Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Chapter 652

Chapter 652 Think of a lot of things

Speaking of it, everyone is obsessed. Li Ying was beaten like this by Mu Yang. In fact, she is a woman, she can get away and run away. The world is so big, Li Ying is also a water system supernatural person. Where can she not live well? But even if she was beaten like this by Mu Yang, she still refused to keep her name incognito. She was always devilish, and she must dominate the throne of the leader of the largest security zone in the west.

Even if he has to sleep with several high-level abilities every day, Li Ying also has to dominate the position of the leader.

As for Muyang, because his mother was arrested by Li Ying and used as a comfort prostitute, she died in Li Ying’s hands. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to have comfort prostitutes in Bafang Village, Pupa Town, and any area shrouded by his influence. Existence, and his hatred of Li Ying has grown stronger with age.

In the current war, Muyang is unilaterally fighting Li Ying. The supplies in Pupa Town are so rich that Muyang must rob Li Ying, and there is no right or wrong in this world. Everyone has been robbed of supplies. Today they are not going to grab Li Ying’s. Sooner or later someone will grab them. So Muyang will grab Li Ying’s supplies, ok, no one thinks he is wrong, help Just grab it.

“That Muyang is a very ambitious person?” Su Su frowned. She didn’t like her daughter and would be with a very ambitious man in the future.

“That’s not true, Muyang, you don’t know.” Li Xiaoyu looked at Su Su’s frowning brows and hurriedly explained for Mu Yang: “You don’t want to do these things, then someone has to do it. You have no ambitions, but there are more and more people following you. You can’t ignore these people, right? Su Su, you see how well we develop now, and we will develop better in the future. As long as the war is over, we Just go back to Pupa Town and build Pupa Town into the most beautiful home in the last days, Su Su, don’t you want this?”

Does she want? Su Su was a little confused. Everyone said that Bafang Village and Pupa Town were the paradise in the last days, but Su Su felt that in her ideal paradise, there would not be so many people, so many things, so many fights. Fighting with you and me, she actually wanted to find a dense forest and build a house, with her parents and Xiao Ai, plus her and Ye Yu, and she would live in the dense forest.

Then after a while, I went out for a wave, and went back when I was tired, without fighting with the world.

Now Bafang Village and Pupa Town are a bit strange to Su Su. To put it bluntly, Su Su actually didn’t want to participate in the killing between Mu Yang and Li Ying.

Yes, Li Ying should be killed, and Su Su also felt that she should be killed, because in the last days, either she would kill others, or others would kill her, but…such a big fanfare caused the two forces to collide and rob each other, countless The people who were entangled in, and then slaughtered endlessly, in the final analysis, have a half-cent relationship with Su Su himself?

She doesn’t remember Li Ying doing anything excessive to her. In fact, in Su Su’s mind, Li Ying is a name, a woman with great ambitions, and the goddess of Wang Jun’s past, so Su Su There is no deep hatred for Li Ying either.

Putting this matter aside, what Su Su is thinking about now is Mu Yang’s problem, what she has thought of in the past few days, what she learned from Chu Xuan, and what she learned from Ye Yu, Su Su The feeling for Muyang is not very good.

It may be like what Li Xiaoyu said, she is unwilling to do these things, someone has to do them.

It is understandable that she was unwilling to do things like plotting a site, increasing the population, and formulating rules. Mu Yang did it for her.

It’s just that too many people were killed, and many of them were routines. Su Su also clearly understood what was in these routines.

Killing, being killed, avenging, and being avenged, although living a life of less than one person and more than ten thousand people, but they also step by step as walking on thin ice.

They always said that Mu Yang would be Su Su’s son-in-law in the future. Such words appeared in Su Su’s memory more than once. Today Li Xiaoyu talked about it again, but Su Su didn’t want Xiao Ai to be in trouble with Mu Yang. together.

If Muyang is destined to lead Bafang Village and Pupa Town to the peak of life, then Su Su hopes that Xiao Ai is ordinary, has the ability to protect himself, self-esteem, self-improvement and self-love, find a quiet and good person, and live a free life. life.

Instead of standing in the clouds with Mu Yang, being assassinated by this one today, and being assassinated by that tomorrow.

But Su Su didn’t know what the future would be like, maybe Xiao Ai would only like people like Mu Yang in the future?

Because of Su Su’s silence, Li Xiaoyu automatically understood that Su Su had acquiesced in the future between Muyang and Xiao Ai. He laughed and said a lot to Su Su. Su Su’s left ear went in and the right ear went out. In the evening, Ye Yu came back, and Muyang hugged Xiao Ai again, and had dinner with the family of three. Today, one day is over.

At 9 o’clock in the evening, Su Su and Xiao Ai took a shower, slept on the bed, lying on the wide big bed, Xiao Ai was so excited that he called and jumped, and after an hour of trouble, they finally fell asleep. Su Su watched Looking at the moonlight outside the window, there were sporadic gunshots coming from afar. She reached out and tucked the corner of the quilt for Xiao Ai, got up and got out of the bedroom door, went downstairs, looked down into the living room, Ye Yu was still squatting. On the side of the fire, throwing wood in it.

After a rare peace, Ye Yu took a shower. He wore a light green military T-shirt with strong muscles. He wore a pair of dark green pants on his lower body. He raised his head, holding a firewood in his hand, and looked at him. Su Su at the railing of the building asked:

“Why haven’t you slept yet? I’ll come when I start a fire.”

In this early spring weather, it’s still a bit cold at night. There is no air conditioner in the townhouse, and even this small town hasn’t been powered on yet, so Ye Yu wanted to warm up the whole house to avoid freezing. Su Su and Xiao Ai are here.

“Can’t sleep, think of a lot of things.”

Su Su wore long hair and walked barefoot from the second floor. This villa is all decorated in European style. The location of a fireplace design is also very clever. Ye Yu burned the fireplace vigorously, and even the whole villa was warm. Yi, she walked to the sofa, sat down, curled up on the sofa barefoot, looked at Ye Yu in front, squatted on the ground and threw a piece of wood into the fireplace.

He turned his head and glanced up and down at Su Su. Su Su was wearing a white nightdress sent by Li Xiaoyu. It was a very old-fashioned style. It was made of cotton and had long sleeves. A row of buttons were tied down from the neck. Go to the skirt and cover yourself tightly, looking like a good girl in a castle.

Ye Yu’s eyes darkened, and he climbed two steps forward, just to climb to Su Su’s feet, knelt up, looked at her, and asked, “What do you think of?”

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