Arcane Journey

Chapter 498 The Great Annihilation

In the Great Annihilation Field, tunnels and caverns are as intricate as a maze, extending into unknown distances.

These originally dark spaces were lit up by a mysterious creature.

It is a kind of luminous fungi and lichens that cling to the walls and floors, like ancient murals, quietly telling the secrets of time.

They emit a faint light, illuminating the entire tunnel and cavern, like bright stars in the starry sky, bringing a touch of life and vitality to this silent world.

The air is filled with the smell of moist soil and the faint fragrance of fungi. These smells make people feel the primitiveness and mystery of the underground world.

Under the illumination of light, the scene inside the tunnel becomes more charming.

The four walls of the cave seemed to be stained by magic, emitting a faint light.

Under this soft lighting, Brian could clearly see every detail in the tunnel, and could even feel the texture of every inch of the stone wall.

Following the guidance of the map given by Wizlan, Brian quickly found the chasm known as the Great Oblivion Field, where the lair of the beholder Karazkar was located.

This nest is twelve miles away from the Purple Insect Hatchery, like a mysterious forbidden place hidden in the world.

The Beholder, with its powerful dissociation rays, created the Great Oblivion Field, a terrifying and strange place.

In the center of the lair is a huge chasm, surrounded by ten deep shafts. These shafts are like scars in the earth, known as the "Mouth of Karazkar."

They are like silent giants, hiding endless secrets.

These shafts are connected to each other by a maze of horizontal tunnels that extend in all directions like spokes of a wheel.

In these tunnels, small caves where the beholder's followers and slaves live are densely clustered like honeycombs. They are the fire of life in the Great Oblivion, flickering faintly between the darkness and desolation.

Above the mouth of the abyss, criss-crossing rope bridges are like spider webs woven in the air, connecting passages on different planes.

These bridges are not only for traffic, but also to give people a sense of ethereal and mysterious.

Walking on the rope bridge feels like you are on the edge of life and death. Every step is full of unknowns and dangers.

Brian stood on the rope bridge and stared at the great field of oblivion below, feeling a chill in his heart.

Everywhere here is full of the power and majesty of the beholder, as if it is an isolated kingdom.

He took a deep breath and prepared to step into this world full of danger and mystery to find out the truth about the beholder Karazkar.

For Brian, the beholder tyrant Karazkar is not an unfamiliar name.

He is the absolute master of this land, controlling the fate of everything he inspects.

Karazkar's lair is not a lonely place, although it feels lonely.

In fact, it is populated by numerous servants who are the power that Karazkar has at his disposal.

The character of this beholder tyrant is difficult to approach. Like its kind, it is full of hatred and paranoia, and does not trust anyone.

Karazkar's majesty cannot be challenged, and his servants are acutely aware that disobedience or displeasure to their master will result in a cruel death or petrification.

Karazkar's ambitions don't end with domination of his realm.

It is said that in the long past, the beholder tyrant Karazkar heard the legend about the Labyrinth Engine.

It is a mysterious device that can turn the real world, and its power is enough to change everything.

During the recent Modron March, Karazkar captured a quinton, which confirmed the Labyrinth Engine's location deep within the Underdark.

Despite its powerful magic, the modron's axioms prevent it from revealing any information about the Labyrinth Engine.

Because that is a law that cannot be broken, even if he faces death, Karazkar cannot reveal any clues about the maze engine.

However, this did not stop Karazkar's pursuit.

It uses various means to let the outside world know its desire for "treasures".

For those who can bring it modrons or clues about the existence or location of the Labyrinth Engine, it will grant generous rewards, allowing countless adventurers to embark on the search for the Labyrinth Engine for that tempting reward. journey. However, due to the special environment of the Great Annihilation Field and the fact that it is not affected by leyline radiation, Brian is unable to find the beholder tyrant Karazkar through magic at all.

In this case, he can only seek help from the slaves enslaved by the beholder tyrant.

In Brian's impression, the most favored slave in the cave of the beholder tyrant Karazkar was the human named Sidak the Eye.

As the "high priest" of Karazkar, he not only led other slaves to worship their master, but also carried out the orders of the beholder, showing his incomparable loyalty. Sidak once adventured with his companions in the surface world and explored the unknown. field of.

Once, they explored too deeply into a mysterious place known as the Worm Trail.

In that lost land, his companions met the unfortunate fate of Karazkar's tricks.

However, among this group of people, only Sidak showed extraordinary resistance. He withstood the attack of ten beholders' eye wave rays.

Karazkar was deeply impressed by this extraordinary luck and strength.

Thus, Karazkar transformed Sidak into his squire, destroying his mind and will in the process.

Sidak was completely crazy. He regarded Karazkar as a god-like existence and devoted his life completely to this "divine master".

Everything he said and did was full of admiration and awe for his master.

Whenever he carries out the beholder's orders, he will do his best without any disobedience or disrespect.

In Karazkar's court, Sidak became a role model and role model for all slaves.

He not only taught other slaves how to better worship their masters, but also often told his own experiences to inspire them to face difficulties and challenges bravely.

His loyalty and hard work were also appreciated and recognized by the beholder.

Karazkar granted him more power and status, making him the leader of the entire group of slaves.

In fact, deep in Sidak's heart, there is a complex emotion hidden.

His worship of his master has exceeded the scope of reason and turned into a kind of blind faith.

This belief robbed him of his ability to think for himself and made him indifferent to the fate of other slaves.

This inner contradiction and conflict also makes his destiny full of unknowns and variables.

In this lair, there are at least hundreds of slaves from different races and races, silently serving the beholders.

Some of them were captured by the beholder's minions because they wandered too far away from the settlements in the Underdark. Some were purchased by the beholder in the form of money transactions at the slave market in the dark elf city. have to.

The fate of these slaves is like being shrouded in darkness, and all of them endure inhuman treatment.

Moreover, the power of the beholder also makes many slaves worship it, especially those born here.

Their thoughts were distorted by the strange charm of the beholders and controlled by the strange charm rays, so that they forgot themselves and forgot to resist.

At the same time, there is an invisible fear among this group of slaves, and that is the fear of Karazkar.

Karazkar's appearance is always accompanied by blood and cruelty.

To the slaves, the idea of ​​rising up against the beholder seemed unattainable, like a luxury.

They have already been hit by the fact of life-long imprisonment, their hearts have been distorted, and they have lost the courage to resist.

However, amidst this despair, there is always a glimmer of hope.

If Brian appears and convinces them, it may be like a ray of light in the darkness, illuminating the hearts of the slaves, arousing their hope, allowing them to see the possibility of resistance, rediscover themselves, and find the future of the slaves. The courage to resist.

Don't dare waste time.

Brian kept his guard up and continued deeper. (End of chapter)

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