
Chapter 1460 Trial of God

Chapter 1460 Trial of God

[You have gathered the maximum number of God Shards! You have triggered a hidden trial, Trial of God!]

[Do you want to proceed with The Trial of God? (Yes) (No)]

That was the notification Tang Shaoyang got after gathering one hundred God Shards a few months ago. There was a new notification popped out. An additional trial meant an additional reward.

It had become a God Trial, not a Demi-God trial anymore. He asked all his spirits, and no one knew about this God Trial. He asked them if they knew or not, not what the God Trial was. But no one knew about this God Trial.

That was the reason why he delayed his ascension to the God Rank until now. He must make the decision whether to take the additional trial or not. If he tapped no, then he immediately ascended to the God Rank. But he might miss the opportunity from the Trial of God. He hesitated until today, and he made the decision to take the trial today.

That was the meeting about, telling them that he would be absent during his ascension. The meeting was over after he said what he needed to say to them. He dismissed them while he stayed in the meeting hall for a while.

Tang Shaoyang closed his eyes. He realized why it took him so long to make such a decision. It was his family, his daughter. He was afraid of dying because of his daughter.

He had achieved half of his dream, a family. Half of his dream was to ensure that no one could harm his family. He knew he was still far from that. The Calamity existence as well as The Dragon Realm was an example there might be many who were stronger than him.

If he wanted to get stronger than just those mediocre God Ranks. He realized that he must take this Trial of God.

"Don't you want to meet Xiulan first?" Zhang Mengyao came over and rubbed her shoulder.

Tang Shaoyang shook his head, "No! I am afraid that I will never be able to take the Trial of God if I see Xiulan…" He was afraid that meeting Xiulan would waver his determination to take the trial.

The girls exchanged glances, worried. This was the first time they saw Tang Shaoyang like this. One by one, they hugged and kissed Tang Shaoyang's cheek and forehead before leaving him alone in the meeting hall.

He opened his eyes after hearing the sound of the door closed. For some reason, he was nervous as he looked at the screen once more.

Tang Shaoyang let out a chuckle as he did not remember the last time he was nervous. He was not even nervous when he fought the first God Rank from the Divine Church. He was not nervous when the three factions invaded Earth. Yet he was nervous to take The Trial of God.

[You can also not take it if you have a bad feeling about this trial, you know.] Zara said.

[There are many things we haven't tried. There will be another World Assembly soon, and you can choose a higher rank of Dimensional Tower. That's another way for you to be stronger.]

Tang Shaoyang shook his head, "If I run away from this with such a weak excuse. I will keep making the same excuse when I face the same situation."

Right after saying that, he tapped yes. His vision went black for a moment. It was the same feeling when he took the teleportation. When his vision was back, he was standing in the middle of the town square.

[Welcome to The Trial of God!]

[You have entered the first stage of the Trial of God!]

[Timer before the trial starts: 2 days 15:23:04]

It was the same thing all over again. Finishing the quest and moving to the next stage but with much higher difficulty. That was what he thought after seeing the new screen.

While checking the new information, he was checking where he was with Spirit Eyes. He was in the middle city, not an abandoned one. But a city with a high populations. He noticed the barrier protected the city as well.

"Are you a new participant in the Trial of God?"

A feminine voice entered his ears while he focused on the Spirit Eyes. He snapped out and looked at the figure in front of him.

A human female, wearing a white and black uniform, smiling at him.

"Yes." Tang Shaoyang nodded.

"I am one of the trial workers that works with the one in charge of the trial in this city, Administrator Amos. Administrator Amos will tell you the details about the trial, including the quest you must finish to proceed to the next stage."

Tang Shaoyang nodded and followed the black-haired woman. He did not expect to meet another Administrator this quickly.

'Huh!?' He thought the woman would lead him to another part of the city. But she led him to the building in front of him. A building that was just a few steps away from where he was teleported.

The woman brought him to the third floor, to the room where the administrator was. He had done a quick check on the woman, but he did not feel anything from her. Not even a speck of energy, which was weird. First, she might be a normal human. Second, she hid her energy.

He believed the second. If she is most likely not an ordinary human if he worked for The Trial of God. In fact, she might be stronger than most of the participants.

She opened the door and invited him to the administrator's room.

Tang Shaoyang met a man behind the table, wearing a sleeveless shirt with a white scar on his left eye. It looked like a scare made by a sword. From the forehead to his face, lining down to the near of his chin. He noticed the fang slightly protruding out of his lips.

The moment their eyes met, the room was filled with a dreadful, yet ferocious aura. The aura mixed with the killing intent was directed at him.

Tang Shaoyang merely furrowed his brow as he felt a strong hostility from Administrator Amos. That confused him why someone he did not know had such a strong hostility toward him. This was the first time they met.

'Is he part of Nirvana? But aren't we in a truce?'

If the Administrator was part of Nirvana, then the trial might become two times harder.

But then the Administrator stood up and tore apart his shirt, revealing a bigger scar on his chest. Showing three lines of burning scar across his chest. It was weird for a God Rank to have a scar with their regeneration. This Administrator Amos clearly left the scar for a reason.

"Do you see this scar!?"

Tang Shaoyang furrowed his brow, getting even more confused, "And?" He tried to understand why Administrator Amos had such hostility toward him. It seemed the scar was the cause, but he still did not understand why.

"Dragons tried to invade my world, and I fought them. I fought The Divine Dragon who left this scar. Not only did I fight them, but I also killed them and feasted on their bodies! I killed your kind!"

Tang Shaoyang understood the gist of it but still did not understand why Administrator Amos was hostile toward him. A Divine Dragon left the scar, but he was not related to any Divine Dragon. The dragons he knew were Rumru, Wrath, and Kalliyan who was half-dragon.

The aura intensified, mixed with the killing intent. But Tang Shaoyang was not really bothered by it. He just shrugged, "And?"

Before Administrator Amos could continue, the female human interfered, "The moment you try to hurt the participation, you will be kicked out from this world, Sir Amos. Not just that, you might lose your class as well."

Following her words, a calming aura spread out in the room. The calming aura came from her, subsiding Amos' ferocious aura. The female human truly hid her strength.

Amos retracted his aura and clicked his tongue. He pulled out the drawer, taking out something before throwing it at Tang Shaoyang.

Tang Shaoyang caught the token as Amos slammed the drawer. He caught the glistening token, looking at Amos confused. It looked like Amos did not have an intention to explain anything, including the token in his hand.

"What is this? And aren't you supposed to explain to me about the trial?"

Amos kept his silence and looked away from Tang Shaoyang, just like a sulking kid.

The female human let out a sigh and rubbed her head, "Follow me. I will lead you to your lodging and explain the trial for you."

"I hate working with an irresponsible administrator," She mumbled, heading out of the room.

Once they were outside, Tang Shaoyang could no longer hide his confusion, "What's with the attitude?"

"Administrator Amos hated the dragon because the dragon killed his family. If he's not afraid of losing his Administrator Class. He will hunt you down. He has an obsession with hunting a dragon."

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