Arifureta: Dark Lord

Heligh Kingdom

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As the last word left his lips, Reiji abruptly walked out the door, and the heavy wooden door slammed shut with a resounding bang. The sound echoed through the room, leaving everyone inside in stunned silence.

"How...?" Ishtar murmured in disbelief, his expression revealing his surprise. He regained his composure and put on his usual kind demeanor as he reflected on what had just happened.

Glancing around the room, he noted the uncertainty etched on the faces of even those under Kouki's sway. ‘He managed to sow seeds of doubt even in the minds of those influenced by Kouki,’ he thought to himself.

‘His charisma, logical reasoning, and intelligence are on an impressive level. With proper training and resources, he could become a valuable asset.’ He paused, his thoughts taking a more ominous turn. ‘However…’

‘His confidence unsettles me, and his true intentions remain a mystery. Can I trust him? Should I eliminate him? No, that is not the solution. He has expressed his desire to join the war, and that presents an opportunity.’

‘If I can manipulate him to my advantage, and gain control over his actions, he could be a powerful ally or a dangerous enemy. I must uncover his goals, understand his motives, and establish my influence before it's too late...’

~Near Holy Church~

Sitting beneath a tree was the main character, Reiji, who was eating the last bit of his bento with a thoughtful expression on his face as he reviewed what had just occurred.

‘I must acknowledge that Ishtar's speech was well-crafted and highly informative. His ability to manipulate others is evidently impressive, as even individuals like Kouki, who are renowned for their academic prowess, can be easily influenced.’

‘However, I shouldn't be overly surprised, as Kouki's naivety played a significant role in succumbing to Ishtar's influence.’

‘That's why I gave the rest of the students a reality check, to save their poor souls, though it seems that it didn’t get through to everyone. While some may harbor doubts, it is likely that these concerns will eventually be overshadowed or disregarded.’

‘Considering my status as a transfer student, I understand that I lack the level of trust and credibility bestowed upon Kouki. Nevertheless, this is no longer a matter of concern for me,’ Reiji thought to himself as he calmly enjoyed his onigiri.

‘With things as they are, Ishtar may be frustrated with me, but it's their obligation to provide us with the necessary resources to learn how to fight. It's unreasonable to expect a group of teenagers to go to war without any fighting skills. And as for gaining knowledge, I could easily visit a library if there's one in the kingdom.’

Reiji thought about the potential obstacles ahead, but he believed finding a library wouldn't pose too much of a challenge. ‘The only obstacles would be the scrutiny from both the Church and the Kingdom, as well as the potential resentment from the class. And even then that’s highly unlikely.’

Pausing briefly, a determined glint appeared in his eyes. ‘With the Pope preoccupied with rallying the other students, it should give me a brief window of opportunity.’ His mind already strategizing, he continued, 'Besides, there are ways to address these issues and overcome them.’

‘Simply put, there's a lot of work to do.’

— Time Skip —

As the students left the room and stepped outside, they immediately noticed Reiji sitting under a tree near the Church. While some flinched at the memory of what he said, Reiji had received some grateful nods from the few who now had doubts about the situation. Nodding back, Reiji walked over to the group and positioned himself at the back of the class.

Ishtar then briefed the students that the Heligh Kingdom was ready to receive them. According to legend, one of Ehit's descendants, Sharam Vaan, had founded the kingdom, which was located at the foot of the divine mountain. The temple they were in was the head temple of the Holy Church that stood at the summit of the mountain.

The kingdom had a strong bond with the Holy Church, and it was said to have the richest history of all the human kingdoms. The fact that the Church's most sacred temple was situated in the kingdom's backyard was a testament to the depth of their connection.

Ishtar led Reiji and his companions to the main gate of the temple. As they passed through the towering arches that formed the entrance, they were greeted by a breathtaking view of an endless expanse of clouds stretching out before them.

"Beautiful..." Reiji muttered, his eyes fixed on the breathtaking sight before him. Though he had witnessed a scene more mesmerizing than this, there was no denying the enchanting beauty of the sight that lay before him.

Ishtar gazed proudly as the group stared in wonder, and then urged them forward. They walked through a grand hallway made of the same white stone as the cathedral and stepped up onto a massive circular pedestal, surrounded by a fence.

The stone of the pedestal was engraved with a large magic circle. On the other side of the fence was a sheer drop to the clouds below, so most students huddled close to the center of the pedestal out of fear.

Despite their anxiety, they couldn't help but glance curiously around their surroundings. As they did, Ishtar began to chant, "Faith is the key that opens the road to heaven—Celestial Path."

As Ishtar finished his chant, the magic circle engraved on the pedestal lit up with blinding brightness. It was as if the chant had been an activation signal, as the entire pedestal began to glide down toward the ground, seemingly attached to an invisible cable.

Excited murmurs and chatter erupted from the students as they witnessed their first display of magic. Reiji was not an exception, but his reaction was more contemplative than chatty.

‘Could I create my own magic spell? How does magic function? Are there various types of magic? And if there are, how can I tap into them?’ These questions plagued Reiji incessantly but without any answers. All he could do was wait patiently until he found a library.

Reiji's gaze shifted downward and he noticed a small kingdom in the distance. The kingdom was circular in shape and surrounded by high walls, making it appear impenetrable. In the center of the kingdom, stood a colossal castle that resembled the ancient castles of his own world.

A few moments later, Reiji and his companions landed on top of the massive palace and were soon escorted to the throne room. The corridors were as majestic as the temple had been. Along the way, they passed knights, maids, and even nobles, who all gazed at the students with a mixture of awe and wonder. It was clear that most people were aware of who they were.

Reiji's sense of curiosity was continuously increasing as he observed everything around him. The party soon found themselves standing before a pair of massive double doors, into which numerous beautiful designs had been engraved. Ishtar led the way as they entered the throne room, where they were greeted by the king and queen of the kingdom.

Two guards stood at attention on either side of the door and announced the group's arrival to whoever was waiting inside. Without waiting for a reply, they swung the doors open.

Ishtar strolled into the room, seemingly at ease. The students followed behind him timidly, except for Reiji and Kouki's group, who were unfazed by the grandeur around them.

A long red carpet stretched across the room, leading to a magnificent chair—or rather, a throne. Standing in front of it was a middle-aged man exuding an aura of solemn dignity.

Standing next to the middle-aged man was presumably the queen, and next to her were a boy and a girl, both with blond hair and striking blue eyes. The boy, who was the younger of the two, seemed no more than ten years old, while the girl appeared to be around fourteen or fifteen.

On the left side of the carpet stood a line of soldiers, all clad in armor and uniform, while on the right stood a line of civil officers and wizards. Altogether, there were probably around thirty people waiting in the room, creating an impressive sight.

As they approached the throne, Ishtar stepped forward and left the students behind, making his way to the king and extending his hand. The king reverently took Ishtar's hand and pressed his lips to it, which made Reiji internally sign in exhaustion. 

‘Fantastic,’ Reiji thought sarcastically as he looked at the ongoing situation. ‘Just what I needed, a Kingdom under the Church's control. This is going to be so much fun,’ he thought with a wry smile.

The king was named Eliheid S. B. Heiligh, and his wife was called Luluaria. The blond boy was Prince Lundel, and the girl was Princess Liliana. After introductions, there was a great banquet held inside the palace, where everyone could take a seat and enjoy the food, except for Reiji who had just eaten earlier.

The disapproving gazes of the nobles didn't escape Reiji's notice, but he paid them no mind. Instead, his attention was drawn to the badges held by some of the soldiers and wizards.

‘Status Plates, perhaps?’ Reiji pondered, his curiosity growing. "Or maybe they indicate rankings within their army?"

The overwhelming flood of unanswered questions was starting to wear on him, testing his patience. However, compared to the infinite reserve of patience he had for his siblings back at home, this was but a trivial challenge.

In his previous life, Reiji didn't have any siblings, so he never truly grasped the value of patience. However, since arriving in this new world and dealing with his younger brothers and sisters, he has come to understand its importance. 

The countless hours he's spent guiding them, answering their endless questions, and patiently explaining the mysteries of the world have all helped him to remain calm in uncertain situations. 

"Hmmm?" Reiji sensed someone approaching and turned his head to find a weary Shizuku making her way toward him. He gestured to the empty seat beside him, and she sank into it, leaning back.

"Are you alright?" Reiji asked with concern in his voice.

Letting out a sigh, she opened her eyes and replied, "Yeah, I'm alright. Just tired. It's been a long day. Getting summoned to another world, discussions of war, and now a banquet. I really need some sleep."

"You can rest on my lap, you know?" Reiji offered as Shizuku shot him an unamused stare. "I meant as a lap pillow."

She sat there contemplating it for a moment before sighing. "I'll take you up on that offer," she said, positioning herself appropriately and resting her head on his lap. "But remember, if you try anything, I'll cut it off," she added with a sweet smile.

“Duly noted,” Reiji simply responded, recognizing the threat in Shizuku's words. He had no intention of angering the woman lying so close to his vulnerable spot. Doing so would be akin to suicide.

Moreover, Shizuku and Kouki’s group had spent the entire day trying to calm down their classmates and acting as representatives. The exhaustion had undoubtedly taken its toll on her, leaving her unable to think clearly and placing her trust in a stranger.

It was the same person who had warned the class about the dangers but had also caused discord. Reiji didn’t envy that position, so instead of making it worse for the poor girl, he offered her a place to rest.

It didn't take long for Shizuku to succumb to the inevitable curse of sleep. With caution, Reiji removed his blazer and gently placed it over her, providing some warmth and comfort. Ignoring the jealous glares from the other boys, Reiji sat in silence, deep in contemplation about his next course of action.

The banquet eventually came to an end, and Reiji gently woke up Shizuku. It was time for the class to meet the instructors who would guide their training in exchange for accommodation and meals provided by the palace. These instructors were carefully chosen from the ranks of active-duty knights and court magicians.

After the introductions concluded, each person was escorted to their respective rooms. Considering Shizuku's lingering drowsiness, Reiji assisted her in reaching her room before bidding her good night. As he wandered through the serene corridors, following the maid, Reiji couldn't help but admire the enchanting moon casting its gentle glow upon the night sky.

‘Fantasy worlds truly are beautiful, aren't they?’ Reiji silently pondered to himself.

After a short walk, Reiji and the maid arrived at his room. Upon entering, he was greeted by a grandiose, canopied bed that would fit perfectly in any castle interior. 

Grateful for the maid's assistance, Reiji thanked her before bidding her goodnight. Once alone, he closed the door and locked it, drew the curtains closed, and changed into his pajamas before finally laying down on the comfortable bed.  

Knowing that tomorrow was going to be a long day, he decided to get some shut-eye to be in optimal condition.

Before he knew it, he had fallen asleep.

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