
Chapter 1440 Legendary Dungeon (5)

Chapter 1440 Legendary Dungeon (5)

In the middle of the forest, a man swung his glaives while the monster charged at him. Despite the desperate attempts from the monsters, they could not reach the man. They were slain before they got too close.

The monster parts were strewn all over around the man, creating one and a half meters circle. The ground around the man's feet was clean from the body's parts and body. That was the proof that the monster could not reach the man.

Each swing created a swift noise in the air. Even though the monster used their skills, they still could not go through the swing. The man let out a hearty laugh as if he was having fun being swarmed by the monster wave.

The number of the monsters dwindled very fast. In ten minutes, Tang Shaoyang slew the monster with his glaive. He was not expecting to have fun with his new weapon so he lost track of time.

During the fight, he did not really think of anything, just went with the flow. After killing the last monster of the wave, he furrowed his brow. He did not count how many waves he fought.

The ground started to shake again. He used the Spirit Eyes, looking in the direction where the monsters came from. There were too many of them, more than five thousand.

There were more monsters in addition to the Orc, Goblin, and Wolf. The Troll who doubled the size of the Orc led the charge now. Side by side with the Troll was Centaur. While they looked smaller to the Troll, their charge power was quite terrifying…. For their rank which was mostly Primordial Rank and Legend Rank.

Following the Troll and Centaur were Orc, Lizardmen, and demons. The Lizardmen were equipped with armor and a spear, well-prepared soldiers. They were two and a half meters tall, and their scales were quite hard as well which made them quite hard to kill, for their rank at least.

Meanwhile, the demon was around the same height as Tang Shaoyang's human height. Less than two meters, with the goat-like horn, and red skin. While they walked side by side with the Lizardmen, they were adept at sneak attacks. More adept than the goblin for sure.

[This is your forty-second wave. You have to face eight more Assault Waves after this one] Crystal The Frost Knight reminded him.

"Thank you for…." He paused as he noticed Avyn and Zara were above him, looking down at him from the sky. The two girls had a judging look on their faces.

'We have finished our wave, and you are still struggling to finish them off? Do you want some help?' That was what the vibe he got from their judgy expression.

"How long have I been here?"

[Around an hour? Or maybe less, I am not sure.]

Tang Shaoyang just rolled his eyes at Avyn and Zara as he canceled The Domain of Paragon, "It's time to go to the next phase, I guess…." At this point, he found out why the Demi-God Rank adventurers failed to clear the dungeon.

The monsters were mostly Legend Rank and Primordial Rank, but their number was overwhelming for a small party. Bringing more people into the dungeon also could not solve the problem. The more adventurers entered the dungeon, the party would have to face more monsters.

Without a well-planned strategy, it would be hard for Demi-God Ranks adventurers and lower to clear this dungeon. But a plan could not be made without information.

Everyone who entered the dungeon could not return without clearing the dungeon. No information, no strategy. The only way to tackle the dungeon was to send an overwhelming force to clear it.

A party of ten Demi-God Ranks might be able to clear the dungeon. But from what he knew, The Adventurer Guild only sent four Demi-God Ranks split into two parties from the last two of the dungeon raid.

That was a lesson for him in the future when the dungeon started to appear on Earth. The Adventurer Guild's guide was faulty. For Legendary Rank, he must send at least one God Rank and ten Demi-God Ranks for the first dungeon raid. The scout raid to gather more information about the dungeon.

If it was a safe dungeon, they would keep the dungeon as the training ground. If it was too dangerous, then they had to destroy it. This was why he wanted to have first-hand experience of the dungeon run instead of hearing it from Hemlin and The Adventurer Guild.

The vibration was getting stronger as the monster wave closed up to him. He then activated the Realm of Fire. The soil melted into black lava, and the black fire burst out from the ground in the middle of the monster wave.

Since the monster was brainwashed, they did not retreat in the face of the black fire. Even though a raging black fire was in front of them. They kept running into the fire without fear. Before the monsters managed to reach one and a half meters range, this time the monsters were burned to crisp before they could get close to ten meters.

It was just that easy for Tang Shaoyang to wipe the monster wave. He did it to show the girls that he was just playing around and having fun with the prey.

The next wave suffered the same fate until he reached the forty-ninth wave. There was a Demi-God Rank for each species, making it up to six Demi-God ranks. The Realm of Fire could not kill the Demi-God Rank.

Unfortunately for those who arrived with the burnt smell on their skin, they were facing Tang Shaoyang, an abnormal Demi-

God Rank himself. He killed them all within twenty seconds.

For the fiftieth wave, the number of the Demi-God Ranks increased. Triple the number from the previous wave, eighteen Demi-God Ranks.

Finding this out, he was convinced that the party who tried to clear this dungeon was killed in the second phase. The overwhelming number of Legend Rank and Primordial Monster plus the eighteen Demi-God Ranks.

It was just impossible for a party with two Demi-God Ranks to pass the second phase. But Tang Shaoyang easily wiped them out. He finished his wave, but he did not hear any notifications that they were entering the third phase.

"Are you forgetting about your companion?" Avyn snickered from the side.

Only then did Tang Shaoyang remember Phemrel. He kept checking on Phemrel until the tenth wave. He enjoyed the fight himself and forgot about Phemrel.

Compared to him, Zara, and Avyn, It was a struggle for the Demi-God Rank. The no break between waves really took a lot from her. She was exhausted, gasping for air from her mouth. Her chest heaved up and down frequently.

Tang Shaoyang came over next to Phemrel, "I would like to wait for you to clear your own, but we have spent too much in this dungeon. Let's wrap this up."

Phemrel watched how Tang Shaoyang, Avyn, and Zara cleared the monster. It did not take them ten seconds to clear the monsters. Phemrel had faced the wave up to the forty-third wave. It was quite an achievement that she managed to reach the forty-third wave by herself as a Demi-God Rank. Alas, she was still far from Tang Shaoyang's power level.

[You have finished phase 2!]

[You are entering Phase 3!]

[Kill The Skeletal Dragon!]

The dark forest turned darker as a massive portal formed in the air. The portal was fifty meters away, and a massive skeleton dragon came out from that portal. There was a small chance that a God Rank might appear in Legendary Dungeon. That was what Hemlin said, and this dungeon was one of them.

Phemrel was overwhelmed by Skeletal Dragon's presence. She lost her composure for a moment until three figures stood in front of her. The pressure disappeared as soon as the three stood in front of her.

Soon enough, she realized that she made the correct decision to form a contract with Tang Shaoyang.

*** ***

Hemlin and Forlan waited outside anxiously. It had been more than an hour, and yet Tang Shaoyang had not come out. This was the longest dungeon raid so far.

"Is he dead in the dungeon?" Forlan blurted out. Despite his trauma against Avyn, he still dared to speak like that. Of course, he only spoke like that when Avyn was not around. He was a scaredy cat in front of Avyn.

"Stupid! Stop with your stupid jinx. If they are dead inside the dungeon, that means this dungeon is extremely dangerous even for us. What will happen to us if they can't clear this dungeon? We are doomed!"

Forlan realized the severity of the situation. As Hemlin said, if Avyn could not clear the dungeon, then no one could clear it. He believed that Avyn was stronger than most of the dragons. If someone like her failed to clear the dungeon, then the world was doomed.

Now he regretted saying that, hoping for them to clear the dungeon and return safely.

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