Are You Addicted?

Chapter 150 - Mighty mother-in-law

Bai Luoyin lay down in bed to do his homework. Gu Hai finished writing early and had nothing to do, so he harassed Bai Luoyin aside.

Today, Beloin was restless and had a very simple math problem. He tried to change it back and forth in many ways, but he didn’t do it. While struggling to meditate, I suddenly felt a hand stretched in along the edge of the pants, down the tailbone all the way, as if a dog’s tail grass was slipping in the crevices, and itchy people got goosebumps.

Bai Luoyin grabbed Gu Hai’s hand sharply, his eyebrows raised, his eyes sharp.

“Would you like me to finish my homework quickly? Just stay away from me if you want.”

Gu Hai weighed it, and she obediently moved to the side.

After less than twenty minutes, a big meat bug next to it stuck again, poked this, touched it, and saw that the **** did not respond, and the bile gradually gained weight, and the wet tongue began to rest on the heroin’s neck. Do evil above.

Beloin is crazy!

He slammed the book on Gu Hai’s head, got out of bed resentfully, and went to the writing desk next to him to do his homework.

Gu Hai was probably bored, took the notebook to the bed, opened it again, and killed time.

It was eleven o’clock in the evening.

Bai Luoyin hasn’t finished even half of his writing. At this time of day, he has gone to sleep in the bed, no wonder Gu Hai always harassed, should he be anxious too? Bai Luoyin glanced at Gu Hai, and Gu Hai quietly looked at the computer screen, not knowing what he was looking at. Bai Luoyin suddenly remembered the words of Guard Sun, and from the time he came back to the present, he played back in his mind countless times, about the cause of Mrs. Gu’s death, and about everything that Gu Hai has experienced in these years …

Carved into the heart without a word.

Bai Luoyin sighed softly, not even aware of himself, he didn’t want Gu Hai to see his strangeness.

It was twelve after finishing the homework. Bai Luoyin went to the bathroom to take a bath. When he came back to see Gu Hai staring at him, his eyes were a little weird, but Bai Luoyin didn’t care. He got into the bed comfortably and hit him. Great yawn.

Just before turning off the light, his hand was held down.

“Get up,” Gu Hai said.

“What?” Asked Beroin.

“Get up!” Gu Hai exaggerated.

Beloin was puzzled. “Don’t I fall asleep later? Are you?”

“I got you up, didn’t you hear?”

Gu Hai’s sudden chilling tone shook Bai Luoyin’s scalp. He realized that the situation was a little bad. Gu Hai’s tone didn’t seem to be a joke, but he couldn’t think of why Gu Hai was like this, because he was quite sure Will tell Gu Hai things.

Beloxin still sat up.

Gu Hai stared at Bai Luoyin with deep eyes, as if to take out his internal organs.

“Say, why are you in a bad mood?”

Bai Luoyin gave Gu Hai a glance, “Who says I’m in a bad mood?”

“You dress me up again!” Gu Hai choked Bai Luoyin’s neck, slammed him down on the bed, and said with a grudge, “From school until now, you have been dressing me! You are not tired What? “

Bai Luoyin’s heart was tight. When did his cover-up no longer work in Gu Hai?

“Don’t say it, right?”

Gu Hai’s hand suddenly reached into Bai Luoyin’s trousers. Taking advantage of his improper precautions, he poked his finger towards the sensitive mouth. Bai Luoyin hid, Gu Hai chased, and his fingers came in. He was instantly tightened by the warm inner wall Tightly wrapped.

“Say it?” Gu Hai threatened.

Bai Luoyin accidentally made trouble with him, dragging his arm and saying, “It’s nothing, what do you want me to say?”

Gu Haiyin smiled grimly, pointing his fingers very precisely, and “struck” to the point.

Bai Luoyin shook forward and snorted uncomfortably.

Gu Hai’s tongue drew a fancy circle on his lips, and spit out two round words.


Upon hearing these two words, Bai Luoyin felt that someone had drawn a big mouth in his face, and the red marks on his fingers instantly fainted on his cheeks. He stomped his arms and tried to take out Gu Hai’s hand, but he became a booster. Every time he tried hard, Gu Hai’s fingers would be pressed uncontrollably to a raised area. In the end, the power of Beroin was exhausted, leaving only a rapid gasp.

Gu Hai drew a corner of his mouth, “Well … what do you want?”

Beloin closed his eyes tightly. Maybe it would be best to forget it.

Gu Hai turned Bai Luoyin over to face him, and inserted it violently from the front. Pain was accompanied by pleasure, shame was accompanied by debauchery, and Paralyn’s heart was paralyzed little by little. He pressed Gu Hai’s head with his arm, and bit his lip frantically, until the traces of blood slipped down the corner of his lips. Gu Hai’s body was provoked to the boiling point. He split Bai Luoyin’s straight long legs across his shoulders, clasped his waist with his big hand, and greeted his collision backwards. Each time it was relentlessly immersed in the roots, and then pulled out all the way, the noise spread continuously.

Gu Hai’s hand rubbed Bai Luoyin’s cocked avatar, and her fingers lingered at the gap in the front end, causing Bai Luoyin’s waist to tremble.

“Baby, are you happy with your husband?”

Bai Luoyin pressed his face with a pillow, and his breath was burning fiercely through the cotton wool. Gu Hai took off the pillow on Bai Luoyin’s face, and the heavy gasp and irresistible snoring slipped from his teeth. The uncontrollable thrill burned Bai Luoyin’s remaining reason, and his mouth murmured vaguely Says: “… cool …”

After a violent jolt on the bed, it was quiet for a long time.

Gu Hai couldn’t find the north just now. Sober now, she transformed from a fierce man into a mother-in-law. She got in front of Bai Luoyin and continued to ask, “What’s the bad mood?”

Beloin opened his eyes and collapsed, “How do you remember this?”

“You don’t say it, I’m not at ease.”

“It’s really nothing, it’s your nervousness.” Bai Luoyin said lazily. “I went to the teacher’s office for two lessons and typed into the computer all the time. Where can I get better?”

Gu Haiton paused, “You didn’t lie to me?”

Beloine took a breath and said coldly, “You’re so endless, I’ll ignore you.”

The deterrence contained in this sentence was unimaginably powerful, and Gu Hai was honest immediately after hearing it.

On Saturday, Bai Luoyin came to his home again without Gu Hai’s complete knowledge.

Jiang Yuan stayed at home again.

When opening the door, Jiang Yuan was startled when he saw the white **** standing outside.


“I’m asking you something.”

Jiang Yuan’s complexion changed, and he was a little worried, but thinking about how he had done nothing this time, he put his heart down and took Bai Luoyin into the house.

“What are you looking for?”

Although the word “mother” sounded a bit harsh, Beroin had no intention of tangling these little things.

“About you and Gu Weiting.”

Jiang Yuan smiled awkwardly, “So, let me go and pour you a glass of juice, let’s talk slowly.”

While taking this time, Bai Luoyin looked at the entire living room again. All the furniture seemed to have a sense of age. Although not old, it gave a solemn feeling. This is not the style that Jiang Yuan likes. Everything that is placed here is as large as a sofa, a bookcase, as small as a tea set, and a pendant.

Jiang Yuan sat opposite Bai Luoying, looked at him, and smiled softly.

“Why are you suddenly interested in me and Gu?”

Instead of answering her question, Beloine asked, “Why don’t you redecorate the room?”

“Renovated?” Jiang Yuan was surprised. “Why renovate? The furniture here is very valuable. I can’t bear to throw any one.”

“You can store them in a warehouse or find a place to store them.”

Jiang Yuan was silent for a moment and asked, “Why did you say this to me suddenly?”

“I just think that living in a place where others have loved and warmed up is not in line with your personality. Or, do you like the feeling of occupying other people’s things?”

Jiang Yuan smiled uncontrollably, and smiled abruptly.

Bai Luoyin rarely sees this expression on Jiang Yuan’s face. In his impression, Jiang Yuan’s expression is patterned, except for a proud smile, which is a frustrated growl. Look.

“I thought about changing, but after changing, this is still someone else’s home. Even if I change all the furniture and remove the floor and walls, the result is the same. Whose house is who’s house, every All the rooms are signed and I can only go in and clean them. I am not qualified to occupy them. “

“Then why don’t you move out? With his ability, it can’t be easier to set up a new house for you?”

“After moving out, he is even more reluctant to return.”

Bai Luoyin’s heart was cold. “Why don’t you follow the army? Follow him to the army?”

“What kind of identity do you think I should go into the barracks with him? Do you think that with a marriage certificate, I can face those who give me pointers behind me?”

“Why are you suffering?”

“I love him.”

These words came out of Jiang Yuan’s mouth. Beloin was ridiculous, but it was not ridiculous to think about it. Both he and Gu Hai could reach the point where they are today. What is absurd How about it?

“Tell me your story.”

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