Arceus’ Pirate Journey

Chapter 167: phone bug

   Chapter 167 The Phone Bug

The process of    communication was very short, but it allowed them to understand the identity of each other - the Beast Pirates.

   "His attitude was very unfriendly and it was difficult to make contact."

"It's difficult to get in touch. It's impossible for the people above to give up the Hailoushi transaction. We need Hailoushi products and weapons unique to the country of Wano. Buying on the black market is not only expensive, but also the quality and quantity cannot be guaranteed. We A stable supplier is needed."

   "He was in contact with the Black Charcoal Orochi before. Have we misestimated the internal relationship of Wano? The relationship between the Beast Pirates and the Black Charcoal Orochi seems to be less friendly."

   "It's not surprising that that guy's character irritates those pirates."

   "They're on the phone, so there's still a possibility to talk. Let's sort out their information first."

   After a brief discussion, they thought that they had misunderstood the focus of Wano's contact. Previously, they mainly focused on the Black Charcoal Orochi, but now it seems that the Black Charcoal Orochi has no place in the country of Wano, and the beasts are the dominant.

  In this case, we have to re-plan.

Ghost Island, many people looked puzzled after hanging up the phone. They didn't want to answer the call at all, but Arceus found a pirate to let him pass this kind of information and give them a way to communicate. Feel.

   And the purpose of all this is not for anything else, but to make this phone bug remember the phone bug of CP0 on the opposite side.

   "Remember that companion just now?"

  After hanging up the phone, Arceus was communicating with the phone bug. After being thrown by the agent, it almost lost most of its life. Although it was picked up, in general, this phone bug has not been repaired.

   The wounded snail will only be abandoned and die slowly, but Arceus found a new use for the snail, so he turned it into an ammonite and replenished its vitality with drops of life.

   And the purpose is to eavesdrop. There is a black phone bug among the phone bugs. They like to exchange messages with the same kind, so they are used as bugs.

   And there are no number of phone bugs in the world. If you want to eavesdrop accurately, you need the phone bug's number, and the incoming call gives this opportunity.

  Ammonite has already memorized this number, and the phone bug is grateful. The phone bug rescued by Bucky in the war was moved to tears by Bucky.

And this phone bug also has such a mentality. They want to be used as a communication tool because they want to find a master who can eat and eat. Repay them, so I took up the task.


   Remembering the phone bug in that band, and exchanging information with it is its task. The phone bug whose intelligence level has been upgraded has since become the eavesdropping specialist of the Beast Pirates, specializing in stealing part of the information of the world government.

   As for why it can speak, the phone bug can imitate human voices and understand human language. After becoming an ammonite beast for ascension, it can speak human language even when it is not on the phone.

   He did this to prevent problems before they happened. The Lunaria tribe and the current world government have a deep blood feud. There is no hostility yet, but the time is not yet. Since there will be hostility sooner or later, of course, we must prepare early.

   "Find a reliable person, and his task in the future is to feed it, understand?"

   So Quinn became the breeder of this new phone bug. He already had dozens of snails from Wano country in his hand, and it would not be difficult to have one more phone bug.

   "Okay, there's nothing else to do, just do what you need to do. By the way, how's the fireworks event going?"

   "It's ready to start anytime, but it's best to wait until it gets darker."

  Although it is not yet the time to produce fireworks in Wano, there are many weapons factories in Wano. It is no problem to take some gunpowder from the weapons for making weapons and use them as raw materials for fireworks after improvement.

  The firework craftsmen in the Rabbit Bowl area are almost all brought to a factory, and their task is to make qualified fireworks.

  Each firework is marked with a name, and the person who took them to the factory has already said that the person who makes the most satisfying firework can get an extra reward of 100 gold.

   In this case, everyone mustered their strength and used their housekeeping skills.

  Tonight's Wano country is destined to be very lively. At the same time as the moon rises in the sky, the prepared fireworks are also lit one after another in an open space.

   The fireworks in the sky startled Yamato at first, but as the metallic powder started to burn in the air, the gorgeous pattern caught all her interest.

  The same is true for Jack and Maria. Although the fireworks were prepared for Yamato, not only the three children on Onishima, but the whole Wano country saw the grand fireworks.

In order to get the so-called reward, the craftsmen did their best, and the larger the fireworks, the greater the effect, so the amount of medicine needed to be increased, so the flight altitude would be higher, even in the farthest Ximei, You can also vaguely see the movement of the ghost island here.

   "Mom, why are there fireworks today?"

   "Maybe some big man is celebrating his birthday."

   "Can I have my birthday like this too?"

   "No way, Kentaro, we don't have the ability."

  In the closed Wano country, fireworks are actually controlled products. They are released by shoguns and daimyo organizations only at certain times of the year. Usually, they can only be seen during the fire festival, the New Year, or the day when the shogun takes the throne.

   Usually they can see it at most twice a year. They can’t imagine that this grand fireworks show is just because Yamato is interested in it, so the Beast Pirates organized this fireworks show.

   Onishima also took this opportunity to hold a banquet, and Quinn was hosting the banquet with a microphone.

  The people on the ghost island are revelling, and the ordinary people of Wano country are enjoying the fireworks. The daimyo from other townships are not too impressed, but there are two groups of people who are not interested in enjoying the fireworks.

The first is the black charcoal snake. He was stunned by Kaido's overlord color. He just woke up. Hearing the explosion of fireworks, he thought it was the Beast Pirates attacking. Is it right to let the beasts come here?

   And in Kuri, the retainers of Kozuki Oden are also not interested in watching fireworks, all the reasons are Kinemon.

  Although he was redeemed, he was seriously injured, not only physically, but also mentally. At first, he didn’t even dare to sleep. It took many days of cultivation to fall asleep like a normal person.

   But today's fireworks frightened him again, and his state was broken again.

   (end of this chapter)

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