Are You Sick? As Soon As We Broke Up, The School Flower Called

Chapter 323

Chapter 329 This Is For An An To Decide

In addition to being handsome, Chen Jinfeng really didn’t expect that he was rich. Now I heard that one of the most famous hot pot restaurants in Beijing was opened by him, and the people around him became more enthusiastic.

The husband and wife showed joy after learning about it, and immediately blew rainbow P to the two children, hoping that they would be strict (in) discipline (self) and study hard.

The teacher in Class 8 didn’t name anyone, but took a photo, and the couple immediately recognized that it was their child’s homework.

Thinking of this, Fu Jia’er felt uncomfortable. After all the searching, she found such a post.

Last semester, the teacher did not judge the class (cadre) department, and An Anpo (grid) became the discipline (discipline) committee (member) for a reason.

At the same time, Fu Jiaer also thinks so, she has jewelry, clothes and everything.

365 days a year, birthdays, wedding anniversaries, Qixi Festival, etc. all add up to make Chen Jinfeng bald.

Chinese teacher, 66.99

The language teacher is on hands-free, and the conversation can be heard clearly.

Internet search, five thousand eight.

“Teacher, this is for you.

The language teacher was stunned for a moment, and hurried over to call someone over.

Finally, the language teacher said thank you to An An, and An An jumped away.

Take a look at the sharing of those treasure mothers, I hope it will be useful to myself.

The child is raised almost like Ping Ping, now March and July are off, and there are still several months left.

Chen Jinfeng asked his parents to take the two children back to sleep, and he and Fu Jiaer went to see the mouse and Xiaoling.

An An heard this again and said, “What about these?”

Fu Jia’er was cleaning (washing) her jewelry with an ultrasonic (sonic) wave instrument, and An An watched with a wow.

In the evening, Xiaowei came over after get off work, a few people sat in the shop and chatted until after 12 o’clock, Xiaowei drove Chen Jinfeng and his wife back to the hotel.

Chen Jinfeng reassured his son, “Dad help you. 35

“Yeah? My mom gave it to me!”

He nodded flatly, “I know.

Taking advantage of the end of class, An An went to the office to find a language teacher.

Also thank Chen Jinfeng for being a little patient…

“Can I play for a while?

But some people insisted on Chen Jinfeng to go, which made him unhappy, this is not forcing (forcing) people.

So, she didn’t think too much, where would she know that An An gave the necklace to her favorite language teacher the next day.

“Husband, I’ll leave this matter to you, I’m a girl, it’s inconvenient. 35

An An smiled, “This is my gift to you!

I thought I’d return the things once my daughter’s heat (degrees) passed.

This makes An An, who has a lively and active personality, especially likes the Chinese teacher, and also likes the Chinese class.

This necklace, she just thinks the teacher looks good in it, that’s all.

Say no to love? No feelings?

Fu Jia’er was silent for a while, “You ask An An, this is her necklace, she can make up her own mind.

An An took a fancy to a butterfly necklace, “Mom, can this be given to me?

The language teacher stretched out his hand, “What is this?”

Fu Jiaer couldn’t sleep anymore, “Husband, I’ll leave An An’s homework help to you.” 99

After dinner, some people invited to drink and sing, mostly young people.

In the first few years, Chen Jinfeng will also persistently buy gifts on time, big and small for the holidays.

“Teacher, from the child’s point of view, she just thinks it is suitable for you, and has nothing to do with preciousness. Take it.

After chatting and chatting for a long time, it was only after eleven o’clock in the evening that the store was cleaned up and closed.

When the Chinese teacher came home, because her classmates liked her, she liked this necklace even more.

The language teacher took a deep breath…

Chen Jinfeng laughed, “Let’s go, I’ll treat you to hot pot?”

During this period of time, because he was going to make an appointment for the child’s operation, Fu Jiaer would read some posts about it when he had nothing to do.

That night, Fu Jiaer saw a post, roughly saying that the boy’s pouch (stem) does not have to be operated on, and parents can help to turn it out when the child is taking a bath.

The two stood outside chatting for a while, and the mouse came out from the inside. People who used to be thin and dry have now gained a lot of weight.

Instead of letting Chen Jinfeng buy it, it is better to buy it yourself. The appreciation level of straight men is really not that good.

the next day.

Fu Jiaer hurriedly asked her husband to watch, Chen Jinfeng read the post and felt it was necessary to ask Dr. Zhao

Before sharing a lease with Xiaowei, the husband and wife moved out, and Xiaowei also moved the house.

She liked her mother’s jewelry, and asked enviously, “Mom, can I have a look?

The language teacher shook his head, “I can’t accept this, this is too precious.”

“Give me a red envelope!

An An packed her schoolbag, saw the necklace on the table, thought about it and found a small box from the drawer.

After a while, the mouse and Xiaoling moved three chairs, Xiaoling said with a smile, “You guys talk, I’m done. I’m done. 35

Moreover, this is related to her son’s future life, so she can’t be sloppy.

“Well, it’s over, come and see, where is Xiaoling?”

Whether it is this post, or other posts, it is okay, as long as you persevere, you will succeed.

“it is good.”

Gradually, giving out red envelopes has become a tacit understanding!

When An An’s head is writing mathematics, she can’t always turn around, and it takes five or six times to understand a question.

The teacher next to her reminded her, “You go and call the child’s parents and explain the situation, this chain is not cheap at first glance.

In this semester, on the first day of school, the teachers of the two classes were selected.

Dr. Zhao did not clearly explain the situation, but only said that it may or may not be possible, so that they can have a try.

Chen Jinfeng hummed, “Okay!”

`~…Well, yes, but be careful.

But parents can’t rush for success, this is a cyclical process!

A few days later, when Fu Jiaer asked what was going on, Chen Jinfeng said, “It’s nothing, it’s still the same.39

On this day, An An called her mother to eat after finishing her homework.

Chen Jinfeng’s expression turned slightly cold, and his tone became a little bit tougher, “No, I want to take the child!””

Ping Ping knew about the operation, and his face turned pale, “How do I wash it?

The language teacher still refused, saying that he would go back and let An An bring it back.

Today is February 14th, and most of the people who come to eat hot pot are couples, talking and laughing.

It started to be unpleasant, and Chen Jinfeng stopped immediately.

Fu Jia’er glanced at it, “Go back after you see it.”

This made Fu Jiaer see hope, so the husband and wife discussed it together. According to what the post said, they resolved it within a month.

She was afraid of being anxious about her tutoring homework, and Chen Jinfeng was also afraid, nodded, “Okay, don’t worry about this matter!”

The butterfly necklace has two layers, which is equivalent to two chains. Fu Jiaer saw that her daughter liked it so much, and reluctantly gave up her love, “Okay, take it.

“I gave it to An An. Since she gave it to the teacher, the teacher will accept it. This is the child’s heart.

In the blink of an eye, spring is here, and the next semester of the first grade begins.

The first grade teachers do not have extended classes at present. Parents pick up the children from school at the point of time, and the homework is completed at home.

The class bell rang, An An went back to class, leaving the Chinese teacher a little worried.

The course is gradual, from simple to difficult, such as reciting texts in Chinese and addition and subtraction in mathematics.

Chen Jinfeng thought of a good excuse, “The doctor said that ‘here’ should also be washed, otherwise we will have surgery.

Later, I only remember the two important festivals (points) of birthday and wedding anniversary, and occasionally express it at other times.

“Yeah! I think the teacher must look good wearing it!

If Fu Jia’er is going to die, she will probably have to jump at the moment!

The child suffered from the operation, and it was only tormented after the operation. Several posts shared by the mother said that the child was crying in pain.

The language teacher called Fu Jiaer and told the situation, Fu Jiaer was stunned.

“So, are you going to give it to the teacher?

When Fu Jiaer saw the photos of the surgery and the post of the mothers sharing the post-operative care (care), she was heartbroken.

“I’m busy inside, I’ll go in and bring some chairs over, wait for me. 35

Everyone invited him to go out to drink and sing at night, but Chen Jinfeng refused one by one, saying that he wanted to bring children.

Exquisite workmanship, the butterfly is even more vivid, look good.

Before, the little guys took a bath by themselves. Today, Chen Jinfeng helped Pingping and told him.

The two children have developed the habit of doing homework in their own rooms, and the husband and wife can check when the time comes.

“This is your mother’s?

Fu Jia’er comforted herself and her husband, “It’s alright, people say it’s slow in the early stage, but it’s fast later, don’t worry, there are still a few months left.

No, Chen Jinfeng asked her what she wanted, but she didn’t know, after thinking about it.

After speaking, Da Da Da ran away, and the language teacher opened the small box of children’s toys with a smile.

On the first day of school, I put on the school uniform and went to class, and the Sunshine Noon Nursery also started a busy semester.

Hearing what the teacher said, Fu Jiaer felt that this necklace was nothing.

“Pingping, do you remember the last time we went for a medical examination?”

“No, these are important to mom, and they’re all precious.

Chen Jinfeng asked, “Then what do you want?”

“Brother Feng, sister-in-law, is the wedding over?”

Later, I avoided what May 1st and 11th, and chose important festivals such as birthdays and wedding anniversaries.

Fu Jiaer bumped her husband with her shoulders, her eyebrows curved, “Husband, although we are already married, there is no need to be too ceremonial, but in the end, we still need to express.

An An forgot about it as soon as she went to class, and didn’t remember it until she flipped through her schoolbag and found the box in the corner.

Everyone saw that he said that, and he didn’t say anything more wisely, and his expression was a little embarrassed.

If it is normal, it is to have general anesthesia. The child is so young, she is afraid of what impact it will have on the child in the future.

The next week is to play in Beijing.

Don’t worry, take it step by step!

Fu Jia’er beat him, “I don’t want to eat hot pot, just finished eating, you want to kill me?”

Their math teacher is a male teacher. The Chinese teacher has just been assigned to this school. He is young and lively and likes to mingle with children.

But An An obviously couldn’t keep up, obviously mathematics.

Pingping is the study (committee) member of Class 6, and An An is the discipline (discipline) of Class 8.

After school, the Chinese teacher returned the things to An An, but An An refused to take it back, “Gifts given out, water thrown out, can’t be taken back.

Before the mouse and Xiaoling were fine in the capital, but due to the repeated failure of the operation, Xiaoling was very sad and ran back to City A. Later, the mouse also returned, and the husband and wife were reconciled and returned to the capital as before.

When the couple went there, the store was doing very well, and there were only one or two chairs vacant.

No, it’s just that Chen Jinfeng felt that buying flowers and jewelry would be better than making a delicious meal for his wife and sending a big red envelope.

From this day on, Chen Jinfeng would go through it every day when he was taking a shower.

Of course, there were a few people with expressions of dissatisfaction and disdain, and Chen Jinfeng didn’t take such people seriously.

Unexpectedly, there was a very beautiful necklace lying inside, and the teacher next door came over and said, “Wow, this looks good.”

Pingping’s homework was also used as a model comment by the teacher in the group, and An An was also, but it was a negative teaching material.

After finishing the necklace, I took it to school!

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