Arifureta: Dark Lord

Orcus Labyrinth [1]

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The air within what Reiji had dubbed his "Batcave" was filled with the sound of clothes rustling and equipment jingling. It was the same night before the expedition, and Reiji found himself immersed in the task of packing his gear and selecting his clothing for the upcoming trip. 

As he meticulously prepared for the journey, his mind involuntarily wandered back to the events of what happened earlier.



“I had a premonition…”

"A premonition?" Hajime murmured, his confusion mirroring Reiji's. The idea that Kaori had come here solely based on a bad feeling initially seemed dismissible, but in this world of magic, where the impossible became possible, Reiji couldn't afford to be ignorant. Besides, he himself had been experiencing unsettling vibes without understanding their origin.

Acknowledging Hajime's mutter with a nod, Kaori continued in a soft, hesitant voice, stumbling over her words. "Umm, you see... I just have this really bad feeling. I was sleeping just a moment ago, and... I had this dream... You were in it, Nagumo-kun... but you wouldn't respond when I called your name... and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't reach you... And then, at the end..." 

Kaori faltered, her voice trembling, reluctant to reveal what happened next. But Hajime, ever calm, urged her to continue. "And then, what happened at the end?" he asked gently.

Biting her lip, Kaori looked up at Hajime, tears glistening in her eyes. "...You vanished," she whispered, her voice filled with fear and uncertainty.

“I see...”

Silence filled the room. Hajime stared at Kaori, who was hanging her head again. That certainly sounded like a sinister dream. But in the end, it was still just a nightmare. Hajime doubted he could get permission to stay behind for a flimsy reason like that, and even if he could, his classmates would have all condemned him for it. 

Regardless of how it turned out, he would’ve had nowhere left to go if he asked. Which was why, sadly, Hajime had no choice but to go. 

"It was just a dream, Shirasaki-san," Hajime said, his voice filled with warmth. "We'll have Captain Meld's veteran knights with us, and there are plenty of ridiculously strong people like Amanogawa-kun. Actually, more than a ton, considering how broken the skills of our classmates are. Our enemies might even end up feeling a little pitiful."

Hajime's words, meant to bring comfort, seemed to have the opposite effect on Kaori. Her worry deepened, and the weight of uncertainty settled upon her.

"And... And if you're still worried," Hajime continued, his gaze meeting Kaori's. He hesitated for a moment, feeling a hint of embarrassment before softly uttering his suggestion, "Why don't you protect me?"

Both Kaori and Reiji reacted with surprise, uttering the same exclamation, "Eh?"

Reiji's mind snapped back to the present, momentarily setting aside his thoughts. While he acknowledged the gravity of Kaori's dream, he reminded himself that dreams didn't necessarily equate to visions or reality. However, he made a mental note to keep a watchful eye on the situation.

"I'll keep an eye on him, Kaori. Just focus on yourself during this expedition. Hajime can't be a protected princess; otherwise, his training will go to waste, and it will be all for naught," Reiji suggested.

Agreeing with his suggestion, they chatted for a while longer, and then Kaori and Reiji returned to their respective rooms.

[Flashback End]


With his packing completed, Reiji set his belongings aside and prepared for sleep. However, before retiring for the night, he took a moment to jot something down in his notebook. Satisfied, he finally allowed himself to drift into slumber.

The following morning, everyone gathered at the plaza, which served as the entrance to the Great Orcus Labyrinth, long before the break of dawn. Trepidation and curiosity filled the air, mingling within the hearts of the students. Reiji, on the other hand, maintained a stoic expression as he surveyed the labyrinth's entrance.

What met his gaze was more reminiscent of a museum entrance than a foreboding labyrinth. It featured its own receptionist counter, where a girl in uniform diligently checked the individuals entering and exiting with a warm smile. It seemed that everyone's status plate was being verified at the entrance, a measure put in place to accurately account for potential casualties.

With the imminent threat of war looming overhead, the government sought to minimize its losses by implementing such a policy. The plaza surrounding the entrance buzzed with activity, adorned with numerous stalls where merchants competed to showcase their wares. The atmosphere resembled that of a festive occasion.

Merchants were particularly drawn to the shallower labyrinths with fewer floors, as they naturally attracted crowds. The people present ranged from boastful adventurers who spoke grandly but met swift ends within the labyrinth, to criminals who operated in the shadows of back alleys and unsavory corners.

To prevent excessive resource allocation toward handling these issues, the government established a collaboration with the local adventurer's guild to maintain security in the area. Merchants continued to sell their goods right up to the receptionist's desk at the entrance, which, in a way, made life easier for the adventurers embarking on their perilous journeys into the labyrinth's depths.

Soon, in a single file, the students followed Captain Meld. Once inside, the lively atmosphere that had surrounded them mere moments ago vanished. In front of them was a passage that was a little over five meters wide. 

Though there was no obvious light source, the entire labyrinth was dimly lit, enough that one could vaguely make out their surroundings without the help of a torch or magical item. In truth, the passages were all lit by a special mineral called green glowstone that was buried in the walls. 

The entire Great Orcus Labyrinth was actually an excavated vein of green glowstone ore. The party all filed into ranks and slowly advanced through the labyrinth. After a few uneventful minutes, the passage they were walking down opened up into a wide plaza. 

Towering seven or eight meters above them was a dome-shaped ceiling. The students were all looking around curiously when suddenly a number of gray creatures resembling furballs burst out from cracks in the wall.

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