Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Chapter 638

Chapter 638 Such a big ant

“Look, you are in this state, I am quite worried for you.” Ye Yu put his hands on Su Su’s waist, pulled her closer to him, and enveloped Su Su with his warm breath, lowered his head and watched. With Su Su, his lips became closer and closer to Su Su’s lips.

She frowned and turned her head away, somewhat unaccustomed to saying: “Just talk, don’t do that.”

“Which way?” Ye Yu smiled, reaching out and squeezing Su Su’s ass, “So?”

“Ye Yu! Don’t be a gangster!” Su Su’s face was hiding, and he was coming back, glaring at Ye Yu, angrily said: “Don’t give you three-point color, you will open the dyeing workshop, you can do it again, I Kill you.”

“Then kill, let you kill.” He tightened his hands again, and pulled Su Su’s body closer, lowered his head, looked at Su Su’s lips, and whispered in a low voice: “You have nothing to say. I’ve said it hundreds of times, when did you do it?”

A squeaky sound suddenly sounded behind Su Su, breaking the ambiguity between the two. Su Su and Ye Yu’s double-sided color was dazzling, and Su Su violently pushed Ye Yu away, turned around, Night Sky In the middle, but I didn’t see anything.

At this moment, in the gas station, Feifei was standing between the two military trucks. From within the cordon, she looked at Su Su and Ye Yu in the distance. She was turning a pistol in her hand, seemingly at any time. Ready to raise the gun, the feeling of shooting a shot at Su Su.

“If I were you, I would not kill Su Su.” Behind Feifei, Chu Xuan held a cigarette in his mouth, leaning on the pillar of the gas station, puffing white smoke in his mouth, and when Feifei turned around fiercely When he came and raised the pistol in his hand towards him, Chu Xuan said again: “I will kill Xie Qingyan, because even if Su Su is dead, Xie Yaoshi will still not be free.”

“Don’t think that if you say that, I will release Su Su. You do business with Su Su. Of course you don’t want me to kill her.”

Looking at Chu Xuan’s face, Feifei also hated Xie Yaoshi’s status as a prisoner today. In fact, a large part of the reason was because of Chu Xuan’s deception. If Chu Xuan had said earlier, it was just to take Xie Yaoshi’s status as a prisoner. Treating Xie Qingyan as a gift to please Cao Xiujie, Xie Yaoshi would not choose to go to Qingcheng with Chu Xuan.

“So you think that Xie Yaoshi will fall into such a situation, it is all the fault of this and that?”

Chu Xuan smiled, flicked his finger, and flew out the smoke in his hand. He didn’t care at all about the gun Feifei raised towards him. Instead, he pretended to sigh:

“Xie Yaoshi was originally a human being. With his ability, one person can be more than ten thousand people, but it is a pity that there is an oil bottle Xie Qingyan, Feifei, Feifei, Xie Qingyan will be like a tarsal if he does not die for a day. The maggot is on Xie Yaoshi’s body. Xie Yaoshi should be a hero, who was dragged into a bear by Xie Qingyan.”

If there is no Xie Qingyan, if there is no Xie Qingyan…This hypothesis of a hero and a bear, the gun held by Feifei towards Chu Xuan slowly falls. Of course she knows that if there is no Xie Qingyan, Xie Yaoshi does not have to live like this today. Tired, but Xie Qingyan was a kindness left by Su’s mother to Xie Yaoshi. Xie Yaoshi couldn’t get rid of Xie Qingyan. He would never get rid of Xie Qingyan.

And Su Su has been with them for so many days, it seems that this time the heart to kill Xie Qingyan is very determined. Xie Yaoshi is between Su Su and Xie Qingyan, so he must fight Su Su and Feifei wants to kill Su. Su, just want to share some pressure for Xie Yaoshi.

But in fact, what Chu Xuan said is the most reasonable. In the final analysis, this grievance is only between Su Su and Xie Qingyan, but Xie Qingyan depends on Xie Yaoshi for a lifetime.


The opposite Chu Xuan smiled. Seeing Feifei’s hesitating posture, he shrugged and turned and left without regard to himself. He was just telling the truth. There is no such thing as helping who does not help, but in the long run. From the perspective of his interests, Chu Xuan felt that Su Su had better live well.

Under the moonlit night, Su Su and Ye Yu were still standing outside the car, but the sound of crawling was getting louder and louder.

“Something’s wrong.” She drew a stern face and looked at Ye Yu.

Ye Yu nodded, pointed to Xiao Ai who was asleep in the car, and said to Su Su: “You go in, take care of Xiao Ai, I’ll be guarding outside.”

Why? Su Su opened his mouth and swallowed the words that were about to come out, but he still sat in the car and guarded Xiao Ai according to the arrangement. Now Xiao Ai’s safety is greater than the sky. If this Xiao Ai meets because of her eagerness to compete What danger, Su Su felt that he would regret his death.

She opened the car door and got into the car. She had just sat down, before the car door had time to close, she slowly crawled out of the woods by the national highway, out of a dark object, which seemed to be dark and shiny in the moonlight.

“What the **** is this?” Ye Yu looked at the black and big species from a distance of one or two meters in front of him. He screamed with staring eyes. He threw a ball of light and threw it on the species, surprised. : “Such an ant?”

Looking at the ant’s head, it was about the size of Xiao Ai’s arm, about one foot in length, wrapped in Ye Yu’s ball of light, and he shook his mouthparts and the antennae on the top of his head twice. It turned into black foam and stayed there. On white snow.

Su Su just saw this scene from the open door, frowned, and said, “Get in the car and get out of here. This is a mutant ant, so I won’t be the only one here.”

As soon as the voice fell, I saw the sound of “Papa Papa” gunshots from the gas station opposite, one after another, and within a short while, various abilities began to surge, and someone shouted:

“Alert, alert, there are ants, it’s ants, mutant ants!”

Hearing this, Ye Yu instantly thought of the mutant maggots that had appeared in Xiangcheng. He stopped observing them anymore, and directly opened the driver’s door, got into the car, stepped on the accelerator at the start, and prepared to turn around and go on the road when going back and forth.

But looking forward in the moonlight, on the national road when they came, there were densely crawling a bunch of black mutant ants, black and shiny shells, like a wave of water under the moonlight, covering the entire national road, far away It seems that there will never be an end to it.

Ye Yu couldn’t. The car turned around in a circle and ran directly towards the toll station next to the gas station. He planned to go to the high speed. Their Volkswagen car brushed past the military card parked outside the gas station and slashed inside. Xie Qingyan suddenly rushed. After I got out, I poured a bucket of water on Su Su’s car, and then ran into the gas station quickly. I didn’t know what was mixed in the water. The sweet and greasy smell could be smelled without driving the window.

“It’s sugar.”

Sitting in the back seat, Su Su looked calmly at the water stains sliding down the car window. Xie Qingyan should have been prepared in a hurry, and the sugar particles had not had time to melt.

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