Armament Haki Is Completed, The System Is Awakened!

Chapter 582

Chapter 568 Mr. Carl, Konan Will Not Let You Down! (For Automatic Subscription!)

“We accept the scroll, and immediately get me out of our sight!”

With the bluff of the scorpion, Konan and the others did not intend to stay here too much. They are currently going to the center of the forest, and wasting too much time may give other ninjas enough time to make traps!

“How did you come up with this kind of plan? Pretending to be a puppet is quite risky! If that guy directly attacked “Twenty-Three” and hit the puppet, you might die!”

“Then use Konan’s identity to interfere!

The moment the two were ready to intervene, the scorpion wrapped the Chakra thread around Konan’s limbs.

Immediately, he shouted towards the front to take cover and let Konan find a chance to attack!

Such an obvious hint that Konan understood in an instant, was always looking for an opportunity to release the paper avatars to let the two guys focus on the paper avatars, but fortunately the Konoha Shinobi didn’t react.

The attack from the enemy gave Konan an excellent opportunity. After using the detonating charm, which was not at all destructive, he instantly made the paper clone move to the rear, and he used the Transformation Technique to become a puppet in an instant!

In this way, the cleverness of the two is quite successful. Scorpion controls Konan to continuously attack, and at the same time, Konan also pays some attention to his paper avatar.

Scorpion controls the real puppet and has been attacking a few steps in front of Konan. If the ninja in front of him directly attacks the puppet, he can use the paper clone to attract a wave of attention, which is a foolproof solution.

After briefly narrating everything that happened just now, everyone rushed to the center of the forest, but there was no one around, and it was quiet and strange.

The three of them were instantly vigilant. After all, too much time was wasted in the battle just now. If the ninjas who have entered the center of the forest are enough to set up numerous traps here!

The three of them stood back to back, holding weapons together in their hands, ready to fight at any time.

“Yes, it looks like you’ve all collected two scrolls, but it’s just the beginning!”

“Master Carl!”

Not expecting to see Carl in the middle of the woods at all, Konan was an excited…

Carl didn’t say much. It was also the moment when the final mission was issued. Everyone brought the two scrolls in their hands back to the coordinates!

While speaking, Konan was given a map.

“At your command, Lord Carl, I won’t let you down! 35

After seeing Carl, Konan instantly became 100% energized, as if he had used a stimulant…

Seeing that Konan’s clothes were stained red with blood again, Carl frowned slightly. He wanted to ensure complete fairness and justice, and he did not directly offer medical treatment to Konan.

“Yo, it seems that Rain Shinobi-sama has a very important place in your heart for 1.6!”

The two ninjas clearly saw the fluctuations of Konan’s emotions and couldn’t help but tease, and then everyone focused their attention on the map given by Carl.

However, when the eyes of the three were locked on the map, the expressions of the three were frozen in the present as if time had stopped!

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