Are You Addicted?

Chapter 106 - This time it ’s completely planted

Meng Jianzhi was still swaying near the entrance of Bai Luoyin’s house, wondering as he swayed. Should I give them some color? If I really did it and annoyed them, wouldn’t it be 200,000? But if I do n’t do it, I still do n’t have 200,000, and they are cheaper.

Anyway, it ’s dead, why not fight?

I don’t believe you guys can beat me!

Meng Jianzhi thought about it, walking involuntarily, before he reached the door of Belorin’s house, the barking of the Tibetan mastiff reached his ear.

There is little hope of going in, and we have to find a way to make some money, otherwise how will we plan tomorrow?

Robbery? Who are you going to grab at this point? Women are afraid to go out, and men are robbed.

Just thinking, suddenly a figure came into Meng Jianzhi’s sight.

The black light is blind, and you can’t see whether it is male or female, but if you look at the body, you can try it.

Yang Meng rubbed her face as she walked, her left face was swollen. She didn’t dare to shout at all, and ran all the way here. My heart is scolding, why am I so unlucky? Suddenly I saw a figure flashing in front of me.

“Put out the money.” Meng Jianzhi sang loudly.

Yang Meng was startled at first, but he saw a person standing in front of him, scratching his back, seemingly one leg long and one short, with a sour smell on his body … A lot.

When Meng Jianzhi saw that Yang Meng had no response, he took another step forward, and said angrily, “Get your money out!”

A flash of irony flashed through Yang Meng’s eyes, “How about you still robbing?”

“Don’t look down on me? I tell you, I’m more than enough to grab you with my small body.”

Meng Jianzhi said, taking another step forward.

An unpleasant odor came towards his face, and he almost gave Yang Meng a follow-up.

Yang Meng couldn’t help but coughed twice. “If you want to have a meal and want to change your career? You are motivated enough.”

Meng Jianzhi was too lazy to listen to Yang Meng’s stink, and two big steps towards Yang Meng, Yang Meng didn’t have time to hide, feeling like he was pressed by a dunghill, and the smell around the nose was stinking.

“Brother, uncle, uncle can’t do it? You hurry up, can’t I give you the money?”

Meng Jianzhi strangled Yang Meng without giving up, “You pay for it first.”

Yang Meng took out the fifteen yuan he had. “That’s it.”

Meng Jianzhi was not too small, and left with money.

Yang Meng got up from the ground, and turned around N times as if it were a hot wheel, trying to get rid of this smell. As a result, the odor was not removed. After entering the door, Alang pounced on it several times, and he couldn’t help sighing. Look at me.

“Have you been robbed?”

Yang Meng nodded. “It’s not a robbery, it’s my voluntary. That counselor is too stinky, and he still hugs me.”

Bai Luoyin sneered, “He is Meng Jianzhi.”

“Ah?” Yang Meng opened his mouth. “He’s Meng Jianzhi ?! I knew it was that stupid B. I had to hit him for everything I said, grass, and blind for fifteen dollars.”

Beloin was silent.

Yang Meng screamed again, “He won’t take the money to print a small advertisement?”

“It’s okay. He can’t print much for fifteen dollars. Besides, he still has to eat.”

Yang Meng sat on the bed cross-legged and frowned for a moment, then suddenly a flash of light flashed in his head, dragging Bai Luoyin and saying, “I thought of another trick, I didn’t know it would work.”

“Say it.”

Yang Meng dragged Bai Luoyin’s ear over.

Early the next morning, Meng Jianzhi bought two buns, barely filled his stomach, and went to the grocery store to buy a poor-quality speaker, limping back to the alley of Bai Luoyin’s house.

Eating emotions while waiting for the morning rush hour to come.

Soon, people gradually grew. Everyone passing by Meng Jianzhi would look at him with amazement. Even three people were still sitting not far from him, and they seemed to know that he was going to start performing.

Meng Jianzhi coughed twice and wept into the horn.

“My daughter-in-law has been taken away. My son doesn’t recognize me anymore. How can there be any poorer person than me? Zou Xiuyun, you black-hearted woman, you are carrying me and other men. ,you……”

“Oh my god!”

A throat slammed aside, scaring Meng Jianzhi, and he turned his head to see a man sitting not far away crying even more than he was crying and hitting the floor with his fist while crying.

“My sister-in-law and other men ran away and poisoned me. It was so poisonous that I was covered with pustules. * It was so bad that I could see the bones to feed … My son followed his godfather and burned my room! Who has me to be poor? Who has me to be poor? “

Meng Jianzhi has listened to it, why is there such a lively event?

Regardless of him, then wept loudly at a higher volume, “Zou Xiuyun, you …”

“Ahhhhh …”

Another cry in the east interrupted Meng Jianzhi’s crying, and the voice was so high that it cried as if he was crying.

“Why do you say I’m so frustrated? I was only 38 years old when I became a target. I finally had a daughter-in-law and it was miserable, and I threw it in the smelly ditch in the east …”

“What the **** are you?” Another one popped up from the south. “My daughter asked his godfather to do bad things, not only bad things, but also divided the corpses. The corpses were packed in plastic bags and piled up at our door. I That heart … it’s almost painful !!! “

This cricket was even worse, and after crying, he fell straight and twitched.

A large group of people watching around were all clapping, and a few good people threw a few dollars on the ground. Counting Meng Jianzhi is the most frustrating, because his experience has the least breaking point, who is willing to listen!

Meng Jianzhi looked at it. The cricket was specially invited from the mourning team.

Bai Luoyin arrived in the class, and Gu Hai had already arrived early.

“Did you have breakfast?” Asked Beroin.

Gu Hai said with a cold face.

Seeing that Gu Hai was a bit wrong, Bai Luoyin was called especially before he had time to ask.

“What happened then?”

Beloin patted his shoulder in particular, “The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard.”

In particular, he smiled handsomely, “You’d better break the news a little bit, I’m almost out of scolding.”

“Thank you!” Bai Luoyin replied casually.

Waving especially, “What are we talking about?”

Gu Hai sat at the back and watched the two men in front of each other sharing the results of yesterday without expression, without asking anything, totally indifferent.

Meng Jianzhi failed in one move. He picked up a drink bottle in the morning, sold it for a dozen dollars, and went to the photocopying department.

“Print a copy for me. I can’t type. I read. Do you type?”

The typist in the copy department was very polite. “Of course.”

“My daughter-in-law is Zou Xiuyun. She ran away with another man. The man was Bai Hanqi, and they lived …”

Just after Meng Jianzhi read halfway, the typist stopped suddenly.

Looking back at Meng Jianzhi with unbelievable eyes.

“Your name is Meng Jianzhi?”

Meng Jianzhi said for a moment, “Do you know my name?”

The polite typist just now became furious, picked up the stool and smashed at Meng Jianzhi, smashing and cursing, “You still have a face to copy from me? You beast, you scum, I want to represent The vast number of enthusiastic netizens destroy you !!! “

Meng Jianzhi crawled out of the copy department.

One afternoon, the scene was surprisingly lively, with alleys full of media cars.

“Hello Zhang Dazhen, I’m a reporter from Beijing Evening News. I want to ask you. Do you know Zou Xiuyun?”

“Why Xiao Zou! Why don’t you know? The old man and the old lady in our group all go to her for breakfast. It’s a real one!”

“Then I ask you, have you known her for so long. Have you seen his husband come to see her? Or have you heard her husband mail her living expenses?”

“Why! Xiao Zou and I have known each other for more than two years, and I haven’t heard that he has a husband! I am also embarrassed to ask people that it is not easy for a woman to bring a child.”

Fang Fei took the TV staff around for an afternoon and finally saw the culprit. There was an instant of excitement, and he grabbed the cameraman’s arm and said, “Hurry up, he’s there.”

Meng Jianzhi saw four or five people around him suddenly, the camera was all aimed at him, and his heart was beautiful. That ’s all right, I do n’t have to call the loudspeaker anymore, I ’ll just let you guys go on TV, I dare you to stand against me! Then, picking up a broken brick from the ground, he started writing on the white wall, which was particularly eye-catching and vulgar.

After school in the afternoon, Bai Luoyin packed his schoolbag and turned back habitually.

“You today …”

“My brother asked me to go back.” Gu Hai interrupted Bai Luoyin’s words.

What else did Bai Luoyin want to say, Gu Hai had left the back door with his schoolbag, his back was cold and stiff.

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