Apocalyptic Pregnancy

Chapter 74

Chapter 74 Water control rotation

Originally, Li Ying thought that she followed Ye Yu and others all the way south from De City to Xiangcheng. Even though she hadn’t spoken a few words to this team, she was born and died together. That kind of friendship is by no means comparable to ordinary people. I thought that even though this team would treat her indifferently on weekdays, they actually treated her differently from others.

Until Li Ying saw the way Su Su and them get along, he discovered that the real sense of immersion was like this, laughing and yelling, chatting and fighting, and when they didn’t agree, Su Su could squeeze Ye Yu with his fists. The weird thing is that although Ye Yu screamed in anger, not only did Ye Yu’s teammates not help, they also looked at the show!

After Su Su asked for knives, Ye Yu would be like a baby on weekdays. Even if he was bathing and sleeping, he would have to put them within reach. The two knives on his back were borrowed, and he didn’t hesitate to borrow them!

At first, Li Ying did think that Su Su was Ye Yu’s own sister, but through observations yesterday, Li Ying found that Su’s father and Ye Yu were not like father and son at all, so she was concerned about the relationship between Su Su and Ye Yu. I only know that it’s unusual, but it doesn’t look like a lover or a kiss? It’s not like it.

In such troubled times, Ye Yu ran all the way from De City to Xiangcheng for the Su Su family. This is for sure. Li Ying also knows himself, and laughed like self-deprecating and dispelled it. Asking Ye Yu’s thoughts of borrowing the knife, he just turned around and went to the police station to find a way for Peng Yuzhong.

As soon as Li Ying left, Su Su also went out of the supermarket, facing a zombie that had moved, turning around, holding two knives and lightly slashing, the head of the zombie fell off, and she raised her hands. His treasured sword laughed, split the zombie’s brain, and picked up the crystal nucleus.

At this time, Ye Yu had already sorted out two sacks of supplies and put them in the trunk to prepare for unexpected needs along the way. He closed the lid of the trunk and looked back and watched Su Suzheng killing farther and farther, so he was busy. Driving up the car, bending his head in the slowly moving car, patted the door, and shouted:

“Hi, hi, beauty, you got in the car, are you planning to go all the way to the hospital?”

Su Su stopped and looked at the few zombies that came swayingly across from him. He looked back at Ye Yu in the car and thought about it. He still got in the passenger seat. It’s important to save Shijia. It’s important to save the world, the crystal nuclei bye bye.

After getting into the driver’s seat, Su Su handed the knife to Ye Yu, meaning it was returned to him, but Ye Yu glanced at the blade and said with disgust:

“You wash me up, it’s so dirty.”

Glancing at Ye Yu, Su Su really didn’t want to return the two knives to him, but it was not difficult to borrow the knives again. After thinking about it, she put the knives out of the window, her wrist flicked, and two strands The water flow wrapped the treasure knife, and after a few rotations, the meat foam on the knife was washed away.

Coincidentally, this scene was seen by Li Ying, who had walked out of the police station. She also carried two knives in her hands. They were just the dogleg knives that Peng Yuzhong found for her. Behind her, Peng Yuzhong was fully armed with dogleg knives. He hung up with batons and took out two boxes of magazines. Li Xiaoyu followed Peng Yuzhong from the police station, holding two guns and a box of magazines in his hands.

“Go, do you go back to the villa or follow us to the hospital?”

King Kong drove the car and parked in front of Li Ying’s trio. Li Ying nodded naturally. Peng Yuzhong and Li Xiaoyu hesitated for a moment. Seeing that Li Ying had moved towards their car, they also nodded and decided to follow them to the hospital.

The purpose of Li Xiaoyu’s coming out this time is to become stronger with Su Su, while Peng Yuzhong is going to save his wife and children, but he doesn’t know where his wife and children are now, so he can only go back to his home to see. His home happened to be on the same road as the hospital that Su Su was going to, so he wouldn’t be separated right now.

After getting in the car, the three of them decided to let Li Xiaoyu drive. Peng Yuzhong was responsible for shooting, while Li Ying was sitting in the back seat and began to ponder Su Su’s trick of washing the knife. Who can, why can Su Su control the water flow on the knife body? Isn’t it because the water is released, shouldn’t it stay still in the container?

How can I control the water and wash the knife like Su Su? ? ?

Li Ying tried, picking up a dogleg knife in one hand, and water began to drain in the palm of his hand, but the water could only flow down through the crevices of his fingers. There was no way to wrap the knife body, let alone control it. The water spins.


With a somewhat discouraged exhalation, Li Ying looked at the wet ground of the rear compartment, thinking about the problem in a daze. When occasionally raising his head, he saw the rearview mirror in front of the driver’s seat, and Li Xiaoyu was raising his eyes. Look at her behind.

“Xiao Yu, I heard that you and Su Su were college classmates?” Putting away the knife in his hand, Li Ying approached some of Li Xiaoyu’s back chairs and asked tentatively: “Why do you say her powers are so powerful? Is there any trick?”

“I don’t know.”

Li Xiaoyu smiled awkwardly as she drove. She is not a supernatural person. She can’t understand what Li Ying said that she can’t do all the tricks. For her now, she still hasn’t sorted out all of her things. Where did the leisure time come from to inquire about Su Su’s affairs?

After tossing for a while, Li Xiaoyu felt that her fever was getting more and more serious. She was a little worried in her heart, worried that if she ate rice stained with zombie blood, would she be infected or become a zombie?

But when she went to Su’s house to borrow water to wash the rice, Su Su clearly told her that the water of the water system has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and virus-purifying effects. After the rice is washed, the doomsday virus that remains is very A tiny amount, it is about the same level as the doomsday virus in the air. It is now this time. People who should become zombies have long been infected by such a little doomsday virus in the air and become zombies.

Su Su said that Li Xiaoyu’s body contains antibodies. After washing the rice with the water of the supernatural power, the antibodies in her body can deal with the doomsday virus. If you can’t deal with it, it might as well become a zombie. , Because even this little residual doomsday virus can’t resist, how can you survive in the last days?

This Li Xiaoyu was already brave, and listening to Su Su said that, not only was he not scared, but he became more determined to try the washed rice. As a result, I have a fever now.

She was very nervous in her heart, but on the surface she still didn’t show any signs of it. She continued to drive her car, intending to wait until she was resting, and then ask Su Su to make sure with Su Su, so now Li Xiaoyu naturally No intention to deal with Li Ying.


Li Ying at the back was a little unbelievable. She felt that she must have not gotten acquainted with Su Su, so Su Su could give pointers to Peng Yuzhong, which could stimulate Li Xiaoyu’s fighting spirit, but she refused to teach her how to use abilities. One or two.

Immediately, Li Ying sighed deeply. In the end of the world, when everyone is in danger, it feels so difficult to find a good teacher and teach himself sincerely.

In the forefront, in the first car, Ye Yu was driving, while Su Su was sleeping beside him with the corner of his eye. In front of the windshield in front of Su Su, there were his two sabers. He looked at the knife, and Looking at Su Su, he bumped into a few zombies by the way. After going back and forth several times, Su Su finally couldn’t stand it. He closed his eyes and asked:

“What do you want to ask, ask, how uncomfortable it is in my heart.”

“Oh, then I asked, what are you doing to the hospital?”

“Didn’t you all hear me and Peng Yuzhong? I went to the hospital to save someone.”

“That person is important to you?”

“Well, it’s important.”

Without Zhuo Shijia, she could not give birth to a small love smoothly. Although Su Su had already had an experience of giving birth to a child, her body was the first to give birth to a child. The pain of a collapsed pelvis made Su Su feel Fear, she must have a professional doctor by her side to help her.

“Is the person who is important to you a man and a woman?” Ye Yu put his ears in a gesture that this question is very important.

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