled out of the tent, holding Su Su with a small hand, and holding Ye Yu with the other hand. Ye Yu immediately cooperated with Xiao Ai. Putting down the egg in her hand, holding Xiao Ai’s little hand, the three of them were drawn into a circle. Xiao Ai felt very funny. Holding the hands of her parents, she was still jumping on the spot, giggling, laughing. Like a little madman.

Maybe the child is like this, no matter how bad the environment is, no matter how dark the human nature is, whether the world is broken or the end of the world, there is only mom and dad in her world, and her home is her whole world, as long as mom and dad are there, even if there is no warm big bed It doesn’t matter if there is no abundant food or fun toys. What’s important is that she is the happiest one in the world if she has her parents.

“Okay, stop jumping, go into the tent, you haven’t got any clothes on yet.”

Ye Yu let go of Su Su’s hand and hugged Xiao Ai and walked into the tent. Only when Xiao Ai was sleeping, she only wore a set of thermal underwear. At this moment, she still wore a set of thermal underwear and ran out. Just a moment of excitement. As time goes on, Ye Yu is afraid that Xiao Ai will have a fever again.

“I don’t want to wear clothes.” Xiao Ai kicked her feet, was carried into the tent by Ye Yu, and said coquettishly: “I want to wear that clothes.”

“Which clothes?” Ye Yu couldn’t figure it out. The little girl was almost two years old, and she had a little request for her own dress, but usually Su Su and Su Mu were in charge of Xiao Ai’s clothes. Ye Yu didn’t know what kind of clothes Xiao Ai was talking about “that dress”.

He sat on the edge of the tent and gave Xiao Ai a small red sweater. There were two strawberry patterns on the sweater. He frowned and asked Xiao Ai, “Wear this?”

“Don’t want this, want that.”

Xiao Ai couldn’t communicate with his father, so she rolled a few circles in the tent. Ye Yu turned her head helplessly, looking at Su Su with hope, and asked:

“Do you know which dress she is going to wear?”

Su Su pointed his finger at a small purple down jacket placed in the tent, “This one.”

“Is it this one?”

Ye Yu picked up Xiao Ai’s purple-red down jacket and compared it to Xiao Ai. Seeing Xiao Ai nodded and stopped losing her temper, she sat up obediently and put her clothes on in cooperation with Ye Yu. He breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and smiled at Su Su:

“It’s still clear about you as a mother.”

Sure enough, even though Ye Yu is Xiao Ai’s father, he has never been absent from any of Xiao Ai’s affairs, but this kind of trivial matter of dressing and eating, Ye Yu is not as clear as Su Su, if it weren’t for Su Su, Today, Xiao Ai will cry for a long time again.

So no matter what Su Su’s mental state is, she still remembers Xiao Ai in her heart, and she is already familiar with her various preferences for Xiao Ai.

It’s just that it’s not easy to bring children here, especially now that Su Su’s nerves are short-circuited, and there is no intention to help. Xiao Ai hums here, hums there, asks for all kinds of opinions, Ye Yu will be busy for a while. Feel tired.

He sighed and resigned his fate to put on Xiao Ai’s down jacket and small jeans. More than half an hour has passed, Su Su just stood in the distance and watched quietly as Ye Yu waited on Xiao Ai.

“By the way, I forgot to tell you that, this morning, they arrived in a few military vehicles.”

After serving Xiao Ai, Ye Yu took out food non-stop, and prepared breakfast for Su Su and Xiao Ai. While baking eggs and potatoes, Ye Yu began to talk about the enemy he had inquired about this morning. Head, asked Su Su,

“Are you not going to go back if you don’t kill Xie Qingyan.”


Su Su sat in the snow with Xiao Ai on his lap. The two watched Ye Yu busy with nothing to do. They didn’t mean to intervene to help at all. Su Su asked:

“What’s in the military vehicle?”

“Soldiers, weapons, food.” Ye Yu peeled the baked egg, blew it and divided it into two halves, handed it to Su Su with one hand and Xiao Ai with the other, and continued: “It’s Chu Xuan’s. People are here, do you remember Chu Xuan? Lu Yin’s men have been active in Xiangcheng for several years, but Muyang has grown bigger and one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. Chu Xuan intends to go east and merge with Cao Xiujie to establish The base, give us Xiangcheng.”

In the past few days, King Kong Gazi and other special forces have been sending messages to Ye Yu. The content they sent was all sorted out by Mu Yang after they merged with Mu Yang. It was about the whole situation and also about Chu Xuan. In short, Chu. Xuan is not a friend, but he is not an enemy either. Perhaps he may hope to become an ally, but he may also turn his back on.

“Cao Xiujie is the son of Xie Qingyan’s mother’s sister.” Su Su added to Ye Yu, “He is a fire type supernatural person.”

Then Su Su seemed to remember something, and then asked Ye Yu, “Didn’t Cao Xiujie have established a base? Why is he still establishing a base?”

“This !!!” Ye Yu didn’t know how to answer Su Su. Now Su Su’s nerves are not normal. Many of the things he asked were turned upside down, so Ye Yu thought for a while, and could only say: ” Probably for fun.”

The terrible thing is that Su Su actually accepted this explanation. He clearly already has such a large base, and then it is fun to get a base. What is it?

She held a branch in her hand and fold it gently, and the branch made a crisp sound and broke from the middle. After thinking for a moment, she threw away the branch in her hand and said to Ye Yu with her head tilted:

“In fact, there is no peace in the Vermilion Base. Cao Xiujie has always been in need of Xie Yaoshi, and at the same time, she is also on guard against Xie Yaoshi. There has been a deep rift between him and Xie Yaoshi for a long time. In terms of ability, Cao Xiujie is far inferior to Xie Yaoshi, just because Cao Xiujie developed early. In the early days, he had been hoarding in Qingcheng, where it developed into a safe area very early. Xie Yaoshi was relatively indifferent. I don’t like to fight with Cao Xiujie. Today’s Suzaku leader is Cao Xiujie.”

But it is also very strange. According to the truth, it is because of a large number of masters such as Xie Yaoshi that the Suzaku base can gain a firm foothold in the apocalypse, and will not be annexed by other forces, thus developing into a Big base, but now looking at Xie Yaoshi’s side, except for one named Feifei, who is a Tier 4 wood system, what about the masters? Where did the other masters go?

I have to say, this is really an excellent opportunity to kill Xie Yaoshi, but it’s a pity that Su Su is now seriously injured. This is called Ye Yu, who looks like a light ability person who can shoot laser light in his hand, but he doesn’t. Will absorb the crystal nucleus, to Xie Yaoshi is to send food.

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