Are You Addicted?

Chapter 175 - Just want to linger with you

The two bodies were squeezed in a bathtub, with their legs crossed, their chests against their chests, and their wet cheeks staring at each other, as if they hadn’t seen each other for years, and they had to see all the slight changes on the other’s face.

After a long time, Beroin said, “You’re thin.”

“Crap.” Gu Hai rubbed her belly with her hands. “I miss you so much all day long. I ca n’t eat or sleep, can I be thin?”

Beloine asked again, “Does your brother plan to go back this time?”

“Listening to him means coming back for a while and avoiding it for a while, and I should be back, but this time I will stay a little longer.”

Beloine was thoughtful.

Gu Hai ’s attention has long been unknown, and her toes are pinched with white heroin, her knees are deliberately rubbed on small factors, and her hands sneak underneath, grabbing a few floating hairs, pornographic Pulling it twice, immediately attracted Bai Luoyin’s sharp eyes, but it was such a look. Gu Hai’s three souls lost two and a half souls. He hurriedly moved his head, and gently tapped the water on the tip of his tongue. Bai Luoyin landed on his wet chest, and his teeth held against the small bump, and he bit it gently. Bai Luoyin was able to carry it for a while, but later he became stronger and couldn’t help humming.

“Gu Hai …”

“I’m here.” Gu Hai took a hard breath, causing Bai Luoyin to tremble.

Bai Luoyin groped all the way, and finally found Gu Hai’s giant, put it in his hand for a while, saw Gu Hai’s impatient look, and patted him on the back, let him stand up, Gu Hai With a flattering expression, watching Bai Luoyin open his mouth to hold his own life root, Gu Hai’s warm mouth irritation almost leaked out.

“Factor …” Gu Hai whispered.

Bai Luoyin raised his eyelid and glanced at him, his mouth moved slowly, and the folds were smoothed carefully. Having been together for such a long time, I have already touched on each other’s body and temper, and the specific stimulus and how to stimulate it can not be clearer in my heart.

Gu Hai’s breathing became thicker and thicker, and an irregular groan was emitted from her mouth. Bai Luoyin licked her tongue a few times at the ditch on the top. Gu Hai immediately stretched the muscles on her legs and held her head with her big hand. Severely pressing down on his own crotch, Bai Luoyin’s throat became sore and made a whine sound, which further stimulated Gu Hai’s tyrannical desire. He accelerated the shaking frequency of Bai Luoyin’s head with his hand, and in his mouth Grief yelled.

Bai Luoyin feels his cheeks sore and the corners of his mouth are about to be exploded. He temporarily pulls out the giant things in his mouth and gently licks with his tongue at the periphery, bottom to top, slowly and gently, sweeping across the top , I was patiently stimulating this sensitive area.

“You’re so arrogant, what if you were abducted someday?” Gu Haishou caressed Bai Luoyin’s cheek with an obsessed expression, “If you serve others like you, I just want to I can’t stand it. “

Bai Luoyin ignored Gu Hai’s worrying fantasy.

Gu Hai’s hand moved down the smooth back of Bai Luoyin’s back, stroking in the hip gap for a while, and entered a finger by the wet water. Because of insufficient lubrication and long-term inviolability, beloin has a kind of pain, and Gu Hai’s fingers also felt a strong resistance.

“It seems you are very good these days.”

In order to reward the heroin, Gu Hai lifted his waist up, his body was in a kneeling position, his hips were opened, and his tongue was used as a finger to expand. Bai Luoyin has not been stimulated by this kind of strong for a long time, his waist trembled and evaded forward, and Gu Hai was dragged back.

Have a good time, I have you here today.

Using bath liquid to lubricate, Gu Hai finally broke into the long-lost forbidden area. The two men kneeled in the bathtub at the same time, rudely running through, and splashed around his knees. Gu Hai first tied Bai Luoyin’s hands behind him, forcing him to straighten his upper body, fit his chest, and kissed him fiercely. Later, he pressed his upper body into the bottom, leaving only two hip **** out of the water. Gu Hai admired it. The hip **** that were soaked in water were fuller and more sexy. He squeezed his hands and felt the tightness. And elastic.


A crisp slap was passed along with the sound of water to the ears of the white heroin, and then a pain came out. Just before he was still suffering, another slap was taken. It was not heavy but tingling, and the impact behind him continued. This pain was mixed with the thrill of somewhere, giving a feeling of madness, Bai Luo Because he turned back for an instant to protest.


“You like it.” Gu Hai knows himself better than Beroin.

Subsequently, dense slaps were confused with rough thrusting, and Gu Hai played very rhythmically, and soon, the slaps went extremely hot everywhere.

“Um … ah … Gu Hai …”

Bai Luoyin groaned out of control, and the frequency of tapping and thrusting behind him were increasing. His consciousness was resisted, but his waist was frequently backed up to cater for stronger stimuli.

Finally, a painful moan of collapse, Bai Luoyin released himself, Gu Hai frantically ran for a while in the narrow lane, and yelled and climbed to the top.

After bathing, with the fragrance of their bodies, they were tired and crooked into the bed again.

“If you don’t take a moment, I’ll go down and buy something to eat. Let’s eat something and take a nap.”

Gu Hai didn’t hear the same thing. Gu Zi went to pull the bath towel of Bai Luoyin and said with a smile: “I’ll see if it breaks.”

As a result, he pulled open the bath towel and found that there was still a pair of underpants, and was surprised. “I remember when you used to wrap out a bath towel, you never wore underwear.”

This incident caused Bai Luoyin to have a big red face. He originally developed this habit. As a result, after going to stay there for two nights, he had to put on the issue of wearing underwear. Every time he touched the bed, he checked his Are you wearing small pants? Of course, he would definitely not tell this with Gu Hai.

“Well …” Gu Hai was still intoxicated, “Is it fun to play with me?”

Bai Luoyin lay on the bed without saying a word to play dead.

Gu Hai’s hand dropped off her panties, and she saw a faint red color seeping through the wheat-colored skin. There was no palm print but it was hot. He pressed his cheek against Beloin’s hip buttocks, rubbed his tongue for a while, and then the dragonfly slid with water.

“Don’t do this … itch …” Bai Luoyin smiled and looked at Hai’s head.

Gu Hai grinned. “There are more itchy, should you?”

Without giving any response time to Beroin, Gu Hai opened his evil mouth directly, biting on the red hip flap which was beaten by Bloin, and his legs were trembling and twitching like bars. The struggling carp kept tumbling to escape on the bed.

Gu Haiqiong reluctantly pursued, and later grabbed Bai Luoyin’s two hands, forcing him to turn over, hitting his sensitive mouth with a hard object, and rubbing it between the stocks. .

“Are you still here?” Bai Luoyin pressed his hand against Gu Haiying’s chest.

Gu Hai put his head to Bai Luoyin’s ear, and the tip of his tongue teased his hot earlobe, whispering hotth inward, his voice soft and greasy, “Don’t you want?”

Don’t overdo it, Bai Luoyin has a forbearing expression of disapproval.

Gu Haicun teased him like a heart, his hand reached to the top of the small factor, rough fingers scratched on it, Bai Luoyin squeezed his eyebrows tightly, his teeth bit his thin lips, looking at Gu Hai with a look in his eyes The stock is fierce.

“I don’t want to?” Gu Hai grinds around the mouth with the wet top again, slowly and grindly.

Bai Luo’s **** eyes burned his cheeks. He strangled Gu Hai’s neck with his hands, and his uncomfortable gasp sounded a surrender-like complaint, “Aren’t you bullshit?”

“Please ask me.”

Gu Hai held on to her avatar maliciously, holding her tightly, almost letting her breathless.

Bai Luoyin despised Hai’s wide fingers with his hands, and the tighter and tighter the result, the pain scorched his will, exuding fine beads of sweat on his forehead, and looking angrily at Gu Hai, he still had that playful expression.

“Please, please **** me.”

Gu Hai is challenging the bottom line of Beroin’s tolerance, trying to establish his absolute control.

Bai Luoyin endured hard, and his teeth were bitten to death, but this pair of bodies had already been adjusted by Gu Hai to become his own. Gu Hai’s understanding of it had reached a level of fire. Bai Luoyin’s line of defense slowly collapsed, slamming Gu Hai’s head against his neck, and the broken cry of piercing broke through his throat.


“Please ask me?” Gu Hai bit her larynx of her **** and reached into a vulnerable part with a finger.

Bai Luoyin’s breathing was tightly controlled, his teeth bit into Gu Hai’s ears disorderly, and he murmured vaguely, “Fuck … I …”

Gu Hai had already endured the nerve riots. When he heard this sentence, he almost broke into the hot and suffocating territory almost madly, and violently and powerfully penetrated again and again. Each time was strong and attractive. of.

The long-lost ecstasy spurred every nerve ending, Gu Hai growled, and clasped his chin with his big hand. After a predatory kiss, he gasped and asked, “Factor, do you just let me **** ? “

Bai Luoyin grabbed Gu Hai’s hair, and his waist was eager to greet him. He groaned and groaned during Gu Hai’s impact. “Hmm … yes, just let you fuck.”

Gu Hai held on to the hand of Bai Luoyin, his eyes were red as if dripping blood, he bit the Bai Liping’s thin lips, neck, chest … uncontrollably, like a starving beast, caught After the favorite prey, he started to eat crazy.

“Baby, it’s so hot and tight inside you, so I’m comfortable …” Gu Hai praised him forgotten.

But Bai Luoyin heard the flames of his eyes, and slaped Gu Haier, “Can you stop doing this every time?”

“Because I know you like it.”

Gu Hai smiled wickedly, clasped Bai Luoyin with his arms tightly, and deliberately pressed his lips to his ears, revealing his vulgarity, “Baby, your mouth is so tight with me, my brother’s Is chicken so delicious? How do you eat so vigorously? … “

“Ahhhhhh …”

In the evening, I ordered a takeaway, which was also settled in bed. Gu Hai ate deliciously. He ate and simmered in oil. I really do n’t know how he was so interested in playing for an afternoon. Bai Luoyin now saw Gu Hai ’s The body has the urge to unload eight pieces.

Before going to bed at night, Bai Luoyin was lifted by Gu Hai as soon as he covered the quilt. Gu Hai split his legs and indiscriminately contained the small factor in his mouth.

Bai Luoyin did not know how many times he had been crazy in the afternoon, and the place was a little swollen. Gu Hai’s mouth just moved, and a painful and itchy piercing felted through the sensory nerves of Bai Luoyin, and the tears almost flew. come out.

“You’re enough … Ah … no … hurt … um …”

In fact, Gu Hai likes to watch Bai Luoyin’s crumbling expression like crying or crying. His greatest joy in this life is tossing Bai Luoyin.

“Ah …”

Gu Hai sucked suddenly, Bai Luoyin shivered and shot his essence, Gu Hai swallowed every drop without falling.

When Bai Luoyin was tired and collapsed, he put Bai Luoin in his arms again, a unique expression of accomplishment.

“I miss you …” Gu Hai kissed Bai Luoyin’s tired face.

Beloin took a deep breath. “You finally spoke a word.”

Gu Hai suddenly pressed her face to the neck of her heroin, and babbled back and forth, calling softly “factors, factors, factors, factors …

It is a very unpleasant experience for a five big and three thick man to pamper in your arms. Bai Luoyin thought of Alang.

“What are you doing?” Bai Luoyin stunned Gu Hai.

Gu Hai’s eyes narrowed, an under-pumped expression, “Why not, I just want you …”

Beloine knew that it was better not to talk about this man when he was cramping, and just let him smoke for a while.

Sure enough, Gu Hai ceased after a while. Bai Luoyin raised Gu Hai’s face and found that he was asleep.

The first time I fell asleep after committing evil.

After 20 days of toss and more than 10 hours of flight, can you not be tired? … Bai Luoyin gazed at Gu Haibaan with a distressed hand, brushed his tired cheek with his big hand, covered him with a quilt, and held him to sleep.

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