Arknights Welcome to Terra Continent

Chapter 39 Plan

"Dear citizens, please note that evacuation drills are underway in Longmen."

"Citizens who have not followed the action instructions to evacuate, please lock the doors and windows, close the curtains, and do not go out of the house at will."

"Why do you always act like this when encountering a terrorist attack? 'We are conducting an exercise.' Will there be a gas explosion later?"

Beichen complained about the drone that was hovering over Longmen and playing an alarm.

"There's nothing we can do about it. After all, we can't directly tell the citizens that the infected have entered the city." The doctor sighed and said.

Beichen scratched his head and said: "I have seen a similar situation. The capital was captured, and the residents stayed at home as if nothing happened. After a few days, some people even went to watch the enemy's military parade."

"What kind of country is this?" The doctor couldn't even finish the sentence.

"Well, how should I put it? All I can say is that no one can break into their capital before the country surrenders."

"It doesn't sound like a very good country." The doctor commented.

"Indeed, even the national flag is white after all." Beichen commented.

After a short period of action planning, Rhode Island's team dispersed and moved according to the established route, cooperating with the Longmen Guards Bureau to conduct an integrated campaign.

Huang complained loudly: "Let the infected go to eliminate the infected? Rhode Island really took on a vicious job this time."

"Longmen, huh, how could such a big city not have its own means to fight against invading forces?"

Beichen nodded and said in agreement: "Indeed, if Longmen only has one military department, the Guards Bureau, then I might as well kick Chief Wei down and become the chief."

Huang smiled and patted Beichen on the shoulder and said, "You still have the ability, but look ahead, those guys from the Guards Bureau are in trouble, please help."

Members of the Integration Movement are attacking the Guards Bureau's defense line.

"Quickly kill those who block the road! Don't worry about what's behind you, just break through the defenses. Don't be reluctant to fight!"

"As long as we cross this street, we have a chance to join the second group!"

"Don't give them a chance to fight back, we don't have many people left!"

"Huang, are you going to go up or should I go up?"

"Can't we go together?"

Members of the Integration Movement exclaimed: "What sound? From the sky? Ah...who is it? Falling from the sky!"

"Stand back, stand back quickly, they might fly!"

"....I really can't do this."

"Hehehe, I can."

"That's why I said I envy your Origin Stone skills!"

Beichen and Huang fell into the Guards Bureau's defense line, startling the Guards Bureau members beside them.

"Identification code!" The guard stretched out the instrument.

Huang successfully passed the scan, but Beichen did not.

Seeing the members of the Guards Bureau in front of him who were ready to shoot, Beichen raised his hands in fear and shouted: "Don't do it! We are one of our own! I don't even have a weapon on me!"

A police officer bumped his captain with his elbow and whispered softly: "Captain, this doesn't seem to be an infected person, unlike the infected person next to him."

The captain thought for a while and shouted: "Put down your weapons! Re-aim at the thugs, don't fire yet! The guy in front of you is not an infected person."

Beichen breathed a sigh of relief, stood next to Huang, and said, "They won't open fire unless they are infected? Huang, do you think if your identity verification failed just now, would they open fire directly?"

Huang shook his head and said, "Of course it will! It's not the first time."

Beichen looked at the Originium crystals growing on Huang's exposed skin and said, "Then you still expose the Originium crystals growing on your body, for fear that others won't know, right?"

Huang turned his head, stared into Beichen's eyes and said, "I don't care about the identity of the infected. In my opinion, the infected are just ordinary people who are sick, so I will firmly fight for my compatriots."

Beichen reached out and hugged Huang's head, then turned her head forward and said, "Stop talking, your compatriots have already rushed over, and it looks like they want to kill you."

Huang looked at the integration movement that was rushing toward him, sighed, and said: "I have no intention of harming you. No matter what mentality you have when invading other countries' cities and states, we only have the primary purpose of disarming you. "

"Regardless of the personal injuries, losses you have caused to others, and the subsequent punishment, at least your resistance now is meaningless. Put down your weapons, and you still have a chance."

"We are both infected, let me give you a choice."

"Fire! Charge! Don't believe this woman's lies!"

"Arrow? The arrow was broken in the air!"

Steam began to come out of Huang's body, and she said: "Since you have resisted, there is nothing more to say. The weather in Longmen is really humid."

"I'm super, you still say you're not a very hot cat?"

"I told you I'm not a very hot cat!"

Less than a minute.

Members of the integration movement fell to the ground one after another. They opened their mouths wide and breathed frantically.

"How are you? Are you out of breath? Do you feel like your lungs are burning?"

"As long as I think about it, the hot air will immediately rush into your body, expand, ignite your organs, and spurt out from your pores."

"Ha, actually Longmen might spare your life. If I really take action -"

"Spare me! Ugh, uh!" members of the integration movement begged frantically for mercy.

Huang sighed and said: "Okay, I won't go too far. Over there, stop watching the show and tie up these integration movements."

Beichen noticed the doctor and Amiya walking over. He raised his hand and said hello.

Huang also saw it: "Ah, finally here, Doctor, this way!"

"That move just now was so beautiful!" the doctor praised.

"Hey, it's just a joke. Next time, I'll show you something more powerful. How about that trick of 'folding the arm ninety degrees without breaking the bones'?" Huang said with a smile.

Amiya was startled and said, "Don't teach this to the doctor... huh?"

Before Amiya could finish her words, she was hugged by Huang.

"Little rabbit! How come you have such a soft face, hehehe..."

"Don't pick me up as soon as we meet!" Amiya struggled in Huang's arms.

"Hey hey hey, don't struggle. If you let me touch you more, I won't lose any piece of meat!"

"Huang! We have only been separated for less than an hour. What is your reaction? Be serious!"

Huang looked at Amiya, who was pretending to be serious in front of him, and said with a smile: "Hey, what an unlovable child."


Seeing Amiya's actions, Huang immediately began to beg for mercy: "No, don't, Amiya, I'm just joking, don't put those strange emotions into my head, wuwuwu, I feel like taking this trick There was nothing wrong with the interrogation.”

Suddenly, Huang noticed the person next to Amiya.

"Wait, the one next to you?"

Hui Throat just said: "Hello, I am..."

As soon as the words left his mouth, he was interrupted by Huang: "I know who you are. Next time you say that to our fellow infected people, I will tear off half of your face."

"Huang!" Amiya was a little angry.

"I'm sorry, Amiya, but I still have to warn her that I will never change my words." After saying that, Huang left without looking back.

"Huang may have some misunderstandings about you." Amiya turned her head and said sorry to Hui Throat.

Hui Throat shook his head and said, "It's okay, after all, I really said those words."

Beichen interrupted the conversation between them and asked: "So are there any specific plans? I have been shopping for more than an hour, and all I encountered were integrated movement teams with varying numbers of people, their main force. Woolen cloth."

Amiya replied: "According to our plan with the Guards Bureau, Superintendent Chen will lead the elite troops of the Guards Bureau to block the offensive forces of the integrated movement as much as possible."

"On the one hand, she must 'guide' the direction of action of the main troops of the integration movement and force them to go to the designated location; on the other hand, she must also try her best to prevent other integration movement teams from entering the slums."

Beichen suddenly remembered that the shadow guards in the slums brutally massacred infected people. Any infected person who had anything to do with the integration movement would be killed regardless of the severity of the crime. The methods were cruel.

"Fortunately, that guy Kelsi let the regicide escape, otherwise Junjun would probably have sent it too." Beichen thought to himself.

Amiya continued: "Our mission in Rhode Island is to advance along the patrol points, help the Guards Bureau eliminate the remaining integration movement, and prompt the integration movement to give up the fight."

"Finally." Amiya pointed to the enemy circled in red on the map and said, "We will arrive at the predetermined location and defeat the main force of the integration movement together with the Guards Bureau."

"By the way, doctor." Amiya suddenly remembered and said to the doctor: "I will contact Huang and ask her to protect you. Please take care of Huang during this short period of time before we meet."

"Look after her? Do you have any misunderstandings about me?" the doctor asked.

"'s not about force! It's about psychological care."

Amiya waved her hand hurriedly and continued: "Although Huang is one of the elite combat operators that Rhode Island relies on for survival, psychological factors will also affect her performance to a certain extent."

"Especially now that the person we are fighting is an infected person, what happens to the infected person is more likely to affect her emotional state."

"Taking this opportunity, the doctor can also get to know her better."

"I know!" The doctor agreed readily.

"What about me? Don't have any other tasks?"

"Well..." The doctor and Amiya looked at each other, and finally the doctor spoke first and said: "Uh, well, Kelsey has specially ordered me to try not to let you take action. You can just ask ask her."

Don't let me take action at will? What's Kelsey's plan again? Forget it, she must be planning something again. At least Kelsey's script has not been missed. According to her idea, there should be no problem.

Amiya suddenly remembered something again and asked, "Huh? Where did Jiavir go? Beichen, have you seen her?"

The doctor replied on the side: "You couldn't hold back your impulse and went to beat up the enemy?"

"This is not good!"

Beichen said from the side: "Maybe we should worry about the safety of the integration movement?"

The doctor nodded in agreement and said, "That's true. I hope the integrated movement will be fine."

"Who said this to you about Dr. Gavel? It's a bit excessive..."

"Although it is true..."

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