
Chapter 18


I'm finally back on the surface.
The real world, not this strange world in the cave.
The stinging pain in my eyes is uncomfortable but bearable and I judge it will become better with time.
Masiabi is apparently more frequently out here than me and has fewer issues.


"Now that we are out, what shall we do? Just take a stroll? I don’t believe you would want to hunt with me." (M)


No, I really don't want to see how a deer gets ripped apart by a Masiabi in giant spider form!
But now that I am out, there is something really important.


"There is something I would like to do." (N)

"What is it? I will try to fulfill your wishes to the best of my abilities." (M)

"Can we... visit my home? My old home?" (N)

"Huh, the place we found you is right at the border of our territory. That's quite a distance. In spider form, it's no problem, yet like this we would need most of the day to make it." (M)


I know there's nothing waiting for me there.
It’s probably burnt down, but I really want to go there, if only to say goodbye.
My face shows my dejection.


"It might be too early for you to transform yourself, but you know I could carry you if you can bear it!" (M)


I immediately begin panicking, nonetheless, I really want to go there!
Or rather, it is important that I do so.
I need to visit my old home, where my parents died, and... and say goodbye.
Quivering I answer:


"O-okay!" (N)

"Alright! This seems very important to you, so let's not make this harder than necessary. Just climb on my back and close your eyes. We will be there in a blink!" (M)


Before she comes to me she lays down the bag she carried and...



"W-w-why a-are y-you..." (N)

"Oh, because the clothes would tear." (M)


I become anxious about how big she will grow and think about canceling this whole idea.
She stuffs everything inside the bag and fixes it to herself with silk.
Then she presents her back to me.


"Now come!" (M)


I don't know what is more distressing.
Climbing on a naked person or the fact that it won't stay like this.
However, I have no choice and reluctantly I move to her.
Yet the moment I touch her, Masiabi’s hands grab my waist and apply sticky silk, and then attach the short strands to her own body.
She bound me to herself!


"Wh-What..." (N)

"Sorry, but the trip might become a little wild and I don't want you to fall. Now it would be best if you close your eyes!" (M)


Knowing what's coming, I do as she says.
I don't want to see it!
However, I still feel how something shifts below me.
Even with closed eyes, I feel how I am lifted up high.
Masiabi's bare back grows hair and my position changes from vertically at her back to lying somewhat horizontally on a padded surface.
I am still fixed on her back and can't get off, even if I'd want.

Giant spider!!
Don't look!!!

We start to move.
Or rather she starts.
I don't need to see to know that she's fast.
I feel the wind on my face, the pounding of her steps (from all eight legs!), and the shifts in direction.
This is an extreme speed!
Even horses might lose to her, not to mention humans.

I bottle up my fear and try to silence my screaming mind.
Though, I won't be able to keep this up forever.
Gratefully, it takes just a short time span and after around fifteen minutes she slows down.
I feel how she shrinks back and when I open my eyes I see how she treats the sticky part of the binding thread with acid.
While she's putting her clothes back on she speaks.


"I really wouldn't have thought that you would do this, but I am so happy that you trust me so much!" (M)


Naturally, I’m trembling all over, but I can manage a nod.
This was a rush through hell for me.


"So here it is! This is where we found you!" (M)


I can recognize the stone that I pressed myself against, where the man stood when the spiders overwhelmed him.
Thinking back to that moment, I still feel very conflicted about what happened here.
Especially, regarding my current situation.
After looking around, I recognize the direction I came running from.
I point there and Masiabi supports my trembling self to walk that way.
I don't know if it helps since she's one of the reasons why I'm trembling in the first place.

Soon the trees get scarcer and a clearing opens.
I ran as fast as I could at that time, but my condition allowed only a certain distance.

So it doesn't take very long.
Though all I find are ruins.
It was some time ago.
I don't even know how much time I spent in that sac, but you can see the fire died out a long time ago.
However, the shocking reality lies before the remains of my home.


"Dad!" (N)


A corpse, already in a very decomposed state lies there.
We lived far away from most of the settlements, so no one bothered to come looking it seems.
Nonetheless, I know it's my dad.
I can even see the wounds that killed him.
Immediately, tears begin falling down my face.
I run to the ruin and look for my mother.
The fire should have destroyed her body, yet when I look at the place I can see a bit of difference in the color of the ashes.
This is all that remains of her.

There's nothing I can do, but I try to gather as much as possible with my gown and bring it to dad.
Tears are continuously flowing and I try not to hit the ash with them.

I let it fall on his corpse.
After all, they really loved each other as much as they loved me.
I know this.


"Here! There you are back together. I'm sorry. I couldn't come back earlier. And mum, you don't need to worry. My life is a little crazy right now, but I am safe. Hick. You saved me and don't have anything to grieve over. Your little girl is alright! Hick!" (N)


I sob uncontrolled while speaking to them and after I'm done saying what I had to the tears continue to fall and I wail without holding back.
It takes some time, but eventually, I am able to gather myself.


"F-nd th-m!"


Was there something?

I turn around and see Masiabi.
She wears a slightly forced-looking smile and gives me a clumsy wave of her hand.


"I just wanted to say... thank you for this. It means so much to me." (N)


And in honest gratitude, I embrace her.
And this might be the first time that I get sincerely hugged back by her and not just for cuddling.


"You are welcome, little sister! I will always be there for you!" (M)


My existence right now has some very dark sides, but I think that having someone who cares this much about you is not one of those.
At least I am glad to have someone who is there for me in times like these.
Everything we had is now ash and charcoal, but Masiabi promises me she will let her familiars seek through what remains.
And that she will have them bury my parents.
There’s nothing left for me here and the chance to say goodbye was enough for me.
We again turn back to the forest and she opens something like a hidden passage.
It's a web covered by earth.


"This way is connected to our home. Should be faster like this." (M)

"Why are there so many passages?" (N)

"Security. It's safer to spread far. For example, there are many points where threads were woven in a way that we'll notice if they get disturbed. Or mostly Talisa as she set them up. So we have great knowledge if someone would enter. Through this, we are safe from any kind of threat. It would need unbelievable military effort to drive us away! And for that case, there are also many fortifications with sealed food. I think we have a map! Maybe I will show you next time." (M)


This really is some kind of kingdom.
It's clear that they are very powerful and it should be hard to oppose them.
I mean there are tens of thousands of spiders, some of them giant ones, if I break down Talisa’s past explanation.
I can't even fathom how they'd organize this.
They said they would dissolve all the food into one large amount of this liquid somewhere.
So the spiders hunt in the whole forest, bring it here and after the sisters eat their share, it gets distributed among the brood.
This simple thought is disturbing and should throw my old kingdom into chaos if they would know.
And I'm now a part of this!

We enter the main structure after some time and again avoid the main hall.
Yet on our taken route suddenly Talisa is in front of us.


"It seems you stopped early!" (T)

"I sent you a message." (M)

"Yes, and intentionally left before the answer could reach you." (T)

"It was really not manageable! We need to grant her a bit of leeway!" (M)

"That is for her sake! How will she manage to control them when the next spawn comes in a month?" (T)

"She will eventually! She just needs some time! It is not fair to demand this much from her right from the start." (M)

"I know there are problems, but she needs to learn to care for them on her own!" (T)

"They can be very self-sufficient! They don't need much help!" (M)

"Only if you teach them!" (T)

"And how is Nerysi supposed to teach them things she can't do herself?" (M)

"That is exactly the problem! And because of this Eritu needs now to step in for her." (T)

"You can't demand from her to know how to hunt, control them, guide them, make them care for the swarm! She's too young to know it herself!" (M)

"And because of this, I‘ll give her one more day to get accustomed to her brood. After that, Eritu will start lessons. She will need to learn to interact with her brood. There won't be any tolerance for her problems after tomorrow!" (T)

"Isn't this too harsh? Eritu can be quite strict when it comes to them." (M)

"She's instructed to stay within the limits. She asked me herself and her abilities are the greatest in that regard, so she makes the best teacher." (T)

"She will drive her until she's satisfied!" (M)

"Then so be it!" (T)


I wasn't able to say anything during this talk.
I have no idea what is coming for me once these "lessons" start.
My memories of Eritu's outburst are vivid and I doubt she will be lenient with me.

This makes me fearful.
As things stand now, I have only one more day to be able to endure the time in that room and after this, I'm supposed to interact with those eight-legged horrors.
This simple thought makes me shiver all over.
How am I supposed to make this happen when I cannot endure a single hour in this room?
Masiabi already unsuccessfully tried to speak for me, so my pleas won't find an open ear.
There is nothing I can do so I remain silent.

It is rather late now and I'm guided to my room.
I let myself fall into my bed as soon as it is possible and try to sleep.


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