Apocalyptic Return To Famine

Chapter 359: make bait

   Chapter 359 Making Decoys

  It was already in the afternoon when Tang Tang joined the team. After walking for a few hours and then to rest, the sky was already dark. Zhao Huan and his group found an abandoned office building.

  Although the elevator is no longer available, it is still possible to climb the stairs.

   There are too many of them, so if he could choose a higher location, Zhao Huan would not choose a flat floor.

   At least I haven't found that those flesh dragons can climb the stairs and knock on the door, so the relatively high position is still safer.

   Those meat dragons have already been observed at the end of Tang Dynasty, except that they can eat a little, in fact, the threat in other aspects is still quite small.

   After all, in Tang Mo's eyes, those guys were just big fools. They were neither sensitive to smell nor sensitive to vision. If it weren't for the fact that people were very close to them, they would hardly be able to find a living person.

   So if you want to avoid it, it's easy, but if you want to pass them, you can only feed them.

   This simple attribute may be the reason why people in this world have not thought about fighting hard, because if their safety can be guaranteed at a small price, who wants to take risks?

  This world is different from the world in which the Tang Dynasty lived. Although there are attribute people, the number is too rare, and people's self-protection ability is very weak.

   If you think about the problem from the perspective of the person who brought it into this world, perhaps feeding and avoiding is really the best choice.

   Tang Mo felt that he was a little self-righteous when he thought about the problem before, after all, not everyone did not take these flesh dragons as seriously as she did.

   After all, there are still many ordinary people in this world.

  Most people have only one idea in their hearts, and that is to live.

  The sky is getting dark and everyone can only spend the night here.

  Although there are many empty rooms in this building, everyone still stayed in the lobby on the second floor. After all, it is a more secure thing to gather together.

Also, they are really worried if they don't look at the Zhao Huan brothers. After all, they all paid so much to join the team. If the Zhao Huan brothers run away, then they will not be able to draw water for so much food. floated.

  The people here are not rich, and the rich will not join such a team. Most of the people are people like Aunt Hua, who have emptied their entire net worth in order to pay the team fee.

   So it is not difficult to understand why after a long day's walk, not many people took out food to eat.

  Because the ammunition is really exhausted, how to survive in the next way is still unknown.

   Today's people can only live one day and count one day, and no one can think about tomorrow's events.

   At the end of Tang Dynasty, he leaned against the corner and held Dabao in his arms. Dabao was resting quietly with his eyes closed.

  The little child didn't eat anything and walked for half a day. It was really not easy.

   Especially since Aunt Hua was still holding Erbao, Dabao had no sense of existence. He could only pull Tang Mo's hand when he couldn't walk, which was the greatest comfort.

   Now that we have arrived at the place, the child has long been unable to hold on, so tired, he closed his eyes and fell asleep instantly.

At this moment, Aunt Hua took Xiaobao to an empty room to feed her. Xiaobao had not had any milk for an afternoon. It was really inconvenient to travel on the road. Aunt Hua could only aggrieved Xiaobao first. .

  Aunt Hua quickly finished feeding and carried Xiaobao back to Tang Mo and sat down, freeing one hand to stroke Dabao's back.

   At the end of Tang Dynasty, he was observing everything here, trying to get the most and most effective information in the shortest time.

   Those who fled were obviously tired and resting, and the few people who had stock to eat would not blatantly eat in front of everyone's eyes, but would find an empty room by themselves.

   And the only person in this room that seems to be energetic, except for the third brother Zhao Huan at the end of Tang Dynasty.

   At this moment, the three brothers were setting up the stove in the center of the hall and were working on something.

   Naturally, it cannot be cooking. Cooking in the presence of so many people is simply the biggest show of wealth, as long as it is spurned by others.

   At the end of Tang Dynasty, he walked over curiously to see what they were doing. Since he chose to do this in the center of the hall, he must not be afraid of being seen.

   "What are you doing?"

   After the contact this afternoon, Tang Mo felt that the three brothers were quite good at talking.

   Zhao Huan is clear-headed, and he seems to be quite upright and enthusiastic for the time being.

  Then Zhao Tian and Zhao Yu are just two stubborn idiots with little heart, basically to the extent that Zhao Huan tells them to do whatever they want, and they are simply blind worship to their younger brother.

   "Making feed."

   Feed, at this time, naturally no one will keep any small pets.

   Since it is feed, it is naturally prepared for meat dragons, Tang Mo understands.

   She squatted down and watched the production process of the three brothers.

   is actually very simple, just take a big pot, and then throw in the miscellaneous food that was collected and cook until it becomes a paste with a little water.

   Fortunately, those flesh dragons only eat and do not drink water, so the water in this world is still abundant for the time being, and the water in the supermarket warehouse is enough for passers-by to get it.

   After all, the water is so heavy that one person can’t take much with him.

   After the food was boiled to a paste, Zhao Huan threw a bag of something into the pot.

   "What is this added?"

   Tang Mo looked at it and it didn't look like food.

   "It's the wall ash, and if you cook it together, you can cook more. Anyway, those **** people won't be able to eat it."

  It turned out to be so.

   Tang Mo nodded, since those alien beasts are not picky eaters, there are many ways to cheat, and no one can afford to give them food.

   It turns out that there are still these opportunistic methods, and indeed the wisdom of the working people is infinite.

   After adding the wall ash, it was obvious that the contents of this pot became mushy faster and solidified better.

   Zhao Huan and several people put out the fire, and after the pot cooled down a bit, they reached out and started processing.

   It is said that the processing is actually very simple, but it is just kneaded into **** of different sizes.

   And this size is also very particular, the smallest one can make the red-eyed beast stop for three to five minutes after feeding.

   The slightly larger one lasts 10 to 15 minutes.

  This size is made by Zhao Huan based on his actual experience time and time again, and different sizes come in different uses.

   The three brothers quickly finished processing all the things in this big pot, about a hundred or so balls, and then placed them neatly aside to wait to dry.

   After this, it would be much more convenient to feed at any time when in danger. Tang Mo couldn't help applauding them.

   (end of this chapter)

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