
Chapter 21


After we finished our meal there was no way to stall any longer.
As much as I tried to by drinking very slowly.
Masiabi and Eritu didn't even protest but rather enjoyed every moment of being together.


"So, are you ready?" (E)

"I suppose there's no way around this, right?" (N)

"I promise we'll be going very carefully about this. There's no need for you to worry." (M)


Eritu has a difficult expression at this.


"I, I don't want to experience something like back then ever again. I won't push you too far, I promise." (E)


She has no reason to lie to me.
I believe her on this.


"So, now that this is settled, we should get going!" (M)


I seriously can't deny them at this point, so I walk along, albeit very slowly and reluctantly.
Different from last time, Eritu isn't even pushy about this but simply accepts that we're taking longer with a serene expression.
Masiabi, on the other side, urges me on in her own way by running forth and back to me several times over, circling around me, and in general, doing everything to encourage me to move fast except anything that involves direct contact.


"Uh, why do we have to go to the room?" (N)

"Naturally, to instruct them about today. It was already difficult to contain your brood in this room, but there's no way they'll leave the sanctuary with you inside on their own accord. You'll have to properly tell them that it's fine to go outside and you'll be with them." (E)


And the unpleasant stuff just adds up.
When we draw closer, my intimate connection to them flares up.
I know they are always, to a degree, aware of my presence, just as I awkwardly am of theirs.
Still, being close seems to increase the intensity of our connection, to my dismay.
A short time later we arrive, and even before opening the door, I know how they all stand behind there at attention.
Eritu opens it up, and I have to fight the urge to run once I see this silvery mass of eight-legged terrors with multiple eyes staring right at me.
However, I surprise even myself being able to prevail in this situation.
Even if I have no idea what to do now.


"Nerysi, you need to speak to them. Tell them they can accompany us outside." (E)


I'd rather not, but I probably have no choice.


"Okay... I’m going outside today, so you can kinda accompany me... At a safe distance that is!" (N)


Don't want them to follow behind as if they're going to hunt me down.
Nonetheless, they feel excited.
As distressing as excited spiders are.


"Hm, a bit crude, but it should work as an instruction." (M)

"They're extraordinarily smart. So they should be able to understand this." (E)


Well, I guess it's good that the two of them are there.
At least their expertise is required if I don't want to mess up and deal with the aftermath.
True to Eritu's words, my familiars are doing just as they were told and only follow around ten meters behind me.
It's still distressing to be followed by a spider army, but still better than if they would be close on my trail.
Yet there's a certain disturbing factor to this.


"Aren't they kinda big?" (N)


For obvious reasons, I didn't look so close last time, but in fact, many are already the size of smaller rodents.
At this, Eritu gives them a quick glance.


"Not so much. It's normal for familiars to grow quickly in their early days. As long as they receive enough nourishment, they can reach the height of a common wolf. That doesn't account for all of them, but you can expect that a bunch of them will get quite a bit bigger. After all, we fed them well, so your first batch can protect you." (E)


For real!?
I would usually say that it's the thought that counts and that they meant well, but in fact no!
Bigger spiders are certainly not better than small ones!
While we keep on walking there are surprisingly few encounters with spiders in this giant spider den.


"Uh, did you prepare the route in advance?" (N)

"Yes. You should memorize the way, Nerysi. We made it so you hopefully won't encounter too many of our familiars on this path." (E)




"Why would you do this?" (N)

"So you can go out whenever you want!" (M)




"She's exaggerating, but we deemed it right to grant you a bit more freedom. You're still so terribly young, so each one of us is quite worried about you being completely on your own outside, but on the other side it would stunt you to keep you captive." (E)


Are they really saying I'm allowed to leave by myself and go wherever I want?


"So I can just leave? You won't even control this?" (N)

"Sure, we trust you! You're family after all." (M)


Is she serious?
I wouldn't even trust myself on this.


"However, there's one condition!" (E)


Of course there's a catch.
I should've expected that there would be strings attached, here of all places.


"Yes?" (N)

"You can only leave with your familiars." (E)



I can only go on a stroll if my worst nightmares are with me?!

Is Masiabi supporting this?


"B-but..." (N)

"No offense, but you're a complete mess if it's about defending yourself. What would you do if you encounter one of the monsters that still occasionally enter our territory? Or worse, humans?! What then?!" (M)


I suppose I truly have to worry about being found by humans.
Even those who aren't bad.
That's quite a depressing thought though.

Finally, the tunnel comes to an end and I have once again to deal with the stinging sunlight.
To my surprise, Eritu isn't faring much better, the way she's covering her sight.
Only Masiabi looks quite unfazed.
Is this because she's used to being up here?
That would be reason enough to keep on trying.

After a short while, I think I'm able to bear the pain.
It isn't great but manageable, so we can move on.

A moment after we're out, Eritu stops me.
Before I can ask her what it is, she points back to the cave entrance, where my familiars gather.
It seems they have similar problems, but nonetheless, they're keen to follow behind.
Because of the order from before!


"Uh, don't force yourself." (N)


It's not much but seems to help make them go a little bit more relaxed about this.


"Oh my! That was so compassionate, Nerysi! To think that you'd be so mindful of them that you want to spare them the pain." (E)


Even if I mostly said this so they wouldn't be so keen on following me.


"Ehm, sure... What now?" (N)


Quickly, change the topic!


"I don't think we should stray too far away for today. I have a good place in mind we could wander to." (M)

"I never got what you find so great about the forest." (E)

"What?! The forest is the most interesting place there is! There's always something new to see! It's everchanging!" (M)


Masiabi always appeared to me to be more of an outdoor person.
Especially, as her sisters are all shut-ins in comparison.


"I also kinda like nature. It's nice to see animals, plants, and other living things." (N)

"Oh, I also like living things!" (M)

"You mean to kill them, right?" (N)


"Well, that's part of it. But I also enjoy the challenge. Often, I tell my familiars not to tell me anything so I can head out on my own and see if I get something good. And then there are also the different paths! The sense of randomness is really cool!" (M)

"Really? Shouldn't you at some point have a general idea about the territory?" (N)


I still remember how they'd all be grown women in human years.
If they spent all that time here, Masiabi should have already a good grasp of the area the Arachnae claimed.
Especially if she heads out every day.


"Huh? But I just told you that the paths are always different." (M)

"Wait a moment, when you said the forest is 'everchanging'..." (N)

"I meant that it always changes, yes. For this reason we have our web marking to find our way back home. You should memorize those. I guess that's gonna be the next part of your education." (M)


To some, the idea of a forest that literally rearranges itself while you're inside so you're going to lose your way for sure might be terrifying.
But I'd say that being in such a place and then realizing that you're in the part with the monster spiders tops it by far.


"Don't worry, we know the way and you still have your familiars. There won't be any danger for you." (E)


The part with my familiars was intentional, right?

Then I think about something.


"Ehm, Masiabi. If the forest changes, then how do you know that the place we're heading to is still there?" (N)

"Well that's simple." (M)


At this, she jumps several meters forward and turns around.
She gestures at her surroundings and I follow with my gaze.


"Because some stuff stays the same!" (M)


I'm awestruck.
In front of me is a clearing, with a small brook, some stones, bright green grass, and beautiful rays of the sun occasionally falling through the trees.
This place looks so mesmerizing!


"What do you think?!" (M)

"It's, it's beautiful." (N)

"You think so too?! Yes, it really is. Because of the water, animals often come here. Naturally, it's not permitted to assault them while drinking, that would be unfair, but there's nothing against scouting the vicinity. You can also get a sense of which one to choose!" (M)


She's totally excited.
And this while I only wanted to say that I like the scenery.
If you don't consider that this place lies in a definite death trap, then it would be the perfect location for a picnic.


"And you, Eritu? What do you think?" (M)

"Well, I guess this place is as good as anywhere else for Nerysi to deepen her bond with her familiars." (E)


Uh, right. I'm quite embarrassed that I almost forgot about the spider army behind me.
I sit down on a nearby stone and try not to think too much about them while taking in my surroundings.


"Nerysi, you should be fair. Your familiars are still all huddled together over there. You need to grant them permission to act freely if you want them to enjoy their time here after being cooped up for so long." (E)


I don't really want to per se, but I get her point.
It would be selfish and mean to take them out and not give them permission to move as they please.
Sigh, I even feel through the connection how excited they are.
I don't think I have a choice here.


"E-ehm, y-you can go away and, and have fun, I guess." (N)


The moment I say this, I feel vivid elation through the link and they disperse within seconds.
Gratefully, none of them came much closer, which might be because I subconsciously restrict them from doing so with my fear as I was told before.
Yet the fact that I now know there are around a hundred big spiders in the nearby bushes and trees puts me in a different mood.
Nonetheless, it isn't nearly as bad as in the cramped room.
I can even calm down a little while dangling my feet into the brook, occupying my mind like this.


"And? How is this Nerysi?" (M)


I'd seriously wish they would finally stop with that name.
Yet while it bothers me I learned by now that complaining about this is an exercise in futility.
They would simply ignore it and just address me the same.
At least, the situation isn't so bad.


"This place is nice." (N)

"Great to hear! I really hope this time will help you with your familiars." (M)

"I still think we shouldn't completely forego your sessions in the chamber, or you'll settle down to the bare minimum. However, if this works out, then we could talk about shifting to a freer schedule." (E)


I'd like to completely forego those sessions, but if I learned one thing about Eritu then it's that she's not going to give in on this matter.
But before I can retort, Eritu jerks kinda weirdly.
Then she turns to Masiabi.


"Masiabi, something's coming." (E)

"For real? I thought I cleaned this place out!" (M)

"Uh, what is going on?" (N)


I'm becoming increasingly nervous now.


"Oh, Well, I like this place for a reason. It's a good hunting ground. Yet now it seems something big is coming in our direction." (M)

"I have an idea." (E)


Instead of elaborating she just whispers to Masiabi.


"Well, you're the expert. If you say this will work, I’ll believe you." (M)

"Just what are you planning?!" (N)

"You don't need to worry. Don't forget that we are here." (E)


Is Eritu concerned about me?
Hate to break it to her, but having giant spiders around me is not exactly a soothing factor for me.

And then it comes!
I can barely even make sense of what I'm seeing there.
It's like a giant dog, but every part of its body is covered in pitch black fur.
It's almost as if it's smoking.
This is the first monster I’ve ever seen.
Well, apart from the obvious ones.

The creature easily spots us and starts moving in our direction.


"Okay, it's time for the show!" (M)


What show?!

As if to answer my question, suddenly my familiars jump from the tree tops onto the beast.
They don't waste any time and dig with their claws into the flesh.




It didn't like this and effortlessly shakes the still far smaller spiders off.
Yet for some reason, they don't fall far.


"Interesting. That's clever." (M)


Just then I see what she means.
They're using their silk!
The moment they made contact, they attached a small thread of spider silk that directly connects to their bodies.

The beast still thrashes wildly around, but every single movement only serves to entangle it worse in the strings.
The spiders don't stay idle during this and resume clawing the creature whenever they get back on it again.

I don’t know what to think!
This is a monster, a creature that would kill me if it could, but what I witness right now is so frightening that my mind gets blank.

The beast’s struggles become feeble, until after only a short while, they slaughter it, which seamlessly transitions into enjoying their first fresh meal.
...Of their first prey.

Did I mention that this thing was bigger than me and surely I wouldn't pose as an opponent to it?


"Hm, their poison glands don’t seem to have matured yet, but all in all that was a promising development. They can clearly serve as your guards. We could even agree that you won't need someone to look after you when going out, Nerysi." (E)


That would at least be a welcome change.
By now my familiars left nothing but a bloody pulp.


"They seem to be quite eager, but I think we should slowly pack up. Who knows what else might be drawn to this bloody mess." (M)


I agree.
Mostly because there's not much serenity here anymore, not after this episode, but more because the remains aren't too great to look at.
So I don't want to stay here.

This means that after only a short while we're already back inside the tunnels on our way to the sanctuary.
Yet if there was ever any doubt about it, it now became clear that my familiars are as protective of me as they are deadly.
I just hope they won't have as much of a chance to live out the second trait as much.
I really don't want to imagine what they would do to a human.


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