Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 156: Kojiro's ambition

   Chapter 156 Kojiro's Ambition

   He is from a family of merchants. Since he was a child, his father asked him to learn various things. Even if the country of Wano is closed to the country, it is a university question to understand business in this country.

  The mutual flow of products between the six townships and the consumption power of the people must be thoroughly studied. It was fine before the black carbon snake started to act, but during this time, the behavior of the black carbon snake was full of strangeness.

The prices of items have been changed arbitrarily. Recently, there have been more coins circulating in the Wano country market, and many of them are new money. If it is not for the currency of the Wano country, it stays on the metal currency, and there is no foreign trade. The impact will only be greater.

   He is not the only businessman who has been attacked. Almost all those who choose to join forces with the black carbon orosh in various industries have used various improper methods to overthrow their competitors and achieve a monopoly position.

   In Kojiro's view, the behavior of the black charcoal snake is to challenge the limit, and as long as an opportunity, the economy of Wano can completely collapse.

This kind of behavior became more and more obvious around the capital of flowers, and the wealth gap began to widen. Only the rich can live in the capital of flowers. Many families relying on small businesses were forced to leave the capital of flowers in this environment. Settling in nearby villages and towns.

In other regions, because several daimyo have jurisdiction over their own townships, this trend is less, but the economy of Wano country is a whole, and the capital of flowers is the economic center. Under its influence, the rest of the The region will inevitably be affected.

   And the beasts play a very special role here. They are at odds with the Black Charcoal Orochi, and they seem to have some agreement to help the Black Charcoal Orochi build a factory, but there seems to be a contradiction in the details.

  Those orchards and pastures all mean that water must flow, which is completely different from the policy of the Black Charcoal Orochi. He has observed it for a long time. The Black Charcoal Orochi neither supports nor opposes these behaviors of the beasts.

   Or he didn't dare to oppose it openly. He had never seen a big snake who dared to directly intervene in the affairs of the beasts.

   That is to say, there is something in the hands of the beasts that makes the black charcoal snake fear. Even if he is active enough, he has never left the country of Wano. The frog at the bottom of the well cannot imagine the vastness of the sky, so he can only guess about it.

Coming here alone this time is a gamble, because he can see that the beasts also want to intervene in Wano's economy, and that the beasts will get involved sooner or later. If others can't accept it, they will eventually be abandoned because the beasts The advantage is too great.

For example, on the issue of farming cattle, he knew that the Hundred Beasts Pirates raised two special types of cattle. Those three-tailed monsters had at least ten times the labor force of ordinary cattle, and they were also stronger, even smarter. Can understand the master's commands.

   In actual operation, one Kentaro can do the work of more than 20 ordinary cattle, and the price of renting them out by the Beast Pirates is the same as that of ordinary cattle.

   Now most people are afraid of those strange cows, but some people have started to try, and then they will be able to cultivate more farmland, or free up their hands to do some other livelihoods.

  When the neighbors see it, if you don't want to be completely thrown off, then learning their behavior and renting Kentaro is the best way.

   He has also seen the products sold by Hundred Beasts, many of which are novelties that have not been seen in China, and the market is very broad.

   He was betting, betting that he guessed correctly, if he guessed the relationship between the Beast Pirates and the Black Charcoal Orochi wrong, then the result would not be so good.

However, after he finished explaining his reasons, he did not get an answer immediately. Shaina gestured to the two pirates, and they left. After a long wait, the two who left came back again. here.

   "Big sister, I checked it out, the experience he said is true."

The Hundred Beasts Pirates are indeed looking for a local businessman, but they haven't reached the point where it's enough to be an individual. Kojiro's reason is very good, but Shaina did not believe it immediately, but sent someone to the country of Wano to investigate. for a moment.

   It didn't take long for the eyeliner left in the tour to find out about this kind of news. As long as what he said was true, then this kind of news of a businessman going bankrupt could easily become a joke in people's mouths.

   After all, his father was just a businessman and not a good man. There were many people who were jealous of the rich. When he saw his misfortune, he would only feel happy, not sad.

   "How many people do you need?"

   "There are still a few trustworthy old people at home. We don't need many people in the early stage, as long as the people from the big snake won't stop it."

   "You two should follow him from now on. Remember to bring a flag. Anyone who encounters a big snake will take it out." Shaina watched the two people who brought Kojiro over and gave him a new order.

   Kojiro, who has received the support of the Beast Pirates, has already thought about his future plans, and he has to take back what he lost.

   "By the way, you are a smart person, it's better not to do anything stupid."

   Before he left, Shaina sent him a piece of advice, or a warning.

   His family was already poor and empty. The Beast Pirates meant that he only needed to sell the goods, and he didn't need to worry about other things, but he refused.

  Because he knows that it is not difficult to find a person who sells goods. Now it is because Wano country is exclusive. When they are used to the existence of the Beast Pirates, their own existence becomes dispensable.

   So he wants to show his value when the beasts have not been recognized by the people, and let the beasts understand that he has the ability that others can't do.

   He borrowed a sum of money from Beasts, used the money to buy a batch of goods with Beasts, and said the "crazy words" that he could pay for the goods first in the future.

   "Interesting, let's see what his abilities are. If he has good abilities, there is still a lack of excellent people at Hundred Beast Fruits. If he is credible, let him be absorbed. This is also a talent."

   Looking at Shaina's report, Arceus gave new instructions. Today's beasts still lack some professional talents.

Although he has gone bankrupt, his family used to be a big businessman in Wano Kingdom. His family crest still has a certain reputation in Wano Kingdom. The cart started its own business journey from scratch.

The two beasts followed him, which really helped him avoid the trouble of the black charcoal snake. The snake was very good at forbearance. Although the actions of the Beast Pirates were different from what he expected, he also took advantage of the beasts. Force has done many things that were not possible before.

  Because Kaido didn't agree, he didn't dare to directly say that this was what Kaido meant, but he deliberately acted recklessly, which made those big names a little jealous of him.

   (end of this chapter)

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