Arifureta: Dark Lord

Golden Vampire

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"...Is anyone there?…" a faint, hoarse female voice asked.

Coming to a sudden halt, Reiji's eyes widened in surprise upon hearing the unexpected voice. He hadn't anticipated encountering anyone down here in the depths of hell. Straining his eyes to pierce through the darkness, he could make out the figure of a person in the distance.

The girl was trapped, her body buried in the rock up to her neck, with strands of golden-blonde hair hanging lifelessly in front of her face, reminiscent of a ghost from a well-known horror movie. Despite her disheveled appearance and the obscuring veil of hair, her beauty was still evident. 

Reiji's surprise stiffened his posture, realizing that she was far from ordinary. The girl seemed equally astonished by his presence, her red eyes peering through the gaps in her hair with a mix of shock and disbelief. After a brief silence, he turned away, determined to leave.

"Sorry. I'll just leave now," he said, preparing to close the doors once more. However, before he could do so, the girl with blonde hair and red eyes called out to him with urgency. Her voice was hoarse and weak, likely from years of disuse, but the desperation in her plea was palpable.

“W-Wait...! Please...! Help me...”

Reiji responded with a curt and heartless reply, "Don't wanna," before refocusing his attention on the doors, showing no willingness to engage further with the girl's plea.

The girl's desperation persisted as she pleaded, "Wh-Why... Please... I'll do anything, so..." Despite her limited mobility, she managed to raise her face to meet Reiji's gaze. However, his response remained cold and dismissive.

"Why would I free you? For all I know, you could be a world-level threat poised to bring destruction upon release. Your presence in the deepest pits of hell is far from ordinary. Furthermore, you were sealed and guarded with utmost caution.” 

“In this Labyrinth where everything is crumbling, nothing exists apart from the seal that holds you captive. So, unless you have something worthwhile to say or a way to prove that you won't kill me the moment I approach you, I bid you farewell."

Reiji's argument held merit. Encountering a sealed individual deep within the labyrinth, guarded by formidable creatures, and of unknown origin raised valid concerns. Regardless of the girl's outward beauty, it was a matter of practicality to ignore her plea, setting aside moral considerations.

With a resolute expression, Reiji continued walking towards the doors, unfazed by the girl's desperate calls. Her pleas echoed through the chamber, filled with hopelessness and longing, but they fell on deaf ears. 

Reiji remained steadfast in his decision, determined not to be swayed by sentiment or unknown risks. As he reached the doors, his hand outstretched to close them, the girl's voice trembled with a last shred of desperation.

"No!" she called out, her voice choked with a cough. "I... I'm not a threat! Please, just wait! I..." Reiji persisted in pulling the double doors closed, intending to shut out her pleas entirely. 

However, just before he could seal them shut, her words managed to reach his ears, causing him to pause. If only he had been a fraction faster, he could have avoided hearing those final words.

"I was betrayed!" he heard, whispering through the narrow gap of the still partially open door.

His hand froze in its motion, and a flicker of curiosity sparked within him. Betrayal... It was a word that held weight and stirred emotions within him. Reiji couldn't help but entertain the possibility that there might be more to this girl's story than he initially assumed.

Reluctantly, he released his grip on the doors, allowing them to remain slightly ajar. Reiji scratched his head, a gesture of contemplation, as he approached the girl. 

Despite his decision to give her a chance, he remained vigilant, his muscles tensed beneath his clothing, ready to react to any potential threat. Shadows swirled within his shadow, a shimmering mist that added an aura of caution to his demeanor.

With each step he took towards her, his senses heightened, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. He maintained a safe distance, not yet fully trusting her words. 

It was a delicate balance between curiosity and self-preservation, a testament to his experience in the treacherous depths of the labyrinth. Standing before her, Reiji maintained a guarded posture, his arms crossed, and his gaze fixed on her. 

There was a slight tinge of amusement and skepticism in his voice as he spoke. "I suppose the saying, 'Curiosity killed the cat,' holds some truth.’ Alright, you claim to have been betrayed, but that still doesn't explain why you find yourself in this deep corner of the Labyrinth.”

“Few can venture this far, so unless you have the desire to remain trapped here, I suggest you start providing answers to my questions."

The girl seemed shocked that Reiji had actually come back. She stared fixedly at Reiji through her dirty golden locks, crimson eyes gleaming in the darkness. He began growing impatient at her continued silence.

“Hey, are you listening? If you don’t want to talk, then I’ll just head back now,” he said brusquely and turned on his heel. The girl came back to her senses with a start and quickly began speaking.

“I am one of the original, atavistic vampires... because of the extraordinary power I was gifted with... I worked hard for the sake of my country and my people. But then... one day... my retainers all... said I wasn’t needed anymore…My uncle... said that he would be king in my place…”

“I...was fine with that... but because I had so much power everyone was afraid of me, they thought I was dangerous... They couldn’t kill me... so they decided to seal me here instead... That’s why...” She spoke haltingly but desperately, her parched throat making speech difficult.

"Hmmm," Reiji hummed, contemplating the girl's story. It was clear that she had endured a cruel and unfortunate fate. 

However, certain aspects of her narrative sparked a nagging skepticism within him. Unable to ignore his doubts, he decided to ask them directly.

"Why couldn't they kill you?" Reiji asked bluntly. "Are you immortal by any chance or do you possess a high-level regeneration ability?"

The girl hesitated for a moment before responding, her voice still hoarse and weak. "...I heal automatically. No matter what kind of injury it is, it'll just heal by itself. Even if you cut my head off, I'll regenerate eventually."

“So essentially a walking cheat code,” Reiji mused as he cupped his chin, his gaze still fixed on her. If what she was saying was true then Reiji himself stood no chance of killing her. 

Though that’s a different story. Immortal beings can still be killed and are defeatable. The way of doing so is by attacking the soul and sealing them away. “So you're telling me that you were sealed here due to your people being afraid of your regeneration ability?”

"That too, but... the main thing was that I could control mana... directly, without a magic circle," the girl explained.

Reiji nodded, absorbing her words, and replied simply, "I see." The girl's ability to manipulate mana directly resonated with his own experience. Since his descent into this realm, Reiji had honed his skills in Mana Manipulation. 

However, in her case, the ability became an incredibly potent asset. While others wasted precious time preparing circles and reciting incantations, she could unleash magic effortlessly and with great power. 

It was evident that engaging her in combat would be a one-sided affair, given her immense advantage. Adding to her formidable abilities, she possessed immortality. 

"...Please, save me..." Her soft plea filled the air, reaching Reiji's ears as he delved deep into contemplation.

He remained silent, his gaze fixed upon her. Time seemed to stretch as they locked eyes, an unspoken connection forming between them. Each held a mixture of hope and uncertainty in their gazes, engaged in a silent dialogue that transcended words.

Eventually, Reiji broke the prolonged silence, his hand absently scratching his head in a gesture of unease. With a deep sigh, he made a decision, his resolve taking shape. Placing his hand on the cube that held the girl captive, he asserted his intention to intervene.

His mana surged through his veins, flowing into his outstretched hand as ominous darkness seeped into every crevice, marking the surroundings with its presence. 

He carefully avoided the girl's petrified form, ensuring that she remained untouched by the darkness he commanded. With meticulous precision, he marked every inch of the interior, infusing it with his power. 

Once satisfied that every part had been marked, Reiji stepped back, creating a safe distance between himself and the statue. His eyes sharpened with focus as he clenched his fist, his voice resonating with authority, "Shatter."

As Reiji's command echoed through the chamber, his clenched fist released a surge of power. The darkness that had permeated every nook and cranny converged on the statue, enveloping it in an oppressive aura. The air crackled with anticipation as the tension reached its peak.

In an instant, the statue shattered into countless fragments. The sound of shattering stones reverberated through the room, filling the space with a cacophony of destruction. As the rocky encasement crumbled and dissolved, the girl's delicate features began to emerge. 

First, her modest breasts came into view, followed by her slender waist, graceful hands, and shapely thighs. With each passing moment, the remaining fragments melted away, revealing her completely naked form. Despite her emancipated state, there was an undeniable allure in her physique.

However, her newly liberated body lacked strength and vitality. Overwhelmed by the ordeal, she slumped to the ground, utterly exhausted. 

It was evident that she lacked the energy to stand on her own, her weakened form seeking respite from the arduous experience she had endured within her stony prison. Reiji carefully sat the girl down on the floor, supporting her weakened form. 

Taking a moment to recuperate, he drank from his container of Ambrosia, replenishing his drained mana reserves. The sturdy stone that had encased her was unlike anything he had encountered before, demanding a significant amount of mana to destroy. 

As he brought down his container from his lips the girl put her hand over his own and grabbed it. Her small, slender, and fragile hand trembled as it intertwined with his own. 

Giving her a sidelong glance, Reiji noticed that she was gazing directly at him. Behind her expressionless face, her crimson eyes held a multitude of emotions. 

In a soft and quivering, yet powerful voice, she conveyed her gratitude, saying, "Thank you." Reiji remained silent in response. He could feel his long-darkened heart stirring with a faint glow. 

Silently, he sat there, holding her hand, pondering the length of time she must have endured in that desolate confinement. According to Reiji's knowledge, vampires had become extinct centuries ago, at least according to the history books he had perused in the royal library. 

The fact that she had lost the ability to speak and show emotions during her time in this solitary confinement spoke volumes about the extent of her imprisonment. "...What's your name?" she suddenly whispered to Reiji, her voice barely audible.

"It's Reiji. Reiji Sukehiro. What's yours?" Reiji introduced himself before asking for her name. He was expecting a long, regal name, but instead, she shook her head and uttered a simple request:

"Give me one."

Reiji, in turn, simply stared at her. It wasn't difficult for him to understand her request. She wanted to leave behind her original name, her last name, and the life she had before being betrayed. She simply wished to forget and start afresh.

As he gazed back at her, he could sense her anticipation. Reiji let out a sigh, racking his brain in search of a suitable name. He wasn't particularly skilled at naming things, as evident from his magic names and technique names. However, at that moment, a name popped into his mind.

Reiji looked at her and, at that moment, a name came to mind. "Yue," he said, meeting her expectant gaze. 

"It means 'Moon' in my language. The moon represents darkness, night, and mystery, much like the nature of vampires. Your pale and ethereal appearance also resonates with the moon's characteristics.”

She blinked in surprise at his words. It appeared that she hadn't anticipated him having a specific reason behind choosing the name. While her expression remained devoid of emotion, her eyes sparkled with a glimmer of happiness.

"...Hmm. Then, from today onwards, I shall be Yue. Thank you."

"I'm glad you like it. Anyway..."

"Huh?" As the girl, now named Yue, expressed her gratitude, Reiji untangled his hand from hers and removed his coat. Yue watched him with a hint of confusion.

"Here, wear this. We can't have you walking around naked forever."

"Oh..." Yue instinctively accepted the offered coat and glanced down at her exposed body. Just as Reiji had pointed out, she was completely devoid of clothing. 

Blushing, she pressed the coat against her body and then looked up at Reiji, teasingly saying, "You pervert, Reiji."

Reiji glanced at her, unfazed by her remark. "Oh please, don't flatter yourself. It's called being considerate. I wouldn't want you catching a cold or causing a commotion with your current attire, or lack thereof." 

He raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "But if you prefer to keep going au naturel, I won't stop you. Just be prepared for the consequences."

Yue's eyes widened slightly, realizing the implications of her remark. She quickly shook her head and blushed deeper, understanding that Reiji was just teasing her. 

"N-No, thank you. I'll gladly accept the coat," she replied with a hint of embarrassment, quickly wrapping the coat around herself for modesty. 

As Yue struggled with the coat, Reiji took a moment to drink some Ambrosia, feeling a surge of strength coursing through his body. His mind sharpened, and he instinctively activated his Sense Presence ability to assess their surroundings. 

However, his senses suddenly went on high alert as he detected a powerful presence in the room. And to his astonishment, it was directly above them.

"Stop it," Reiji simply uttered, his voice carrying an air of authority, as his shadow extended, expelling a shadow soldier.

“Uoooooooooooooooh!!!” It reverberated throughout the entire room.

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