Are You Addicted?

v2 Chapter 66 - 俺 is not a native

After speaking these words, Bai Luoyin felt much more painful in her heart. After eight years of suffocation, she finally vomited today.

Gu Yang was silent for a long time, and the look of Bai Luoyin’s eyes had faded from her sarcasm, more of a kind of emotion. Although it was so fun, I could no longer see any hostility.

“Did you finish?” Gu Yang asked.

Beloine replied proudly, “It’s over.”

“Seeing me being twiddled by you two, is it fun this time? Brows up?”

Beloin raised his eyebrows. “Yes.”

Gu Yang grinned, as if he didn’t care.

Beloin pressed his knee on his leg, and glanced at him coldly, “I’ll tell you the truth! Don’t think I’m playing around!”

“I know.” Gu Yang’s complexion suddenly changed, and when he turned to white **** again, his eyes had become darkened. “I accept all your accusations and revenge, but you also need to understand that I want to rectify Gu Guhai, there is still a way. You have two choices, or you continue to treat me with this attitude, and we turn into enmity. Or you treat me as an ordinary person, the previous grudges are cancelled, and no one will interfere in the future. Whose life. “

Bai Luoyin looked at Gu Yang with a dazzling look, with a generous expression.

“I didn’t want to be an enemy with you. You are Gu Hai’s brother and you can be regarded as my friend. There is no reason for me to live with you. It ’s just that people have to pay the price for doing bad things. I ’m quite kind to you Now that you have said so, we have reached an agreement now. The confidential documents we had obtained about each other’s companies have been destroyed, and each of them will go back to clean up their own messes. From now on, they will no longer hack the other company for personal reasons. “

Gu Yang replied expressionlessly, “This doesn’t matter, even those funds support you.”

“Less to raise your image, that’s what you owe us, you should have paid back.”

In order to listen to a few nonsense words, even if Gu Yang endured, he never lacked money when he was a kid, and never regarded money as a good thing.


Beloin thought about it, “I can’t think of it for the time being.”

“Can you let me say a few words?” Gu Yang was kind.

Bai Luoyin raised his chin, and a deputy listened to the expression of his subordinates.

“Your agreement only involved me and Gu Hai. You have said nothing about the two of us. Then I’ll add it to you. From now on, you must not talk about the car accident eight years ago. I Treat you with a normal attitude, and you should also treat me with a normal attitude. As for what is a normal attitude, I don’t think I need to say, you should also understand? “

Beloine humbled, “I don’t really understand. Please explain a little more.”

Gu Yang narrowed his eyes, and said in a hurry, that is, I would like to express my affection to you again, and you should stop using a skeptical spirit to persevere in me. Please put me from the bottom of my heart to the ‘life’ waiting for all life Inside, look squarely at what I’ve given, deal with me easily, and get rid of all your prejudices. “

Beloin took a deep breath. “This thing, it is not controlled by man. You also know that the human heart is the most free, and often ignores it and goes a little carelessly. It depends on your level. Now, if you are high enough, these requirements will naturally be met … “

To be honest, at this time, Gu Yang’s eyes were a little bit under-smoked and a little bit cute, in short, it made people love and hate, but couldn’t say anything ruthless.

In the end, Gu Yang threw an indifferent expression to Bai Luoyin, “It’s up to you.”

As a result, Bai Luoyin was like unloading a 10,000-ton boulder. The haze was instantly cloudless, the sun was shining, and even his eyes began to shine.

Gu Hai was still fighting against himself. Now when I saw Bai Luoyin and Gu Yang coming back, they all had a refreshing expression, and my heart was even more uncomfortable. , Catching **** and spraying out.

“What the **** did you tell him?”

Bai Luoyin glanced at Gu Hai, learning Gu Hai to make a mysterious expression.

“It’s a secret.”

When Gu Hai heard these words, he frowned. “Secret? Is there a secret between the two of you? Beroin, I ask you, I have been away for more than ten days, and you always keep me from coming back, you really want to Let me break up his company, or do you want to sneak up on your little life with him? “

The small explosive package of Beroin also exploded, and immediately counterattacked, “I’ve given you a chance to have an affair, haven’t you? When I support you in Hong Kong, it’s because you made a little beautiful boy?”

Gu Hai swallowed a few breaths, two hands hugged Bai Luoyin’s shoulder fiercely.

“I ask you, are my company’s confidential documents or something else on my brother’s computer?”

Gu Yang interjected side by side, “It was a **** picture of Beroin, which was taken on my bed eight years ago.”

Bai Luoyin cast a stern look on Gu Yang, “Gu Yang, don’t you **** want to kill me? You know he’s a living donkey, and you always encourage him to commit havoc ?!”

“You’re right, I’m really a donkey.” Gu Hai was soaring. “I worked **** you all day and night. I satisfy your desires, but I still need to be drawn from time to time, right?”

Bai Luoyin twisted Gu Hai’s mouth indignantly. “Can’t you say these things to others?”

“What’s wrong with him in front of his face? You can’t be too much in my face!” Gu Haiyin dragged Bai Luoyin ten meters away with his face, and pinched his waist and asked: ” What happened to the naked photos he said? How did you run to his bed eight years ago? The few days I was clinging in the tunnel, what did you do with him to get me out? “

Bai Luoyin was completely convinced. Gu Hai is really a creator. The plot that can’t be hit by eight poles can be connected together, and it can be so explosive that it is really a curse not to go to a gossip reporter!

Gu Hai saw that Bai Luoyin didn’t speak, thinking he had acquiesced, and the hand on his waist twisted fiercely. Bai Luoyin was still able to hold back. Suddenly, the pain almost jumped up and he sweared.

Gu Yang couldn’t understand what they were talking about, but could see what Gu Hai was doing, so he kindly reminded him.

“He’s got a wound on his waist, and you’re walking a little.”

Gu Hai suddenly lifted the hem of Bai Luoyin’s clothes and saw a circle of red blood on his waist.

Beloin is still breathing, Nima, this vise, is not a real dick!

“How does he know that you have an injury on your waist?” Gu Haiyin asked with a face.

Bai Luoyin’s heart is cold, I’m afraid you are worried, I have kept silent from you. You’re better. Seeing me hurt, I didn’t say a word of consolation, I just dropped such a word first, you are so interesting! !!

“Because he gave it to me! If you have the ability, you can dig out all my meat and knock his teeth out, and I will tell you how those **** photos came from!”

After saying this, Bai Luoyin walked back with a stride, a fearless expression.

After a long time, Gu Hai also went back, but didn’t walk to Bai Luoyin, but returned to his original position, less than one meter wide from Gu Yang. If you want to kill this adulterer, just reach out.

The gas exhaled by Gu Hai was cold and cold, but Gu Yang was always calm.

After a while, Gu Hai suddenly turned to look at Gu Yang.

“Are you provoking alienation?”

Gu Yang really wanted to say Gu Hai, did you just react? Stealing my company’s things is quite a set, how come I got kicked by my own hoof when it came to beroin?

Gu Hai stood up, and said fiercely to Gu Yang, “I’ll find you later!”

After that, he strode over to Beloin.

Gu Yang came to the sentence, “Deserve it!”

Just after finishing speaking, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in his sight, Gu Yang could not help but hesitated.

In addition to him and Gu Hai, there are two people who look like this?

People who saw Gu Yang could not help but look at it.

When Luzhe and Gu Hai set out, they were wearing a suit that suits him well. As a result, after changing the women’s clothing, there was no time to change back. Coupled with the fear of being recognized by the chase, he was wrapped in a very worn out clothes, walking on a country road at this moment, really a bit like a local.

Is this Gu Yang or Gu Hai? It’s a bit confusing at the moment. If it feels like this, it should be Gu Yang, but how could Gu Yang be here? The man who jumped down with him was Gu Hai!

In order to see his looks, Gu Yang deliberately asked, “Dude, how far is it from Shijiazhuang to this?”

Zhe put her two hands in her sleeves, and said with a spit in the mouth of Shandong: “Hey, I’m not a local, I’m a Shandong, you go there and ask!”

Gu Yang, “…”

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