Arknights Welcome to Terra Continent

Chapter 5 An ordinary afternoon

After a while, Nan Xi was finally full.

Still such an amazing appetite.

After eating, Nan Xi immediately came to Bei Chen's side and asked, "What good stuff is there? Please show me quickly."

Beichen pretended to take it out of his pocket, but in fact he took the box directly from his personal warehouse and handed it to Nan Xi.

Nan Xi opened the box and saw that there was still a box inside.

Nan Xi resisted the urge to smash the box into Beichen's face and opened another box inside.

There was a staff inside. She took it out. Beichen spread his hands and said, "Don't dislike it because it doesn't look good. At least it's a serious magic unit."

"You know, this stuff is strictly controlled in Ursus...?"

Before Beichen could finish speaking, Nan Xi rushed up and hugged him.

"Thank you"

Beichen sighed and muttered in a low voice: "After eating so much, why is it still at the airport? I don't feel at all."

"Go to hell!"

Nan Xi pushed Bei Chen away and ran to the side to study the staff.

Beichen stood aside and watched quietly. To be honest, he had never seen serious Origin Stone skills a few times in the past year.

The last time I saw him, it was when an infected person got involved with the patrol that came to arrest him.

In the end, he almost exploded twice. Fortunately, the patrol team controlled him in time, otherwise he would have infected many people.

Beichen turned his attention back to Nan Xi and asked if she had any talent in this area. You know, if you start so late, you can only be an ordinary warlock without something special.

Nan Xi was flipping through a book with one hand and holding a staff in the other. So did she learn this spell now?

Bei Chen was about to speak, but when he saw the fireball appearing in front of Nan Xi, he suppressed his words.

This, this is not right.

Are you telling me this is a beginner? I'm not going to pick up a genius.

Nan Xi shouted in surprise: "Beichen, look, look!"

As he spoke, he ran towards Beichen.

If you look at it one more time, it will explode. Don't come here!

It was too late, the fireball had already hit Beichen's body.

Although Beichen was not affected by Origin Stone's skills, his clothes were not fireproof.

"Fuck, you did it on purpose, right?"

"Do you believe me when I say I didn't do it on purpose?"

Beichen sighed every day and said: "Forget it this time, you have to hide the staff well and don't let others see it, and don't use Originium skills unless it's an emergency."

Nan Xi pointed behind Beichen and asked, "Is this an urgent moment?"

When Beichen turned around, there were a bunch of patrol police standing behind him. It seemed that they were attracted by the accident just now.

"You're in an emergency, run away!"

Beichen grabbed Nan Xi with one hand and put everything into his personal warehouse with the other hand.

He ran away and they chased him.

After a tense and exciting chase, Beichen finally got rid of the pursuers behind him. Looking at Nan Xi who was holding it in his hand, she was almost knocked unconscious.

"Now do you know why you can't use Origin Stone skills casually?" Beichen said helplessly, holding his forehead.

God knows why the patrol police came to the door so quickly. They all have dog noses, emmm, they seem to have bear noses.

It seemed that we had to find a new bridge opening. Beichen took out the map and drew a cross at the location of the bridge opening.

I looked at the map carefully and found a new location. Let's get there before tonight.

Anyway, there is still a whole afternoon left.

He turned around and asked Nan Xi: "Is there anywhere you want to go, Nan Xi?"

Nan Xi thought for a while, scratched her head and said, "It seems... not."

Beichen thought about it, and it seemed right. He had been to almost all the streets and alleys in Qicheng, and there was nothing interesting about it.

Of course, there were places like underground boxing rings, but that only made Beichen feel sick.

He had also gone to see it, and it was a place where human life was treated with indifference. The audience never cared who died, all they wanted to see was one person punching another person in the face.

Preferably a few more teeth and a little blood splatter.

Normal people have to do their best if they just want to survive. Who cares about the life and death of others.

Beichen took Nan Xi's hand and said, "Let's just walk around."

After a while, Beichen looked at the two teams at war with each other in front of him and lamented the uncertainty of fate.

Family members, who knows?

Today I just went out for a walk after dinner, and I met two teams of low-ranking men. They started fighting without warning, and they got me involved.

I can only say that I understand everything about street fighting. As long as I can knock down the opponent, I can use any dirty tricks at will.

Beichen used his left hand as a monkey to steal peaches, and his right hand to attack Huanglong. The person who wanted to sneak attack him was beaten and fell to the ground screaming in agony.

The bosses of both sides couldn't help but exclaimed: "Whose general is this? He is so brave."

After a scuffle, there were only a few people standing on the field except Beichen. Beichen took the hand of Nan Xi who was hiding aside and quickly fled the scene.

According to what the person involved said afterwards: The man was moving very fast. I had just approached him, and when he turned around, I felt a sharp pain in my crotch, and then I fell unconscious.

Nan Xi looked at Beichen who was holding her hand, with stars in her eyes.

"Brother, are you so handsome?"

"That's right, don't look at who I am."

Beichen shook his hair, raised his head at a 45-degree angle, and held his forehead.

"So this is why you like to pick out other people's birds during fights?"

"Ahem, cough, cough, where did the child learn these vulgar words? Don't say them again in the future."

"Oh, got it."

Passing by a supermarket, Beichen looked at his personal warehouse and saw that some items were almost used.

"Why don't you go in and buy something?" Beichen suggested.

"Then can I buy snacks?" Nan Xi was already preparing to rush into the supermarket.

"Take it as you wish."


Seeing Nan Xi happily walking out with a bunch of snacks in her arms, Beichen began to feel sorry for his wallet again.

Although I am very rich, I still can't stand her eating like this.

As long as someone asked Nan Xi how much she ate, Beichen would definitely point out a finger without hesitation.

"A bowl?"

"No, I keep eating."

Looking at Nan Xi's height, which has not changed much this year, Beichen himself has grown 2cm. It turns out that this girl looks the same as a year ago. I am curious where she eats her food.

Nan Xi ate while walking, but at least she didn't throw any garbage on the ground.

She stuffed them all into Beichen's hands, and then Beichen stuffed them into his personal warehouse, and then threw them all in where there was a trash can.

Magical (weird) uses of the warehouse have been added!

To be honest, when she took Nan Xi to the street for the first time, she was very reluctant. Even though she put on thick clothes to block all the crystals on her body, she still hid behind her.

It seems that before meeting him, she must have suffered a lot outside.

But now, as Bei Chen looked at Nan Xi jumping up and down beside him, he realized that that was all in the past tense.

When we arrived at the new bridge, we simply cleaned it up and took out the furniture and put it away. It can only be said that we moved at the speed of light.

Beichen also took out a book from the bookshelf and read it. The changes in his body were also accompanied by the improvement of his mental power.

If he could return to Earth, Beichen estimated that he would score 749 in the college entrance examination.

Lying on the rocking chair, Beichen sighed, his understanding of the world was still too superficial.

Whether it is from the game in the previous life or in this short year of life, my understanding of this world is only superficial.

The information in the game is naturally incomplete. How can a game with more than ten gigabytes completely describe an entire world?

In Ursus, information control is too strict. Even though there are several mobile cities very close to Qicheng, only a group of people at the top of the pyramid can really communicate.

Just like when Qicheng was abandoned by Ursus, only the lowest level of the people were abandoned.

Putting the book aside, Beichen took out the daily newspaper he just bought on the roadside. It was still important to pay attention to the information in the newspaper.

Let me see what's going on?

emmm, it’s no different from newspapers in previous lives.

First of all, the front page must be about the latest policies for Qicheng, and then there is a senior executive who went to inspect a certain place. Beichen basically skipped these.

The really useful information is hidden in gossip and many small advertisements.

I closed the newspaper, but there was nothing useful.

But if newspapers and radio start to remind people that we have discovered some problem, please don't panic, stay at home and don't go out at will.

That’s when you’re waiting to die if you don’t go out.

At least no such signs have been found yet.

Keep living an ordinary life...


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