Armament Haki Is Completed, The System Is Awakened!

Chapter 92

Chapter 92 Akainu Vs Aokiji, The Collision Of Ice And Fire! (For Automatic Subscription!)

Garp knows just how strong Redfield is.

As a figure of the same era, he was captured by Garp himself.

“I’ve heard about The fish men island,” Sengoku said with his arms crossed.

“You don’t need to worry about this matter, and the follow-up will be arranged after King Neptune has finished talking with the above.

Carl nodded. He didn’t want to worry about The fish men island.

After all, it wasn’t Marine’s job to do that either.

“Right~ Carl,” Kizaru pouted towards the back, “these two, the ‘Momousagi’ Gion Vice Admiral and the ‘Chabu’ Plus Vice Admiral.””

“They’ve been in New World before, so you haven’t seen them.

The two people, one is a beautiful woman wearing pink clothes and short shorts, showing her long legs.

One is a wretched middle-aged man in a khaki suit.

Carl was impressed with both of them, after all being the Admiral backup in Marine.

“Yo~ Carl, it’s the first time we meet,” Jiaji greeted with a smile.

“You are Solomon Carl, I heard you are a great swordsman?” Gion also looked curiously at the three long knives on his waist.

“Both of you,” Carl smiled, “690” “Jianhao’s words, that’s right. 99

Although he did not regard himself as a swordsman, when it comes to the realm of kendo, Dajianhao is no problem.

After a few people said hello, the entire office fell silent.

Or rather, dull.

Aokiji and Akainu, who are sitting opposite each other, can feel the contradiction between them.

One is the leader of the hawks and the other is the leader of the doves.

There is little chance of reconciliation between the two.

“So, so be it, the location is Punk Hazard.

In the end, Sengoku made the final decision and determined the place where the two would duel.

This battle will decide who will be the marshal.

It was also the result of a compromise between him and the Five Elders.

“Huh—” After Sengoku finished speaking, he sat on the chair with his arms folded and closed his eyes.

He was tired, really tired.

And, he has done enough.

Carl raised his eyebrows, took out a cigar from his arms and lit it.

It seems that the battle of Punk Hazard is inevitable.

This battle directly determined Marine’s future direction.

the next day.

New World, Punk Hazard.

This island is an island under the control of the World ZF.

It is also one of the portals belonging to the New World.

It was once used to hold criminals.

Three years ago, M. Caesar Courant returned to the island after escaping from a prison ship, using the island’s prisoners to conduct experiments.

In the end, the experiment went wrong, resulting in a large amount of poison gas leaking, turning the entire island into a dead island, and the island has been empty since then.

Now being chosen as the final battleground between Marine’s two Admirals, it can be regarded as the last remaining heat.

At this time, a large number of warships were docked in the sea area around the entire island.

And each of them is a large-scale warship of the exclusive class, which is a ship that can only be owned by Vice Admiral.

Almost every Vice Admiral that could make it came.

Huoshaoshan, Ghost Spider, Stolo Berry, and others, all stood on the bow with their hands folded, and looked at the island solemnly.

In the front, there are several larger warships.

This is the ship belonging to Admiral, the Marshal.

On the boat in the middle, Sengoku, Garp, and Tsuru all had heavy expressions on their faces.

However, not everyone is immersed in this atmosphere.

On a large warship next to him, Kizaru was sitting on a chair with a leisurely face, picking his nails.

He moved his gaze to Carl on the reclining chair beside him, “Carl ~ why don’t you look nervous at all.”

“This is the battle to decide the next marshal~”

“You’re too embarrassed to tell me, old man, don’t you look like you don’t care at all, 35 Carl rolled his eyes.

As a thoroughgoing (xian) Li (yu) faction.

Whether it’s Kizaru or Carl, it doesn’t really matter which of the two can take the position of the marshal.

After all, for them, whoever sits on it doesn’t matter much.

It’s nothing more than that Marine’s general direction of behavior will be different in the future.

doesn’t affect them.

On the island, Sakazuki in a red suit and Kuzan in a blue shirt are facing each other.

Just as the momentum between the two collided, it had already begun to change the surrounding environment.

“It’s really scary~ These two monsters,” Kizaru pouted, “I don’t want to get close to them just by looking at the old man~”

“Stop joking, old man,” Carl let out a faint whiff of smoke.

If you were really scared, you wouldn’t be sitting here leisurely picking your fingernails.

“Well~ Carl, you said which of the two would win,” Kizaru said, rubbing his chin.

“Who will win, Sakazuki Admiral,” Carl mused.

Not because he knew the outcome of the original trajectory.

This is a real world, and the results will not necessarily follow the original trajectory.

However, not to mention the issue of strength.

Just in terms of mental attachment, Akainu is definitely the most obsessive.

Aokiji couldn’t compare to him at this point.

“Really,” Kizaru glanced at him in surprise, “I think so too~”

On the large warship beside.

Sengoku drank in a deep voice, “Let’s start! Don’t waste any more time!”

The two on the island heard Sengoku’s voice.

The two of them moved slightly.

Akainu’s body began to glow red.

He stared at Aokiji on the opposite side, and said solemnly, “Kuzan, you usually don’t care about anything, why are you so resolute against this matter.

“Leading Marine by this old man can truly bring this so-called era of pirates to an end!””

“Sakazuki…” Aokiji put his hands in his pockets, looking inexplicable, “Your idea is too radical for Marine.”

“Shouldn’t the garbage on the sea be swept up directly?” Akainu frowned.

“Are you still merciful to pirates?

In his opinion, all pirates should disappear.

It has nothing to do with other things, as long as he bears the identity of a pirate, it is enough.

And in the process of eliminating pirates, there is no need to consider any means.

“The pirates should indeed be eliminated, but,” Aokiji’s body also felt a chill, “your behavior is simply wrong. 99

Indiscriminate, by all means, regardless of any loss.

This style of justice is what makes him really against Sakazuki!


On the whole island, the icy cold and the fiery breath are intertwined, and they burst out suddenly!

Half of the islands are directly frozen, and the other half are like erupting lava volcanoes.

Even the waters around the island were affected.

One side of the sea began to freeze, while the other side of the sea began to heat and evaporate.

“Oh~” Kizaru stood up, “Did you do it so seriously?

Carl was lying on the reclining chair and blinked, “Hey, that’s a bit exaggerated, isn’t it?

Both of them are terrifying beings who have developed the abilities of the Logia Fruit to the limit.

In an instant, the explosion almost destroyed the entire Punk Hazard!


The sky over the entire sea has turned from a clear day to a dark cloud cover.

An invisible repressed breath enveloped the entire sea area, and thunder snakes shuttled through the clouds.

“Father, I suddenly feel that you are right,” Carl looked at Punk Hazard in the distance, and let out a deep breath of smoke.

Kizaru looked at him suspiciously.

“These two people are really monsters,” Carl slapped his mouth with emotion.

The terrifying destructive power of Logia is vividly displayed by these two people.

It was just a collision, but it directly affected all the surrounding environments.

Under the feet of the two of them, the huge island looked like a shivering little dirt bag that could be destroyed at any time.

“Red lotus dog bites!

“Children’s mouth!” 9


The terrifying winged bird formed by freezing ice collided with the evil 1.5 dog formed by magma.

The magma is cooled, but the ice is also melted.

The abilities between the two are mutually restrained, or, to their level, there is no such thing as restraint.

In the end, the competition is nothing more than who has the higher strength.

It’s just that the combat power of the two is almost the same.

It is impossible to decide the winner in a short period of time.

“Speaking of which, Sakazuki is with you, old man,” Carl looked in the direction of the island and exhaled a puff of white smoke.

“That’s right~” Kizaru stood beside him with his hands in his pockets, “We’re all much bigger than Kuzan~”

Although the three of them, Admiral, are all students taught by Zephyr’s elite class.

But it’s not actually a student.

Sakazuki and Polusalino are actually several years older than Kuzan.

However, they are all in their prime right now!

Taijutsu, Haki, fruit ability, physical strength, and even other skills are all monsters that have reached their peak!

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to decide the true outcome between Sakazuki and Kuzan.

ka ka ka-

The sea below the warship has begun to freeze.

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