Arcane Journey

Chapter 42 Flomo

Chapter 42 Flomo


A dazzling flame flashed across the scorching blade, tearing a shocking gap in the broad shoulders of the swamp bear.

Under the burning of the brilliance attribute, the fragile flesh turned outward with visible contraction.

A stream of blood gushed out from the scorched wound.

The swamp bear caught off guard let out an angry roar mixed with pain.

It threw away another of its kind that was gradually losing its resistance, and slapped the despicable attacker behind it with a powerful bear paw.

The huge force set off a raging gust of wind.

Brian, who had been on guard for a long time, jumped up to avoid the angry bear's claws, and the light blade of the 'Dawnbringer' slashed through the gap in the swamp bear's arm.

Accompanied by a scorching flame flashed by, another scorched wound appeared on the burly body of the swamp bear.

At this moment, the same kind that was pressed down by it let out a low growl like catharsis, and its body stood up suddenly like a spring, and its arms locked its blood-stained body tightly, making it difficult for it to break free for a moment .

Naturally, Brian would not let go of this opportunity. With a concentrated expression, he avoided the sharp claws of the marsh bear in the blind struggle, and attacked in front of him.


With a deadly thrust of the lightsaber in his hand, blood spurted from the swamp bear's chest.

A howl of pain.

The swamp bear's body kept convulsing and shaking, blood gushed out, and finally fell into the arms of its kind, lifeless.

"Target is dead!"

"Draining soul energy."

"Acquired experience points: 1500 points!"


Brian calmed down the ups and downs, retracted his weapon, and calmly stared at the dead marsh bear corpse on the ground.

The marshmen are huge, white-haired bipeds that look like the unlikely offspring of a cross between a troll and a bear.

They are not particularly intelligent, but are extremely ferocious prey.

Huge strength, slow movements, and not-so-intelligent mind allowed him to deal with it fairly easily without using magic.

However, from the experience he gained, it can be seen that the dead swamp bear in front of him is at least a leader-level existence, with a challenge level of around 5.

"Brother, thank you for your help, praise Corellon, you are so timely!"

Another marsh bear pushed away the dead body of its own kind, got up from the ground, patted the dust of its hair with its paws, and greeted it with a grin.

Brian's eyes fell on the swamp bear for a moment, but in the end he still couldn't remember who this monster he called his brother and sister was.

After all, in his eyes, not all swamp bears look the same.

On the contrary, it was his urban accent and delicate behavior that made him not look like a real marshman.

An inexplicable illusion made him subconsciously think that the other party was more like a noble elf
"Stay away, whoever is your brother, don't get close to me."

Brian looked at this menacing marsh bear, and snorted coldly with feigned disdain, "The female marsh bear who was riding on you just now is your closest friend."

After he left a sentence, he turned and left.

The battle at this moment is not over yet, and the drow elves have faintly gained the upper hand.

Even the flying demons didn't get any advantage from the magic attacks of the drow wizards and priestesses, let alone a group of orc warriors whose numbers were rapidly decreasing.

As for the slaves who tried to take the opportunity to escape, they had almost been cleaned up in the chaos.

But among the slaves worthy of Brian's attention, in addition to the human girl he had just rescued, there was also a Dilro dwarf priest and a kuo-tao murloc hiding in the shadows.

This little murloc was sitting cross-legged on the ground, staring at two big eyes that couldn't be closed, with a calm demeanor, like a melon-eating crowd watching the battle.

It was hard to imagine how the other party could not invade each other. Even the abyssal demon flying past his head chose to directly ignore the existence of this little murloc.

Another grimy, dark derro teamed up with a drow to take on an orc.

The orc warrior was tortured under the attack of the two, and his body was covered with bloody sword marks, but none of the sword wounds was fatal.

At this moment, the orc has been cornered, and it is only a matter of time before death comes to him.

But in Brian's view, the Dilo dwarves and the drow warriors didn't seem to intend to take his life, just for pleasure.

If he hadn't noticed that this strange combination also killed a drow soldier, he once thought that the two were also in the drow camp.

All in all, it was a big melee.

The moment the eyes of the two meet, it means that the unavoidable fight has begun.

Of course, except for the calm Kou Tao murloc.

"...Have you forgotten?" The shout of the marsh bear interrupted Brian's thoughts, and he quickly reminded loudly:

"We are fellow inmates. We met in Manto Driss. I also saw you being taken away by a drow witch. Praise Corellon, you even escaped."

Hearing this sentence, Brian's footsteps suddenly stopped.

He immediately thought that in the secret trading market of Manto Driss, he had indeed seen a marsh bear in a cage, and beside him was a frightened high elf.

From the human merchant population, it is known that the high elf who was frightened into stupidity is actually an elf royal family from the highest forest of the "Northern Alliance".

A bold guess emerged in his heart.

However, now is not the time for him to consider these issues.

Because holding the 'Dawnbringer', he not only killed a mid-level drow priestess, but also killed a swamp bear leader.

At this moment, he has undoubtedly become the most dazzling existence on the battlefield.

With a blood-chilling scream, an abyssal demon hovering over the top of the tunnel set its sights on Bryan.

This is a Flo demon, with a body height of two meters.

Looks like a mix of a large human and a vulture.

Its body was covered in fine gray feathers, and its long, curved neck bore the head of a vulture.

In addition to having sharp claws and a pointed beak, the vro's limbs are also quite muscular.

——"Awe-inspiring scream!"

The abyssal demon locked its scarlet pupils on the 'Dawnbringer' held by Brian, and the purest disgust flashed in its eyes. It flapped its wings violently, stretched out its neck condescendingly towards him, and its sharp roar turned into a An invisible sound wave ruthlessly rushed to the ground.

In an instant!

Brian felt a stabbing pain in his ears and brain, as if being pierced by a sharp spear.

He gritted his teeth and resisted the sonic attack forcefully. With a strong will, he successfully exempted from the additional effect of the sonic.

This is the most common attack method of vlomo. It first shocks the target with a deafening scream, and then swoops down from the air to deliver a fatal blow with its sharp beak and claws.

Just as he expected, Vlomo's wings shook suddenly and shrank suddenly, kicking off an upside-down stalactite pillar with its powerful hind legs, it rushed towards him like a sharp arrow.

Brian, who was ready for battle, fumbled out a handful of gem powder from his pocket at an extremely fast speed, threw it into the air, and then quickly whispered a spell.

——"One-ring spell: colorful spray!"

As the jewel powder in the air glowed brilliantly, a dazzling light, even more dazzling than the 'Dawnbringer' he was holding, spewed out from his fingertips in a scattered shape.

Dazzling colorful light dispelled the suffocating shadow of Vlomo and shrouded it.

In an instant.

The dazzling brilliance is like countless sharp daggers piercing into the scarlet pupils of Vlomo.

In an instant, it caused the charging figure to suddenly pause in the air due to the strong tingling pain, and then fell straight towards the ground amidst panic screams.

When the Vlomo finally flapped its wings to stabilize its rapidly falling body, it was horrified to find a mortal with a scorching lightsaber in both hands jumped up, and then twisted its body, making its terrified blade go from bottom to top , splitting a fiery light.


A shocking bloodstain emerged, and the scorching blade extended mercilessly from the Vlomo's wings to between the legs, making it scream in pain.


One blow hit the Vlomo's vitals, and Brian, holding the lightsaber tightly, landed safely.

The body of the abyss demon followed him to stabilize his footing, and fell headlong, falling heavily on the hard rocky surface.

Seeing the demon flapping its wings and trying to get up, Brian did not hesitate to make another fatal blow, completing the final harvest.

"Target is dead!"

"Draining soul energy."

"Acquired experience points: 2000 points!"


——"The Star of Avandor!"

Immediately afterwards, with a thought, six tiny meteors flashed brightly, appeared in front of him, surrounded his body, shining brightly.

Bryan turned sharply, locking onto one of the six vlos that was lunging at him.

He waved his sword with a finger, and six meteors full of magic and magical powers dragged a slender band of light in the darkness, all of them shot towards Flomo in a single thought.

"It turned out to be a half-elf who has been approved by the main elf god!"

Looking at the shooting star across the air, the swamp bear rescued by Brian was shocked, and then muttered to himself in a low, inaudible voice.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!."

There were six explosions in succession, and the divine power and energy of the six meteors burst into a brilliant magical flame on the body of the abyssal demon.

The smoky Vlomo let out a shrill scream, and the five companions who charged along with it twisted and collapsed in an instant, disappearing without a trace.

This is Flo's innate spell "Mirror Image". After using it, four to eight identical phantoms can randomly appear.

Brian saw through the illusion at a glance and locked onto its real body.

The severely wounded Forlomo barely stabilized his body in the air, stared at Brian on the ground with vicious eyes, and suddenly screamed and flapped his bloody wings desperately.

A gust of wind was whipped up in the huge tunnel.

Blossoming dandelion-like umbrella-shaped spores spewed out from the wings of Flomo with the wind, filled the air, and fell rapidly.

When the drow and orcs in the fierce battle saw the falling spores, those who knew the look were shocked, and hurriedly dispersed them or avoided them quickly.

The moment the spores landed on the body of an unsuspecting orc, they immediately penetrated his gray skin, sucking flesh and taking root.

Not for a while.

The orc's shriveled body was covered with creepy blood-colored vines, and it died in the painful wailing.

As the target of Flo's revenge, Brian was naturally taken care of by the other party, and the dense spores spread all over his body at an extremely fast speed like a torrential rain.

However, based on his understanding of the abyssal demon, the moment Brian noticed the move of the Foromo, he predicted its next attack and made what he thought was the most correct response.

——"Second Ring Spell: Breeze Wind!"

Brian chanted the spell, and with the last syllable blurted out, a gust of wind engulfed in gravel was blown up, easily blowing away all the spores floating towards him in the tunnel.

——"Second-ring spell: Whirling Blade!"

Immediately afterwards, with a thought, the 'Dawnbringer' in his hand trembled slightly under the blessing of the infused arcane energy, making a buzzing sound.

Brian flicked his wrist, and the hot lightsaber came out of his hand, like a gleaming golden arrow, in the strong wind of the "Wind Making Technique", it went upwind, making a screaming sound of piercing through the air, with lightning-like The speed pierced the Vlomo's chest.

The scarlet eyes of the abyssal demon quickly dimmed, and its head fell to the ground, turning into a puddle of filthy pus and disappearing.

"Target is dead!"

"Draining soul energy."

"Acquired experience points: 2500 points!"


The moment the lightsaber came out, Brian had already withdrawn his gaze from Flo's body, and locked on the battlefield between the drow and the orcs.

Because his keen senses had already noticed that at least three drow elves had quietly touched his vicinity while he was fighting the demon, trying to give him a fatal blow while he was relaxing.

Obviously, these guys are not stupid, knowing that when he attracted the attention of the two abyssal demons, they didn't disturb him on purpose.

Now, with the demon dead, he is a natural new threat to the drow.

——"One-ring spell: Arcane Missile!"

Brian, who was pretending to be relaxed, suddenly chanted a spell quickly, raised his finger, and four magic energy bullets shot out from his fingertips.

The oncoming drow soldiers couldn't dodge in time, they were shot through four thumb-thick blood holes in their chest, and fell to the ground dead.

Seeing that Brian's attention was successfully attracted, the two drow soldiers who had been lurking behind him for a long time looked at each other, waved their sharp knives, and suddenly became angry.

Just when the two were about to hit the unconscious Brian.

A scorching flame pierced the sky, and the terrified faces of the two drow soldiers were illuminated red.

"Pfft! Pfft!"

Their bodies jerked, they dropped their weapons, and collapsed to the ground with faces full of disbelief.


With a pleasant sound, the 'Dawnbringer' who had completed his mission successfully returned to Brian's hands.

He immediately locked his eyes on the remaining orcs and drow.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the tunnel.

The goblin copper block is lying on the ground at this moment, with its pointed ears pressed against the cold rocky ground, as if listening for some news.

"Don't listen."

The mushroom man Teemo on the side interrupted the copper block that was concentrating, "I can already feel it, it is coming at the fastest speed, and it is the big bug I met last time on the Fansi trail."

"How do you know?" Copper Nugget got up from the ground and looked at Timo in surprise.

"I'm a mushroom man." Little Teemo sprayed the spore cloud innocently, "The vibration perception is my innate ability."

"That's true, how could I forget you."

The copper block suddenly realized, and quickly put some sundries that are often used in the backpack behind him into the dimension bag, and said to the mushroom man next to him with a slightly solemn expression, "Get into my backpack quickly, or you will really die if you don't leave." It's too late."

"Then what about big brother?" Little Timo didn't move, just stretched out his little finger and pointed to the battlefield ahead.

"If you don't get into my backpack, how can I leave you here without worry, and then go to inform him alone." The tone of Goblin Copper Nugget was faintly anxious.

"Okay, I get it now."

Timo nodded, and after the goblin squatted down, he jumped into his backpack, exposed the umbrella-shaped mushroom head, and lay on the edge, "Grandpa goblin, so you are a good person."

"Am I that old?"

Copper Nugget glared at him angrily, "I'm not a good person, Timorah, I'm just afraid that my commission will be wasted. Also! Don't call me grandpa in the future, or I'll make you Huo Mlet Gold Dark Mushroom Soup with Spicy Minced Pork in Molasses Nuts'."

"Okay, I get it now."

Teemo blinked his two innocent eyes under the mushroom cover, and sprayed out a cloud of spores, "Then I will call you the little brother who looks like the old man from now on."

(End of this chapter)

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