Arcane Journey

Chapter 495 Carrion

Cold negative energy filled the air, even though he was protected by the 'Protect from Evil' spell, it made Brian feel a little depressed.

Obviously, these evil spirits want to completely tear apart their living bodies and turn them into their companions.

Brian didn't waste any more time and took the lead before the evil spirits could get close.

I saw him pinching out a spell and pointing it at the screaming evil spirit.

- "Burning Hand!"

The next moment, a blazing cone-shaped flame, like a focused flamethrower, shot out from his palm and blasted towards the evil spirit.

This is not the caster's ordinary first-level spell 'Burning Hand', but Brian combined the magic from the world of immortality to release the chaos mana.

Its power cannot be underestimated.

Moreover, in addition to the positive energy of undead creatures, flames also have significant effects.

Under the fierce flames, the evil spirits screamed and retreated. Their ethereal bodies did not need to be afraid of ordinary swords, but they were meaningless in the face of attacks full of magic.

Soon, five or six evil spirits were covered by the jet of flames, screamed and turned into nothingness, exploding with clanging soul crystal fragments and falling to the ground, while the surrounding furniture had already corroded and decayed. The decoration also burned at this moment.

The formation of the evil spirits began to become loose. Brian saw that the group attack spell was not effective, so he directly drew out the sword technique, and the flying sword wrapped in flames turned into a light orange startling rainbow, moving back and forth among the evil spirits. After going back and forth several times, the evil spirits screamed, turned into specks of light dust, or fragments of soul crystals, and disappeared.

The remaining evil spirits, seeing that the situation was not right, quickly retreated backwards, turned around and blended into the wall, disappearing without a trace.

On the other side, Avilia looked at the figure rushing toward her, full of cold, deathly aura.

She stood motionless, slowly closing her eyes, holding the Holy Emblem on her chest, with the abstract silver stars and eye marks on it instantly flowing with divine light.

- "Supernatural Ability: Turn Undead!"

The moment Avilia opened her eyes, a flash of holy flame flashed in the eyes of the priest girl.

In an instant, a pale golden light array with dark runes, centered around her body, rotated at high speed and suddenly spread to all sides. The evil spirits swarmed up, screaming in terror, trying to escape.

However, they only had time to let out a final cry before they were mercilessly crushed by the light array, turning into shining light dust and scattered soul crystal fragments, and fell to the ground.

Sure enough, the elf priest's dispelling magic was the nemesis of undead creatures. Brian was secretly glad that he had such a cleric to help him.

The evil spirits he killed after working for a long time were less than half of the opponent's dispelling magic.

Judging from the intensity of the dispelling spell just now, Avilia's strength may have reached around level 10.

Then, Brian took advantage of this opportunity, waved his sleeve, and pocketed all the soul crystal fragments.

Perhaps it was because the evil spirits were stronger than the ghosts. The number of soul crystal fragments this time was not only large, but also larger in size than the ghosts.

After clearing the battlefield, they didn't waste any time and headed straight to the third floor.


When they reached the third floor, the crazy sword wind roared past.

I saw a thick two-handed sword coming across, slashing hard at Avilia. Almost out of instinct, the elf priest put up a magical shield that could deflect physical attacks to block it.

However, the two-handed sword is very powerful.

Accompanied by the numbing sound of metal clashing, the powerful force directly brought Avilia's frail and delicate body and hit the wall on one side.

Although the already decayed wall helped her to remove most of the impact, Avilia's body still sank deeply into it and she was unable to break free quickly.

Seeing that the enemy suddenly appeared and wanted to continue chasing, Brian's expression condensed. A fireball as big as a fist formed in the palm of his hand and hit the monster's chest accurately.

There was a roar, and the fireball exploded on the monster's body with scorching light.

Compared with the previous evil spirits, this undead monster was obviously not easy to deal with. It was attacked by Brian's spell, but it only made it take a few steps back, and it did not disappear like the previous ones.

However, a shocking hole was blasted out of the shrunken and decayed skull.

Brian took the opportunity to reach out and pull Avilia up, then looked at the enemy in front of him.It was a strong man nearly two meters tall, holding a huge sword in his hand. There was no flesh on his body. His gray skin was wrapped in thick bone armor, and he was wearing armor that could no longer be distinguished.

Brian's sudden attack actually showed a look of shock on its rotten face, and it roared and backed away.

Obviously, his fire spells cannot be easily resisted by the undead.

"Is this..." Brian asked.

"It's a rotten corpse made by a necromancer...let me deal with it!"

Avilia took a deep breath, shook her long hair, drew her bow and arrow, and stood in front of Brian with a stern expression.

The sharp arrow shot through the air.

Wrapped in a milky white glow like moonlight, it accurately hit the monster's head.

The brilliance of the moonlight passed through the sky, bringing with it the sound of howling wind.

The head of this rotting undead creature was instantly shattered, unable to maintain its form anymore, falling apart and turning into a pile of disgusting mud.

"We move on."

Avilia let out a long breath, stood up from the pile of corpses, waved her hands to dispel the corpse odor surrounding her nose in disgust, and motioned for Brian to follow.

However, the further the two of them moved forward, the angrier Avilia felt.

The dead who stood in their way were not just ghosts and evil spirits, but also some undead that looked like servants or even children.

They were obviously victims who had disappeared from this haunted house, but under the control of the evil magic, they were forced to be awakened from their proper slumber and became evil accomplices.

"Goddess of the Moon, what kind of evil can cause such great harm?" Avilia clasped her hands tightly, looked away unbearably, and murmured to herself.

"Nothing evil can hurt," Brian told her.

"But, this is too much!" Avilia couldn't help but said angrily.

"Strength varies from person to person." Brian smiled carelessly.

The undead wearing a tattered servant's dress, whose face could be vaguely seen, opened his mouth wide and rushed forward with a cry, but before she could grab Brian's clothes, the light of the sword had already pierced her forehead. .

"The results never change based on motivation."

Brian controlled the flying sword and smoothly slashed away another rotten corpse that tried to get close to him, and said to her, "So when you make a decision, you must face the consequences it brings."

The previous calm was restored along the way.

But both Brian and Avilia knew that the storm was gradually condensing.

Brian relies on his rich combat experience, while Avilia relies on the priest of the good camp, who has a natural aversion to evil creatures.

Soon, they came to a gate.

This is the only place in the entire mansion that is intact, clean and tidy.

It is precisely for this reason that the surrounding dust, garbage and cobwebs look even weirder.

"It should be here."

Avilia said solemnly, "According to Viscount Obai, this was once the place where Miss Semmel studied magic. After she died, the owner became the soul summoner of the God of Death."

As she spoke, she frowned unconsciously.

Because the evil that leaked from the cracks in the door almost made her suffocate.

For a cleric, it was the first time in her life that she realized that the word "evil" could actually be embodied.

Brian didn't waste any more time and opened the door with a vigilant look. (End of chapter)

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