Arifureta: Dark Lord


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"So this is the library," Reiji murmured. He thanked the maid who had shown him the way and watched as she bowed before continuing on with her duties. Reiji took a few steps forward, examining his surroundings.

Stepping into the library, he marveled at its grandeur. The circular room was lined with towering bookshelves from floor to ceiling, filled with books of various shapes and sizes, some of them appearing ancient and worn out. The soft golden light that illuminated the room added to the warm and inviting atmosphere.

Tables and chairs were scattered throughout the space, providing ample seating for readers. In the center of the room stood an ornate desk manned by a beautiful librarian, ready to assist anyone in search of the perfect book.

The library held a wide range of reading materials, including novels, historical tomes, and spellbooks. It was a peaceful and enchanting place that called out to book lovers to explore its vast collection.

Despite its inviting ambiance, the library was not a frequently visited place in the world of fantasy. If not for Reiji's need for knowledge, it could have remained the same. 

As Reiji started browsing the shelves, a woman's voice interrupted him. "You can't grab any of the books without signing into the library. Do you have a library card?" she asked. 

Reiji turned to face her and noticed that she wasn't much older than him, perhaps around nineteen or twenty. She had long, silky hair that was tied up into an artful crown of braids and twists, showcasing the smooth texture and vibrant shade of her auburn locks.

Her outfit was eye-catching, with a white collared button-up shirt paired with a leather waist tunic that covered it. Golden bracelets adorned her biceps and wrists, adding to the flashy look. She wore a red tunic skirt that emphasized her shapely thighs as she faced Reiji.

Shaking his head, Reiji answered, "Nope. I didn't realize I needed a library card to enter. I assumed it was open to those living within the castle after all. Though I guess it is warranted. Anyways, I'm Reiji, one of the summoned heroes."

Her eyes widened ever so slightly at the mention of his name before regaining her composure. She smiled and introduced herself, "My name is Seraphina, but you can call me Sera. I'm the librarian here. Come on, I can help you get a library card. All you have to do is fill out a quick form."

Reiji nodded and followed Sera to the desk. As she pulled out the form, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Ever since learning how to control mana, he had been experiencing sudden, unexplainable sensations that unnerved him.

Sera handed him the form and a quill pen. "Just fill out your name, age, and occupation. You can also list your interests if you'd like. Once you're done, I'll take care of the rest."

Reiji utilized his {Detect Magic} skill to scan the paper and quill pen for any magical properties like a potential magical contract, but the results came out negative. There was no magical energy emanating from either the paper or the quill pen. 

This left him perplexed as to why he was experiencing these strange feelings, and he couldn't help but wonder if it was just one of his skills acting up. The questions were straightforward, and since there was nothing objectionable, Reiji began filling out the form, leaving the interests section blank.

After finishing the form, Reiji handed it back to the librarian, who examined it briefly before nodding her head in approval. "Alright, everything seems to be in order. Here's your library card," she said as she handed him a small, rectangular piece of plastic.

"Thank you," Reiji said as he accepted the library card and tucked it into his pocket. Not wanting to waste any more time, he started picking out books on various subjects such as history, geography, and magic.

With a pile of books in his arms, Reiji made his way to a quiet corner of the library and sat down at a table. And without delay, he began reading through the books.

After studying for two hours in the library, Reiji leaned back in his seat and let out a sigh. The history of this world he had immersed himself in was disappointing, to say the least. It felt like there were pages missing from the books. But Reiji wasn't too surprised. As the saying goes, history is written by the victors.

In summary, demi-humans lived in isolation within the Haltina Woods due to the severe discrimination they faced for their lack of mana. According to legend, the gods, starting with Ehit, used magic to shape the very foundation of the world. 

The magic used by everyone today is believed to be a weaker form of the power the gods once possessed. This belief has led to the common understanding that magic is a divine gift, a concept reinforced by the teachings of the Holy Church.

Due to their lack of mana and inability to use magic, demi-humans were viewed as wicked creatures who had been abandoned by the gods. This made Reiji wonder about the treatment of monsters, which were considered natural disasters and nothing more than wild beasts without any divine blessings.

Even more distressing to learn that demons, despite worshiping a different god than the humans, also discriminated against demi-humans. Demons were believed to possess a much higher magical affinity than humans, enabling them to cast spells with shorter incantations and smaller magic circles. 

They resided in the demon kingdom of Garland, located in the center of the southern continent. It seemed that no one could accept demi-humans for who they were.

The humans in this world, indoctrinated by the teachings of the Holy Church, viewed demi-humans as godless pests, and demons as their mortal enemies, despite their differing beliefs. Reiji couldn't help but wonder if the demi-humans simply wanted to be left alone, but they were never given the chance.

Reiji also learned about the seven labyrinths, known to be extremely perilous locations across the world. The Great Orcus Labyrinth was one of them, located to the southwest of the Heiligh Kingdom, between the capital and the Gruen Desert. The Haltina Woods, mentioned earlier, was also one of these labyrinths. 

However, despite being referred to as the seven labyrinths, only three of them had ever been recorded. The rest were places believed to exist due to evidence provided in ancient books and manuscripts, adding to the mystery and danger surrounding them.

As he returned the books to their shelf, Reiji saw someone unexpected and walked towards him. "Hajime? What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Reiji? I'm just trying to learn more about this world. My Job Class is pretty weak, so I need to learn as much as I can about the world to survive and get stronger," Hajime explained. Nodding in understanding, Reiji gestured to him to sit with him.

"Since you and I have the same idea let's share some intel of what we've gathered. From what I've noticed the book you had was of minerals and items like potions, correct?" Getting a nod from Hajime, Reiji continued. "I was learning about the history and geography of this world. So, let's exchange information."

Not wanting to disagree, Hajime sat down in front of him. "Sure. We can exchange information, it would take weeks until I learn everything here from just reading anyways."

Reiji and Hajime shared their knowledge about the world, exchanging thoughts and findings on how to survive and get stronger. Hajime delved into the various ores and minerals of the world and their functions, while Reiji explained the history, geography, and cultures of the world. After an hour of discussion, they parted ways, each of them better equipped with new insights and knowledge.

Before leaving the library, Reiji asked if Hajime had seen Captain Meld anywhere. Hajime nodded and informed him that he had seen the captain with Kouki in the training grounds earlier. 

Thanking him for the information, Reiji bid him goodbye and made his way to the training grounds to find Captain Meld.

Reiji arrived at the training grounds and saw Captain Meld watching Kouki train with his sword. As he approached him, Captain Meld turned to face him and asked, "Is there anything you need, Reiji?"

Reiji nodded and replied as they watched Kouki train, "Yeah, I want to use two of my favors."

Captain Meld's eyes widened slightly, but he nodded and said, "Since Tatsuya is doing a task for the King right now, I'll do the favors for you, though they will come out of his savings." Reiji's eyes flashed with amusement at Captain Meld's statement. "State your wish, however, it should be reasonable and manageable."

Reiji pulled out a paper from his pocket and presented it to Captain Meld. "I want a spear made of mithril using this design and color," he said, showing the captain the paper. "I have listed the abilities I want enchanted on it. Procuring the material might be a challenge, but I believe the kingdom should have it. I request the best craftsmen in the kingdom to make it."

"And for my second favor, I request a suitable facility where I can live and train. It doesn't have to be grand, but it should be spacious enough for me to practice magic and train with my spear without any disturbances. It should have all the necessary essentials such as a bathroom and kitchen. I would prefer it to be located near the forest and the arena."

Captain Meld listened carefully to Reiji's requests and nodded in agreement. "I'll make sure to find the best craftsmen to make your spear, and I'll start looking for a suitable location for your training facility," he said. "I'll also inform Tatsuya of your request, and he'll take care of the expenses. However, it will take some time to complete. Approximately 1-2 weeks. Is there anything else?"

Reiji nodded in gratitude. "Yes, thank you," he said before bidding Captain Meld farewell.

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