Archwizard K’s Journey In The Cultivation World

Case 1: The awakening.

Central Divine Realm.

A woman was awoken by the loud blowing sounds of the wind.

Laying on the rather comfortable grass of the vast plain, she silently stared at the blue sky. The pitch-black wizard robe tailored for the master of the Crimson Magic Tower she wore made her stand out in the sea of green, like a piece of boba in the matcha milk tea that she'd drunk the day before.


Kierra raised her hand and spread it out before closing it into a fist.


She rejoiced. Who would've thought that her star-transcending ritual actually worked?! She knew right away that this was not her old world; after all, there was only one yellow sun here instead of four colorful ones.

Kierra sat up and grabbed the giant witch hat lying nearby—her favorite piece of clothing—and put it on before slowly rising to her feet.

'Let's take a stock first.'

Firstly, she'd successfully traveled to another universe entirely, which was good. She couldn't wait to start exploring this world.

But there was a problem: her mana reserve was currently in a state of near depletion. She'd reckon she only had around a tenth of her normal amount. The spells that she could do and the number of mythical creatures she could summon were quite limited. She couldn't call her partner either; what a drag.

Now, that didn't mean that she was weak. Well, technically yes, but her 'weak' is worldly different from the normal 'weak'.

'It's fortunate that my mana circles are still fine.'

She was confident that she wouldn't lose to any ordinary archwizard, even with only a tenth of her mana pool.

And it seemed like the energy familiar to her was present in this world as well, so she could recover slowly over time. Slowly, because her mana cap was simply too high.


Besides that, though, she also felt another type of energy flowing in the earth, just very faintly. Interesting.

Either way, now that she'd grasped the general situation, it was time to find out if there were any people here. Kierra closed her eyes and began to spread out her mana, scanning for energy sources in the radius. Even normal folks had mana inside their bodies, albeit small, so unless they were strong people capable of hiding their mana together with their presence, nothing could escape Kierra's keen sense.

Eventually, Kierra found a rather unusual bunch of people in the distance. Their bodies did not have any mana; instead, there was that same energy that she felt in the earth, concentrated in their abdomens. And they appeared to be... fighting?

'Very interesting.'

Curiosity poked at her brain. Kierra used telekinesis to lift herself into the air before flying in the direction where she felt the energy.

Kierra's witch hat and robe fluttered in the wind. Looking around intently with her crimson eyes, she could see that there were tall mountain ranges surrounding this plain. The peaks were all covered with white clouds, but she could easily make out the shapes of different houses and castles on some of them.

The scene was somewhat dreamy, if Kierra had to describe it.

Before long, she'd finally arrived at the location.

On the ground were two wounded women who appeared to be desperately fighting against a group of people.

That group of people was composed of a relatively handsome man, a fierce-looking woman, three more people, and a dignified-looking middle-aged man standing aside.

One of the two women shouted something, but Kierra couldn't understand it. To better grasp the situation, she figured that it would be better to find out what they were arguing about first, though her heart had already tilted toward the two poor-looking women.

''Come to me, Sylph.''

Following Kierra's gentle call, a small orb of green appeared beside her. It was Sylph—the low wind spirit.

''Grant me the power to understand their words.''


The orb danced around a bit, then infused its power into Kierra.

''—How terrible of you, Lightning Tiger Sect! This is daylight robbery! You all should be ashamed!''

''Stop babbling, poor little girls. That pill should not be wasted on trash like you. Hand it over!''

''No! We found it first!''

''How stubborn!''

'...That young man sure talks a lot of crap.'

Either way, seeing that the group was about to beat up the two women again, Kierra removed her passive camouflage magic and landed right between them.

''Stop. You lot, fall back.''

Kierra's dignified voice rang through the space.

The people were all frozen in shock. Not only because they'd never seen someone dressed in weird clothes like her, but also because of the otherworldly beauty that this woman possessed.

'''' ... ''''

After a bit of awkward silence, the people finally snapped out of their trance. Did they really freeze in front of this woman?! She didn't even have a cultivation base! A normal woman!

''You'd better get out, strange woman. I don't want to hurt innocent people!''

The handsome man tightened his hand, holding the sword, and glared at Kierra.

'Aren't you robbing these two girls...?'

''I appreciate your intention, but you can't do anything against them—'' One of the girls tried to grab Kierra's shoulder, but her hand was caught instantly.

''You, are you sure you're being robbed?''


There was something in Kierra's voice that made people nervous. It was as if they were facing a mountain that could never be surpassed.

''Y-Yes, but...''

Kierra decided that it was fine to trust these girls for now. She could beat them up later if they were lying anyway.

''I warned you—ACK!!''

Wind Blast—4

A magic circle was constructed in the blink of an eye before Kierra, and with a flick of her finger, an intense gust of wind came out, blowing the entire group of people away.

''Ugh... what?!''

Except the middle-aged man, it seemed. He somehow persevered by stabbing his sword into the ground. Kierra also felt that the mysterious energy helped him block her spell as well.

''You! How did you do it when I couldn't feel anything from you?!'' The man angrily questioned.


Why should she answer that?

''No, no way, it can't be...!'' The man's pupils trembled.


What now?

''Fusion stage...!! Answer me, whose sect's elder are you?!''

'''' Fusion stage...! ''''

The two women behind Kierra gasped, snapping out of their confusion after seeing Kierra's strength earlier.

Kierra, meanwhile, felt that this was all too dramatic and silly—she just wanted to quickly get over it. So she did what any sensible person would, slapping the man in the back of his head real hard with telekinesis.


The man hugged his head, quivering in pain and wheezing. Confusion soon turned into anger; the man burst out every ounce of his qi and began to chant something.

'Oh, this might be interesting?'

Kierra waited patiently in anticipation of the foreign spell, while the two women were shivering in fear.


Well, this is quite awkward. It had been almost half a minute, yet the man was still chanting. If this was a real battle to the death, Kierra would've destroyed this man a thousand times over. What was wrong with these people...?

Eventually, though, the chant was completed.

''—I summon you, Great Ancient Dragon of Gold!''

From behind the man, a long snake-like figure shot itself into the sky and floated there. It had magnificent jaws full of sharp teeth, thick and glossy golden scales, and a pair of fierce slit-red eyes glaring at her. In the eyes of Kierra though, it was nothing more than... a big snake.

'How disappointing.'

Kierra sighed and snapped her finger.



A roar so loud that it shook heaven and earth could be heard. From behind Kierra and the girls, a giant beast soared into the sky. It was the Queen Dragon of Fire—August. With her huge wings, blood-red scales, and a menacing mouth that could breathe out metal-melting fire, she was Kierra's first familiar.


The three people besides the archwizard had their jaws dropped. They stared in horror as August mercilessly devoured the golden dragon with ease, tearing it apart like a simple snack.

Kierra nodded in satisfaction. Maintaining August with her current mana was quite wasteful, though, so she called her dragon back right after the golden snake died.


'''' Hiii...!! ''''

Kierra turned around and was about to console the robbery victims, but she was instead greeted by two cowering girls, who looked like they were about to cry anytime.

'...I really should've just beat that guy quickly instead of waiting.'


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