Arifureta: Dark Lord

Training [4]

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"I guess that design should work," Reiji muttered, seemingly satisfied. He dropped his pen and closed the notebook before crawling into bed, eager to get some sleep after the long day he had. It didn’t take long for him to fall into a slumber, reflecting on how he had won his match against Tatsuya.

Although Tatsuya is a competent fighter who has earned the title of a weapon specialist for the kingdom, he lost to Reiji despite having more experience, better stats, and superior skills. The reason for his defeat can be summed up in two words: spatial awareness.

Tatsuya's fighting style favored brute force over finesse, with a focus on powerful strikes rather than graceful technique and control. His wide swings suggested that he lacked experience in boundary type matches.

In contrast, Reiji had much more experience in boundary type matches, having participated in tournaments in South Korea. Reiji never planned to face Tatsuya head-on. He knew that he couldn't win in endurance, speed, or strength against Tatsuya.

So instead, when Tatsuya’s ego had reached its limit, Reiji implemented a plan that was effective against him due to his weakness. Running away and then creating a dust cloud to blind everyone, provoking him to make him lose the little skill he had to make a mistake and then finally kicking him out of the boundary line.

It was solely due to Tatsuya's arrogance and ego that he didn't take the match seriously at the beginning, ultimately costing himself the match and the wager.

Reiji achieved all of his objectives in the match with minimal drawbacks: three favors, reputation/influence within the class, and interest from other instructors. The only demerits were the possibility of spy action against him and being repeatedly annoyed by his class.

Reiji's status is safe as Ishtar's words could be used against him, and they have no idea what Job Class he belongs to. They can make assumptions based on the way he fought and strength he exhibited, but as previously stated, magic reigns supreme in this world.

~The Next Day~

Reiji unwrapped the bandages tightly wound around his torso and examined himself in the mirror. "Magic is truly something," he whistled, noticing that his skin showed no signs of being broken or bruised, as if the fight had never even happened.

After dressing himself in his training uniform, he walked out of his room and shut the door behind him before making his way to the training grounds. Today, they were finally going to be learning magic, and Reiji was very much looking forward to it.

As Reiji approached the training grounds, he noticed the students exchanging curious glances and whispering amongst themselves. It was evident that yesterday's events were still fresh in their minds, and they were discussing his identity from Korea and the outcome of the fight with Tatsuya.

Captain Meld's voice broke through the murmurs, "Alright everyone, quiet down." He then introduced the magic instructors standing behind him.

"Today, we will be learning about magic. The groups will remain the same, and I want to emphasize that there will be no horseplay. Magic is very dangerous, and we must be careful to avoid any injuries."

After Captain Meld's instructions, the students dispersed to find their respective instructors and groups. Reiji quickly found his group, who were standing in front of their instructor. He examined her closely.

The instructor in front of Reiji's group was a tall woman with fair skin and striking jade-colored eyes. Her shoulder-length hair was wavy and a light honey-brown color, tied in a loose side ponytail. She wore a flowing purple and white dress with open slits at the sides, adorned with gold embroidery.

Black gloves with pale purple trim, a large witch's hat, black lace stockings, and black high heels completed her attire. A visible earring adorned one ear, while a gold necklace with her Vision clasped to the collar of her dress completed her look.

A pale purple rose was pinned to her hat, and a similar one on the tie of her ponytail. At her hip, a large ornamental golden rose was attached to her belt. Reiji couldn't help but be impressed by her elegant and powerful presence.

"Are you done checking me out, young man?" the woman asked in a teasing tone, facing Reiji and prompting the others to do the same. Without missing a beat, Reiji shrugged his shoulders and responded, "Is it wrong to appreciate a woman's beauty?" he asked with a small smile. Grinning in response, the woman shook her head and replied, "Not at all. Just don't expect me to return the favor."

Reiji chuckled softly. "Fair enough. But may I know the name of the enchantress who graces us with her presence?"

"The name is Lisa Minci," she replied with a playful twirl of her hair. "And I already know who you are, Reiji~" Her voice was laced with flirtation, causing a few students to gape and whisper amongst themselves.

As they looked at each other with amusement, Lisa and Reiji let out a snicker in response to the students' gossip. The others watched with confusion and shock, while Captain Meld shook his head in exasperation.

"Lisa, let's focus on the lesson, and Reiji, please don't encourage her behavior," he said, bringing a sigh of relief from the group. However, jealous glances continued to be cast in Reiji's direction.

Lisa wiped away her tears and responded, "Oh Captain, it was just a friendly greeting. Right, Reiji?" Reiji nodded in agreement and added, "Yeah, it's good to have a little fun once in a while."

This was especially true for Reiji, who had been doing nothing but strategizing and preparing. And after the fight with Tatsuya yesterday, his brain was in need of a break. Sighing, Captain Meld went back to his post with a sigh, while Lisa turned towards Reiji's group.

(A/N: Don’t worry I’m not changing his personality. Just letting him relax before things get hectic. And NO, it’s not a crossover, I just found her character to be suitable for the role.)

(A/N: Didn’t mean to make it somewhat cringe, it's just that Lisa’s personality is naturally flirtatious and teasing towards people she’s interested in.)

"Alright then. As you have already heard, I'm Lisa, your magic instructor. I'll be teaching you everything you need to know about mana and magic." The group nodded in response and listened attentively as Lisa began explaining what mana was and how it worked.

To put it simply, mana is a type of energy that exists in most living beings in the world. It's considered the main source that allows people to use magic and is commonly utilized by both humans and demons. However, beastmen are typically unable to wield it due to their biological makeup.

For a long time, mana was seen as a gift from the gods. Because of this belief, beastmen were often treated poorly by other races, who saw them as godless and heretical. If a beastman is born with mana, they are deemed cursed and usually put to death.

To cast magic, one must typically chant an incantation, which transfers their mana into a magic circle. This, in turn, allows the spell inscribed within the circle to be cast.

The length of the incantation is directly related to the amount of mana that can be poured into the circle, and therefore, the effectiveness of the spell is directly related to the amount of mana used to cast it.

"Lisa-sensei, is it possible to cast magic without incantations and magic circles?" Kouki asked curiously. It was a question that Reiji also had in mind but was reluctant to ask, though now he didn't have to.

"It's possible. However, to do so, one must possess the skill {Mana Manipulation}. If someone has this skill, they can freely manipulate the flow of their mana without chanting," Lisa explained.

"Then, is it possible to learn it?" Shizuku asked.

Lisa nodded and replied, "Yes, it is indeed possible. However, it takes time and lots of practice. Those with higher affinities towards Mana will typically have an easier time controlling it.”

“However, even if a person is capable of wielding mana, they may not be able to use magic unless they have the right affinity for a particular element."

Shizuku raised a question, “Aren’t our elemental affinities listed on our Status Plates?” Reiji had also wondered about this. Lisa's explanation suggested that one could use all elements, but it seemed unlikely.

Lisa smiled and responded to Shizuku's inquiry, “Magic is categorized into various basic elements, including Light, Dark, Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Ice, and Thunder. Several magic spells belong to one of these Element categories, such as Barrier and Healing spells that belong to the Light Element.”

She handed out a few sheets of paper to the group and said, “These are magic affinity papers. Transfer some mana into it, and it will show if you have an affinity for a particular element. The paper will react if you possess the affinity. You can check it later if you wish.”


Fire: The paper will catch on fire and turn into ash.

Wind: The paper will split in half.

Thunder: The paper will wrinkle.

Earth: The paper will turn to dirt and crumble away.

Water: The paper will become damp.

Ice: The paper will freeze.

Light: The paper will brighten.

Dark: The paper will darken.


"Status Plates don't necessarily list all of your affinities, but rather the main one at which you'll excel. Pay close attention, as this information is crucial," Lisa instructed.

She then proceeded to delve into the various uses of Mana, emphasizing its versatility. It can be converted into various forms of energy, such as healing, stamina, and kinetic, and sometimes even into bioenergy, such as electricity. If a person is low on mana due to prolonged use, they can take supplements or potions to replenish it.

However, if a person has too much mana in their body with no means to regulate it, they can suffer from a medical condition called "Mana Overload," which can only be cured by consuming a powdered form of a special mineral known as Stillstone. If left untreated, Mana Overload can be fatal.

Lisa also mentioned that animals are capable of wielding mana, but since they cannot cast magic, many of them would either die from Mana Overload or have their mana turn into crystals within them, transforming them into monsters.

All monsters have the ability to freely control their mana and possess a unique magical Skill. Unlike other races that have their own unique color of mana, every monster's mana is typically a dark shade of red.

Lisa announced with a grin, "There's still a bit more to learn, but I've already covered the basics and important parts of magic.”

“Now it's time for you to put it to the test! We'll be doing target practice."


As the groups entered the arena's entrance, the students who had been doing obstacle courses the day before whispered among themselves in awe at the sight of the arena. In the center were the same humanoid targets that Reiji had noticed on the first day of training.

The weapon rack had been replaced with wands and staffs for those who didn't possess the {Image Composition} skill. This skill allowed the user to create an imaginary Magic Circle in their mind, eliminating the need for either a spell paper or magical equipment.

Reiji, however, decided to use a staff instead. He didn't want to reveal his trump card so early. Even those with physical jobs like Shizuku were capable of using magic, so it would be suspicious if Reiji couldn't do the same.

"Your objective is to hit the target three times. Once you achieve this, you're done for the day and can spend the rest of your time as you wish," announced Captain Meld. His words motivated the less capable students who found the lecture boring and mentally draining.

"Pick up a staff and stand behind the line. We will all be using the basic fire spell {Fireball}. The incantation is: 'O flame, be born and consume all! Fireball!'”

Reiji had never cringed as much as he did just now. 'There’s no way in hell I’m saying that out loud. I'd rather die. Even my Configurations aren't as cringy as that,' he thought to himself. Raising his hand, Captain Meld nodded at him, indicating he could speak.

“Captain Meld, is it possible to say the chant in our head? I can confidently say that I and some others definitely don’t want to say that out loud,” Reiji asked, and a few of his peers nodded in agreement. Though Captain Meld was confused, he answered.

“Yes, you can. It won’t affect the spell in any way.” A collective sigh of relief was released from Reiji and his peers.

Gripping his staff tightly, Reiji focused on the target before starting to chant the spell silently in his mind. ‘O flame, be born and consume all!’

As he chanted the spell, a magic circle appeared before him, resembling his mana color of amethyst and purple. Mana coursed through his body, reaching his fingertips as he channeled it through the staff, which acted as a conduit. The magic circle brightened as Reiji aimed at his target, feeding on the mana and growing stronger.

Finally, he finished his chant and exclaimed, ‘Fireball!’ A bright ball of flames erupted from the tip of his staff and hurtled towards the humanoid target. The ball struck the target with an explosion, leaving a smoking hole in its chest.

“Woah…” Reiji muttered. It was a feeling he had never experienced before, but he had to admit it felt good. Surveying his peers, it seemed that they had achieved similar results to him, except for the fact that some of them had missed their targets. However, Kouki and Hiyama seemed to excel, probably due to their affinity for the element.

It didn’t take long before Reiji completed the training objective. After returning the staff to the weapon rack, he informed Captain Meld and Lisa, “I have completed today’s objective.”

"Already?" Captain Meld asked, clearly surprised. He had expected the group to have some difficulty with the training. However, he brushed it off and smiled, saying, "Haha, you might have a talent for magic, Reiji. You finished even before those with mage classes."

"I don't think so," Reiji replied, trying to downplay the assumption. "The only reason I beat them was because they lack the proper skill to stay steady and aim accordingly. As someone who wields a spear, I have to have sharp eyes, which helped me in this case."

"There's no need to be so modest, Reiji," Lisa interjected with a smile. "You looked really good out there. It makes me wonder what else you're good at."

Reiji, in return, just shrugged his shoulders and responded with his ultimate move for getting out of these situations:

“Who knows?”

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