Arknights Welcome to Terra Continent

Chapter 3 We must live well even in Qicheng

What is a hellish start? It means that you know that the integration movement is coming, but you don’t know when it will come to kill you.

Like the sword of Damocles hanging above your head, it may fall at any time.

Beichen was thinking wildly in his mind and fell into sleep.

One night passed, and there were no nightmares or premonitions coming to my door.

Beichen woke up, and even without a watch he knew what time it was.

Five fifty.

The biological clock I developed during my three years of high school is now finally starting to work.

Looking at the horizon, there are already faint signs of sunrise.

Beichen thought for a while, and it should be that the summer in the northern hemisphere is gone. Fortunately, it is summer. If he comes in winter, he might be frozen to death again.

Looking at Nan Xi who was still sleeping soundly next to him, Beichen stood up from the cardboard box and walked out.

At least there was no sign of integration movement yesterday, Beichen thought.

The integration movement had almost penetrated the entire city before attacking Qicheng, so there should still be a lot of time.

So the most important thing now is to improve my own strength. At least my starting point is already much higher than that of normal people.

And what choice should I make on the day when the integration movement really comes?

First of all, since I am a non-infected person, it is basically impossible to join the integration movement. This option can basically be ignored.

Also, during the period before the fall of Qicheng, find Mr. Herage's clinic, gain his trust, and then run away with him.

This is the least risky but most difficult option.

First, we are not sure whether the time is enough.

Second, the city is so big that it is almost impossible for me to find it by myself.

What's more, this is an underground clinic, which is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Then there are only two options left. One is to escape from Qicheng before the integration movement arrives.

The difficulty of this choice mainly depends on two aspects: leaving the city and whether there are enough supplies after leaving the city.

The supplies can indeed be prepared within a period of time, and with the existence of a personal warehouse, this problem can be easily solved.

The problem is how to get out of the city.

It should be easy for me to get out by myself, but this one next to me...

Beichen sighed. As early as yesterday when he was eating, he saw the Originium crystal on Nan Xi's arm.

Now, there may be only one choice. Help Rhode Island when the storm comes.

Take this opportunity to join Rhode Island. The option with the highest risk and the highest reward.

Beichen never fantasizes about saving those dead characters, because he is just an ordinary person, at least he will not choose to do so until he gets strong enough power.

A fool who gets carried away in a moment of passion will only risk his own life.

If it really came to an extremely critical moment, he could leave Nan Xi behind and escape alone at any time.

After all, this is a stranger I just met yesterday.

Okay, don't think so much now, Beichen patted his face.

At least it's not a life-and-death moment yet, and those who should be protected should be protected. At least she is now half a family member.

Sure enough, after giving a name, bonds will indeed be created.

It's still too lonely to be alone.

Well, you have to come back early for breakfast.

Beichen stretched out and it was time to try his stealing skills.

Walking out of the alley and onto the street, I faced Beichen's strange clothes and the location where Ursus only wore short sleeves.

The passers-by couldn't help but take a few more glances, but there was no such thing as Originium Crystal on Beichen's body, so they just took a few more glances.

But what they didn't know was that a lot of the things in their pockets had been taken away by Beichen.

Hahaha, the items stolen with this stealing skill will be transferred directly to the personal warehouse.

Beichen was extremely happy.

Unfortunately, I was still cautious and secretive when I used the skill for the first time.

After wandering on the street for more than ten minutes, Beichen stopped until the system prompted that his personal warehouse was full.

After using the skill for a short time, Beichen also figured out the rules of this skill.

For those whose strength is lower than your own, the success rate of activation should be 100%.

At least it didn't fail just now.

The same object can only be stolen once in a short period of time.

However, the skill itself has no CD. After stealing one, you can steal the next immediately. The CD for the same target is about five minutes.

So now it’s time to take a look at the loot, and figure out the specific usage of the personal warehouse.

Back in the alley, Nan Xi was still asleep in the cardboard box. Sure enough, she would sleep soundly after eating.

Beichen opened his personal warehouse and took a look at the upper limit first. 64 slots were filled. It seemed that there were only 64 slots left.

There is one item that has been stacked for more than 4000 times.

It seems that similar items can be stacked without any upper limit. Let me see what these 4000-plus items are.

With a thought in his mind, a pile of change appeared in Beichen's hand.

What is this, Terra Coin?

(The author’s personal setting is that the common currency of Terra is universal, at least in the city named above)

It's a good thing to have a common currency, and it comes in handy when traveling to new cities.

Let's see what else there is. By the way, there is no physical sensation with so many things stuffed in it. It seems that there is no upper limit on the load capacity.

It’s time to try out how much stuff it can hold later.

After taking the money back, Beichen began to browse other things in the warehouse.

A box of cookies, okay, keep it.

ID card... It turns out that Ursus also has such a thing. It seems to be a bit troublesome.

People like Nan Xi definitely don't have an ID card. It seems that it will be troublesome for places to use this kind of identification in the future.

Beichen cleaned out the warehouse, leaving only money, a box of biscuits, a shirt, and two towels.

There was even a pocket knife.

How could anyone take such a thing to the streets?

Of course, there are a lot of unspeakable things that get thrown into the trash.

After packing his things, Beichen woke Nan Xi up from sleep.

Nan Xi rubbed her eyes and asked, "Is dinner served again?"

Beichen knocked her on the head and said, "I know how to eat every day. I have money now. Do you know where I can buy something?"

Nan Xi rubbed her head and said, "Why should you call me brother? I obviously..."

Nan Xi stood up and looked up, then immediately lowered her head.

Why is he so much taller than me?

Beichen knocked Nan Xi on the head again and said, "I'm older than you. Why is it so swollen? I'm covered in greasy cloth?"

Nan Xi covered her head and hid once again and said: "Okay, okay, brother, stop fighting. I know a place where I can buy things. Sometimes when I steal money, I go there to buy something."

"lead the way!"


While walking on the road, Nan Xi asked Beichen curiously: "Beichen, Beichen, what race are you from?"

Beichen raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you still understand this?"

Nan Xi replied: "Actually, I don't understand. I've seen people with ears that look different from mine before, but later I found out that they are of different races. But this is the first time that I don't have ears on my head like you." See you."

Beichen thought for a while. It is true that people with a pair of ears on their heads are more common in Terra, but there are also races without ears on their heads.

For example, those races with horns and those with a halo on their heads.

There is also Du Lin, but the ear can tell you that it is Du Lin at a glance.

Beichen hesitated for a moment and replied: "Well, my race is kept secret for now. You may know it later."

After walking for a few minutes, Nan Xi took Bei Chen to a dark shop deep in another alley.

The lighting in the store is not very good, and the floor is slightly damp, but it is surprisingly spacious.

There are a few tables inside, with a few people sitting there.

The boss stood behind the counter, with no expression on his face. A long scar extended downward from his right cheek until it was blocked by the collar of his coat.

Nan Xi whispered behind Beichen: "Although the boss looks very fierce, he is very friendly to others. He served in the army before, but later he was infected with ore disease for unknown reasons and came here to hide."

Beichen looked at the burly man in front of him. Although his face looked middle-aged and older, the muscles on his body were genuine.

The shop owner nodded slightly, probably to express welcome and ask about your intention.

Beichen got straight to the point and said, "I'm here to buy something. What do you have?"

The boss pointed to the shelves at the back and said, "See for yourself."

The voice is rich and powerful, and when you hear it, you feel like you are not just a stranger.

Beichen took Nan Xi to the shelves at the back. Various products were neatly arranged, giving the feeling of a small store downstairs, and the prices were clearly written.

Beichen took a look and found that the prices of various items were not expensive, not much different from real currency. It seemed that the purchasing power of more than 4000 yuan was not small.

Beichen turned to Nan Xi and said, "If you want to buy anything, take some. I don't have much money now."

When Nan Xi heard this, her eyes lit up and she asked, "Really? Then I'll go."

After saying that, he ran to the shelves at the back, while Beichen carefully selected some daily necessities and shelf-stable food.

Beichen carried the packed things and waited for Nan Xi who ran behind.

After a while, Nan Xi came over with a large bag of things, including snacks and the like. The boss behind the counter also showed a surprised expression.

Beichen asked helplessly: "How much?"

"456 yuan"

"Take the young master?!"


Beichen took out the money and settled the bill with a look of pain on his face.

This damn thing is really a gold-eating beast. I bought so many things for only 380, and she gave me more than 400 snacks as soon as she came.

The boss took the money, counted it a little, nodded, and whispered: "I suggest you leave quickly."

As he spoke, he motioned to the people at the tables next to him with his eyes.

Bei Chen understood and said, "Nan Xi, let's go."

Nan Xi also jumped up and followed behind.

The moment he left the door of the store, the things in Beichen's hands disappeared immediately.

He stretched out his hand to hold Nan Xi and said, "It's time to run away."

Nan Xi hadn't reacted yet: "Ah? What?"

The person has been taken away by Beichen.

The people who chased him out of the store slapped their heads in annoyance and cursed: "Tmd, let the fat sheep run away."

And Beichen here had already ran a hundred meters away.

The sound of the wind whistling in my ears, the continuous secretion of adrenaline

This feeling is really

Thai pants are hot!

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