Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Chapter 662

Chapter 662 Liang Xiaoqi, this tender grass

In the hall, Su Su took Li Xiaoyu and sat in a chair. From Li Xiaoyu’s mouth, he learned about Wang Jun’s movements in the past few days. He said he was looking for Li Ying, but he didn’t know about Li Ying later. The absurdity of his private life was something else, Wang Jun began to understand and rescue the survivors in Li Ying’s hands.

He and a group of children really seemed to be doing volunteer work. When Chen Xiaogu ordered that all the women in the westward migration team be strictly guarded, Wang Jun acted against the wind and smuggled the women out one by one and headed towards Sanqiao Xiaogu. Sent to town.

This behavior was quite brave. As the head of the women’s self-improvement team, Li Xiaoyu couldn’t help but applaud Wang Jun, and because she was in charge of the women’s self-improvement team, the intersection with Wang Jun became more intense. More and more news came from Wang Jun.

Su Su quietly listened to what Wang Jun was doing now. When he turned his head, he saw the teacher from the Bafang Village Kindergarten still standing in the yard, and asked the quiet and sweet teacher politely:

“Teacher, do you still have something to do?”

“Oh, that’s it. I just want to ask you, Xiao Ai and Tianci are so old, are they going to kindergarten?”

When answering Su Su’s words, the teacher lowered his eyes, bowed his head respectfully, raised his fingers, and gently stroked the long hair on his cheeks behind his ears. In her opinion, the entire Bafang Village, Su Su’s family are so tall Come on, even the ugly man sitting under the eaves is not something she can take lightly.

Therefore, as a kindergarten teacher, I personally came to ask Xiao Ai and Tianci about enrollment matters, and I felt a sense of cautious fear. I was afraid that what I said, which word or word is not good, would be kicked out of Bafang Village by Su Su. go with.

“In your kindergarten, what are you teaching now?”

Su Su sat in the hall without moving, with his legs in a long skirt lying on the ground casually, and wearing sandals on his feet that were not in line with today’s slightly cool weather.

This winter is too cold, and the low temperature weather lasted until May. Although it is slowly warming up, it is still cold every morning and evening to cover the quilt. During the day, in a cool place, it is cold enough to be covered with hair. Stand upside down.

But Su Su was already dressed in midsummer.

The teacher standing in the yard, wearing thick sweaters and jeans, and the sneakers on her feet are of the autumn and winter style. She lowered her head and replied respectfully:

“Every morning we are cultivating children’s self-care ability, such as teaching them how to go to the toilet, how to eat and dress by themselves, etc., a drawing class, a safe escape class, a social species anatomy class, and a music session every week. Class, a fighting and fighting class for children.”

Painting lessons and music lessons need no explanation. They teach children how to draw, sing, dance and learn about musical instruments. The safety escape lessons, social species anatomy lessons, and children’s fighting and fighting lessons are the rigidity that Su Su gave to the Bafang Village kindergarten. Regulations.

In the safe escape class, children will be taught how to protect themselves from harm to the greatest extent when encountering various dangers and natural disasters. In the social species anatomy class, they will catch some zombies, mutant maggots, and cannibals. Flowers, mutant snakes, mutant birds, etc., dissect the children and explain the body structure of these species and **** them quickly.

Children’s fighting and fighting class is currently the most favorite course for children in kindergartens. Like the physical education class before the end of the world, children run and jump outdoors, as long as they take the children’s fighting and fighting class. , They are like little animals released from their cages, all kinds of freedom.

Such courses are not only standard in Bafang Village’s kindergarten, but also in elementary and junior high schools in Pupa Town.

Su Su nodded, thinking that it would be okay to let Xiao Ai and Tianci go to a kindergarten like this for a few days. You should let Xiao Ai experience it on any day.

“Okay, I will send those two children over tomorrow.”

“That’s OK, then I will be waiting for Xiao Ai and Godsend in the kindergarten tomorrow.”

The teacher in the yard smiled happily, and then said goodbye to Su Su and left Xu Lei, who was the prince’s party, in the yard of Su Su’s house.

“Hey, why did she leave Xu Lei with me?”

Seeing the teacher leaving the back of the yard, Su Su was a little strange, but in the yard, Xu Lei had already played with Xiao Ai and Godsend in the mud. At this moment, letting the teacher take it back and sweeping the children’s happiness, he had to turn his head. , Asked Li Xiaoyu,

“Ge Pi is busy in Pupa Town every day, who will Xu Lei show him?”

“Liang Xiaoqi.” Li Xiaoyu smiled ambiguously, and then squeezed his eyes at Su Su, “You don’t know, Liang Xiaoqi, this tender grass was eaten by the old cow, Hahahaha, so Well, Liang Xiaoqi picks up Xu Lei every day, Xu Lei calls her mom, and Brother Pi will go back to Bafang Village to live at night.

In Bafang Village, there are many pregnant women expecting to give birth. Liang Xiaoqi is now in charge of a hospital in Bafang Village. Pregnant women in Pupa Town can only send them to Bafang Village if they want to rest assured. The sick children and elderly need to be hospitalized. Come to Bafang Village.

Although the people in Bafang Village live without pursuits, either farming or knocking sunflower seeds every day, the atmosphere here is very quiet, and the quiet is boring, so the children are divided into princelings and populists, but this is also the case The atmosphere is just suitable for the elderly to care for the elderly and the patient’s self-cultivation, as well as for pregnant women to wait for delivery at ease.

“Oh oh oh oh oh ” Su Su also smiled, learning Li Xiaoyu, and winking his eyes, “Then what about you? How are you with the scholar?”

“How about what?” Suddenly mentioning the scholar, Li Xiaoyu’s face suddenly reddened. He was clearly the number one leader in commanding tens of thousands of women, but now he looked like a little girl and gave Su Su a scorn. What can he do? Stop talking nonsense, I won’t tell you, do you have food? I’ll eat your food.”

After speaking, Li Xiaoyu got up, ignored Su Su, went straight into the kitchen behind, and went to help Su Mu knead the flour to make dumplings.

A few hours later, Ye Yu came back from the field with a hoe. He had just returned to Bafang Village, and the special team had moved to Pupa Town, so Ye Yu planned to spend two days at home and did not report back to the special team. When I was idle, I helped Father Su plant the ground.

The **** on his shoulders just put Xiao Ai and Tianci down on his lap one after another. The hands of the two little men are all mud, but Ye Yu’s pants are not much clean anyway. With one hand, he lifted the back collars of Xiao Ai and Tianci, grabbing the two children and shaking them on the spot, happy that Xiao Ai and Tianci laughed.

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