Arifureta: Dark Lord

Shattered In Darkness [2]

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In the depths of his unconsciousness, Reiji found himself standing through a vast expanse of darkness. There were no tangible boundaries or landmarks, only an infinite void that seemed to swallow him whole. 

It was in this enigmatic realm that his dreamscape unfolded, an ethereal landscape shaped by his own subconscious.

As Reiji's senses slowly awakened, Reiji felt a bone-chilling cold seep into his bones, a frigid reminder of the haunting environment that surrounded him. He stood upon an obscure ground, its texture and features obscured by the fog. 

The air was thick with an eerie fog that snaked its way around him, concealing his surroundings and shrouding everything in an impenetrable veil. The silence of the void was punctuated by faint whispers, the chilling echoes of bones cracking, barely audible, that sent shivers cascading down his spine.

Reiji heightened his senses, trying to pierce through the fog and uncover the source of these ethereal murmurs. Shadows danced at the edges of his vision, teasing him with fleeting glimpses of something lurking in the darkness.

"Who's there?!" Reiji shouted, his voice filled with a mix of fear and confusion. In his current state, he couldn't think logically or calm himself down. The overwhelming events had left his mind racing, unable to process everything that was happening. 

After all, he was just a reincarnated teenager with double the life experience of a typical high school student. He lacked the knowledge and understanding of how dark and dangerous the world could truly be. 

It was a marvel that he had managed to survive for this long, given his rash actions and decisions. As Reiji heard the approaching footsteps, he swiftly turned towards the source, ready to defend himself. To his astonishment, nothing greeted his gaze. 

Bewildered, he was about to lower his guard when suddenly, without warning, an unseen force slammed into him, sending him crashing to the floor. The impact was jarring, causing him to cough up saliva as pain coursed through his body.

A sinister laughter pierced the air, its malevolence seeping into Reiji's bones like an icy chill. "Kuhahaha!! How does it feel, Reiji? So smug in your unwarranted confidence, yet so pathetically weak! Don't fret, my dear, your suffering has only just begun."

The voice, oozing with contempt and sadistic pleasure, taunted Reiji with every word, plunging the knife of humiliation deeper into his already damaged psyche. As the voice echoed, the mist began to swirl around Reiji, dancing with otherworldly energy.

Without warning, a swift and merciless strike landed on him, the unseen assailant targeted Reiji's vulnerable solar plexus. Agonizing pain erupted within him, a searing sensation that robbed him of breath and left him gasping for air. 

The force of the blow sent him crashing to the unforgiving floor, the impact resonating through his entire being. Amidst the excruciating pain, the voice continued its taunting, its words dripping with disdain and sadistic pleasure. 

"Oh, Reiji, how pitiful you are in your feeble attempts at resistance," the voice sneered, its sinister tone coiling through the air like a venomous serpent. "You make an excellent plaything for my amusement." 

With each successive strike, the assailant zeroed in on Reiji's exposed vulnerabilities, landing precise blows. A relentless assault rained upon him, targeting non-lethal areas to prolong his suffering, to ensure that every moment was a torturous experience.

Fists crashed into his flesh, inflicting searing agony that coursed through his nerves. Ribs cracked under the forceful impacts, sending waves of torment through his body. 

The air escaped his lungs in desperate gasps, the excruciating ache making it near impossible to draw a full breath.

The sadistic voice pierced the air, its words oozing with venom and sadistic pleasure. "You thought you were a mentor? A guide? Someone important? Look at you now, all pathetic and broken! Your feeble attempts at playing hero have led you to this wretched state.”

“Your arrogance, your impulsive and ill-conceived decisions, they have brought you to this precipice of despair. And now, it's time to pay the price for your failures." With each taunting sentence, the entity's assault intensified, striking Reiji relentlessly. 

Merciless strikes pummeled his vulnerable form as he lay helplessly on the floor. Every attempt to defend himself proved futile, his feeble defenses shattered by the entity's speed, strength, and unparalleled skill. There was an insurmountable disparity between them, leaving Reiji no chance at survival.

Just as the figure was poised to deliver a final blow, he abruptly halted, stopping mere inches from Reiji's face. In a chilling, devilish whisper, he spoke, his words dripping with malevolence.

"Ne, don't you yearn for revenge? Don't you desire to eliminate those responsible for subjecting you to this wretched hell? The very individuals who brought you into this accursed world? The Pope, the King, Tatsuya. And perhaps even the man who orchestrated it all—Rob."

As the name reverberated through the air, Reiji's eyes widened in sheer disbelief. How could this person be aware of such a deeply buried secret? Was he trapped within a twisted dream, or was this a living nightmare that had consumed his reality? 

The questions swirled relentlessly in his mind, shrouding him in a suffocating cloud of uncertainty. The pain coursing through his body was far too genuine, his wounds too raw to be dismissed as a mere illusion.

Fueled by a mix of fear and fury, Reiji's voice trembled with an edge of desperation as he demanded answers. "How... how do you know that name?!"

With an intense glare fixed upon Reiji, the figure slowly rose from his crouched position, exuding an aura of dominance. Dismissing Reiji's demand for answers with a contemptuous sneer, he swiftly retreated a few steps, creating a short distance between them. 

Suddenly, his leg unleashed a ferocious roundhouse kick, striking Reiji's torso with devastating force. The impact propelled Reiji through the air, his body spiraling uncontrollably until it collided with the unforgiving ground, sending shockwaves of agony coursing through his entire being.

Without a moment's respite, the figure closed in on Reiji, his foot landing heavily on Reiji's chest, pinning him down mercilessly. The weight and pressure served as a cruel reminder of his helplessness, his body betraying him in the face of this overpowering adversary. 

Darkness swirled in the entity's eyes, revealing a malevolent intent that sent chills down Reiji's spine. It was a chilling testament to the profound depravity that resides within the human soul.

With a crack of his finger, a disdainful smirk curled upon the figure's lips, reveling in Reiji's vulnerability. The weight of the figure's foot pressed down relentlessly upon Reiji's body, trapping him beneath an unyielding pressure.

"Know your place, fool," the figure hissed with venomous satisfaction. "Those who crumble in the mere presence of their adversary have no right to demand answers. If you understand this nod.”

Resolute, Reiji clenched his teeth, acknowledging the entity's words with a nod. The sinister smirk that adorned their face only fueled his resolve. "It appears that there is still a flicker of strength within you," the figure taunted, their voice dripping with disdain. 

"But do not deceive yourself, for it is a feeble flame on the brink of extinguishment. Your false bravado holds no sway over me; I see through your facade with ease," the figure hissed, increasing the pressure on Reiji's chest, causing him to gasp for air. 

Desperation filled Reiji's eyes as he futilely clawed at the foot that pinned him down. The figure sneered, relishing in Reiji's futile struggle. 

With a derisive snort, he finally lifted his foot, leaving Reiji gasping for breath on the frigid ground. Walking away, the figure took a glance at Reiji before speaking once more:

"Would you just look at that? Such a twisted expression you're wearing," the entity sneered, relishing in Reiji's visible torment. His laughter echoed through the air, a chilling sound that sent shivers down the spine. "Hahahaha! You're completely shattered!"

Within the depths of Reiji's eyes, once brimming with vitality, now burned an unsettling amethyst glow, exuding a malevolent aura that permeated the surroundings. 

They carried the burden of his torment, haunting orbs marred by dark circles that bore witness to the emotional, physical, and psychological anguish he had endured. The darkness that enveloped him seeped into every fiber of his being, amplifying his intent to kill. 

"May I ask you one question?" Reiji inquired, his voice carrying a deep, resonant tone. The figure nodded in response, their sinister grin widening. Reiji, his eyes narrowed with a mix of curiosity and trepidation, pressed on, "Who are you?"

Emerging before him, the figure leaned in close, their breath chilling against Reiji's ear as they whispered, "It is still far too early for you to grasp the truth." With a sudden, powerful shove, Reiji was sent hurtling through the air, bracing himself for the impact of the cold, unforgiving ground below. 

But instead, he found himself descending into an abyss of endless darkness. From above, the figure stood, peering down at Reiji, their voice piercing through the void, filled with ominous resonance.

"Since I have denied you the answer you so desperately seek, I shall offer you instead a word of caution and a parting token. Your mastery over darkness remains nascent, but that shall no longer be the case.”

“The darkness you have endured is unlike any other, and from it, you shall glean valuable wisdom. As for the parting gift I have bestowed upon you, it shall aid you indefinitely in your pursuits. Utilize it wisely, for its power is profound. Until we meet again, boy."

As the cold, hard floor drew nearer, Reiji braced himself for the impending impact, resigned to his fate. But at that moment, a blinding flash of light engulfed him, causing him to disappear from sight.


As Reiji's eyes slowly fluttered open, a sinister gleam shone within them, reminiscent of a predatory reptile stalking its prey. With a sharp focus, he turned his attention to the spilled Ambrosia nearby, his parched lips curling into a feral grin. 

Scooping up a handful of the life-giving substance, he devoured it greedily, his actions akin to a starved beast feeding on its prey. Though the gnawing hunger and agonizing pain still lingered, his body surged with newfound vitality.

Roughly wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, his eyes now ablaze with unsettling intensity, Reiji's wicked smile widened, revealing his sharpened canines. "Yes," he whispered, his voice dripping with sinister satisfaction. "I have found the answer. The only rational answer…”

"Is to eliminate all those that threaten me."

Standing up, he walked over to the Labyrinth wall, pointing his finger at it, and uttered, “Cero Oscuras.” 

As he spoke those words, a surge of dark energy emanated from his finger and engulfed the wall of the cave. The air crackled with power as the wall began to tremble and shake. 

The sheer force of Reiji's attack sent tremors through the surrounding debris, causing cracks to spiderweb across the ceiling. 

Dust filled the air as the imminent collapse loomed overhead. With unwavering focus, Reiji channeled his mana, honing it into a concentrated beam of energy, intensifying the density and penetration of his assault.

Gradually, the cracks expanded like ominous veins, snaking their way across the surface. And then, with a resounding crash, a section of the wall crumbled away, revealing a narrow path leading out of the labyrinth's confines. 

Seizing the opportunity, Reiji calmly retrieved the Ambrosia stone suspended from the ceiling, even as boulders rained down around him.

Unfazed by the chaos, a serene expression settled upon his face as he sank into the shadow cast by the faint light streaming through the open exit. 

Embracing the darkness, he melded with the encroaching shadows, using their cover to swiftly navigate towards the open area of the Labyrinth, leaving behind the collapsing cave in his wake.

Stepping out from the engulfing shadow, Reiji surveyed his newfound surroundings with a calculating gaze. His eyes fell upon the gleaming sight of his fallen spear, resting upon the cold, unforgiving floor just a short distance away. 

A wicked grin twisted his lips as he extended his hand, firmly grasping the weapon's familiar handle. With practiced ease, he spun it between his fingers, reveling in the satisfying weight and balance it offered. Nodding to himself, he gazed at his visitors.

“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” Reiji commented as he relaxed his spear over his shoulders. It was a group of Twin-tailed Wolves.

Twin-tailed Wolves made their dens in certain parts of the labyrinth floor. They usually moved together in packs of four to six. Alone, they were among the weakest of the monsters that roamed the floor, so they always acted in groups. 

This pack was no exception and was a group of four. However, the leader standing in the front carried a noticeable scar across his eye. It licked its lips in anticipation, imagining the flesh it would soon feast on when suddenly it felt a rather odd sense of unease.

Placing the Ambrosia on the ground, Reiji's aura erupted from his body, washing over the pack of wolves. "This is the first time I'm going all out, and you guys seem to be the perfect test subjects at the moment. I hope you don't mind," he stated, carrying a subtle hint of playfulness as he cracked his finger.

The wolves trembled in response, their leader struggling to maintain a façade of composure.

Gripping his spear firmly, Reiji assumed a battle-ready stance and fixed his gaze upon them. "Let's begin, shall we?," he uttered with an eerie calmness, his words hanging in the air with an undertone of anticipation.

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