
Chapter 1484 Wonder And Weird of The Abandoned World

Chapter 1484  Wonder And Weird of The Abandoned World

Tang Shaoyang took Tortoine's body and looked up at the bear folks, "We are having too much and forget them." He muttered in a low voice.

'Can we just get rid of them?' Vandir sent a telepathy message to Tang Shaoyang. The Death King was confident that they could get rid of the twelve bear folks, 'They have seen our faces too. Even if we escape, they will not stop looking for us.'

Tang Shaoyang glanced at Vandir, "I know what you are thinking about, Vandir." He shook his head, "Let's avoid an unnecessary battle for now."

He recalled all four spirits and used Heavenly Ethereal Shift. The same movement technique to escape the first bear folk.

The twelve bear folks were confident that Tang Shaoyang could not escape from them. And yet, they were caught off guard by a technique they never encountered before. At first, they were caught off guard that the four spirits suddenly disappeared. Before they could figure out where the four disappeared, Tang Shaoyang also disappeared.

The leader of the bear folks yelled, telling his people to look for the intruders. His voice echoed throughout the forest, loud enough to reach a few kilometers. He was not angry at his subordinate. Those words were meant for Tang Shaoyang to hear. Telling Tang Shaoyang what would happen to him if he stayed in the forest.

 Meanwhile, Tang Shaoyang created a distance of more than ten kilometers in a minute. He heard the threat, but he just rolled his eyes. He could try to negotiate but he figured out they would not accept a negotiation. Especially when he was alone. It would be pointless to negotiate with an unreasonable group like the Sorc Clan.

"Let's look for our second Tortoine," He wanted to focus on hunting instead of wasting his time fighting with a group like The Sorc Clan. More than unnecessary, the actual reason was that he was being cautious. He had enough already in his hand with The Nirvana Alliance. Aside from that, all participants were God Ranks. The God Rank might be stronger than the eight God Ranks he met in the Aqura. If he could avoid a conflict, then he would avoid it.

It did not take long for them to find the second Tortoine. This time they took a different approach. The goal was not to kill but to measure the Tortoine's actual strength. Afi took the charge. The tail attack, that was what Tang Shaoyang called it. The super fast sweep despite its big size was caught by Afi.

In his fury, Afi raised the twenty-five-meter-long Tortoine and slammed it to the ground. That was the payment for the earlier battle. It was pointless because Afi dealt no damage to Tortoine. Its hard shell and hard hide destroyed the trees and ground instead.

"Let's finish it off. The Sorc Clan is coming!" Tang Shaoyang had his eyes watching this time. Not long after Afi made the commotion, he signaled Avyn and Zara to finish off the Tortoine. He took the body and moved away before the Sorc Clan came.

"That should be enough information for Rank 1 Calamity, no?" Vandir commented, "They are not that strong. We should go for the high rank of Calamity now and aim for first place."

"Yes. Rank 1 Calamity is strong, but we are enough to handle them. But we will still hunt Rank 1 Calamity only for today. Our goal is to open our maps, not hunting."

That was the boss' decision, Vandir and the others did not protest the decision. They explored the forest and hunted more Tortoine. They went deeper and managed to witness the mole calamity hunting the Tortoine. The snout-like drill went through the hard shell, and their claw destroyed Tortoine's tail. This mole calamity was the ruler of the forest.

Not just the mole, but the Sorc Clan is also quite persistent. It seemed they noticed that Tang Shaoyang was hunting Tortoine. After his eighth Tortoine, The Sorc Clan mobilized their members to chase Tang Shaoyang instead of hunting their target. They changed their mind after Tang Shaoyang caused a lot of ruckus in their "forest". It became a hide-and-chase game, but of course, The Sorc Clan failed to even see a glimpse of Tang Shaoyang's shadow.

"We will reach the next area soon…" Tang Shaoyang announced as he saw the new area. In contrast to the forest, the new area was void of life compared to the vibrant forest. They stepped into the arid land. The ground was black and cracked, and it released gray fog that obstructed normal vision slightly.

He furrowed his brow as he smelled the unpleasant air in the area. Something like a rotten smell, but only slightly. He did not find anything in his vision, at least, in the five kilometers ahead. There was no spot to hide in this area, it was an open area with just open land. Not boulders or big stones, just the cracked black soil.

"If I have to guess…. This is where the demon used to live," Vandir suddenly said, "Yep. This unpleasant smell is the demon's smell."

"I don't like this unpleasant smell. We should go to the other area instead," Avyn pinched her nose. With her super sense, the smell was truly unpleasant for her.

"Should I swap you with Baccara for this area?"

"No, there's no need."

They entered the new territory together at the same pace as they explored the forest. After ten minutes of exploring the new area, Tang Shaoyang realized something weird about the area. He could not find the Calamity. In the forest, he could find the calamity from outside the area. But even after ten minutes into this bleak area, he did not find a single calamity.

Tang Shaoyang checked underground, and there was nothing under, "Is there really nothing here?" He muttered.

"I told you to go to a different area. Even a Calamity is smart enough that they don't live in this hellhole," Avyn commented.

"Or maybe we are looking at the wrong place. Have you checked the sky, Your Majesty?" Vandir looked up at the sky. They did not have Tang Shaoyang's eyes, and the fog limited their vision.

Tang Shaoyang looked up, "They are watching us."

Chaos Eyes gave him a vision from a certain height to see his surroundings. It had the same ability as Spirit Eyes to see through things. But it did not mean his vision did not have a blind spot. The blind spot was the area that was higher than the height he had set up.

As Vandir predicted, The Calamity in this area stayed in the sky. They were flying higher than his vision and had been following them. He could only see small figures just because of how far they were in the sky.

"What's the creature?" Vandir was curious and asked. It was rare for Tang Shaoyang's vision to miss something.

Tang Shaoyang shook his head, "They are too far…. Humanoid with wings. They stay on the floating island. The fog not only covers them but also the island."

"Should we go up there and investigate more about our new prey?" Afi was eager to fight.

"There's no need. There are too many of them. They are more than fifty at least, and they are too far even for my Chaos Eyes. I can't use my Detection on them. The other Calamity may be aware this is their territory and avoid this place. Let's continue, and we will fight them if they come down. It's too risky to go up there."

The party ignored the creature in the sky. Even if those creatures were Rank 1 Calamity, he would not try to go up there. Again, he did not want to take too much risk in this trial. The goal was to pass to the second stage. If first place was possible, then he would go for it for the prize. Even though he still did not know what the reward was in the first place.

The creature in the sky did not attack them as they went deeper. They might be monsters in nature, but the calamity was proven to be smarter. They did not attack them on sight. That was enough proof that the calamity was different from the normal monster. The same for Tortoine. It did not attack them unless provoked. Some of them even tried to escape after realizing they could not win against Tang Shaoyang's party.

"I found a ruined city…" They picked up their pace and found the ruined city. The wall was destroyed with just the gate still standing, "The city has become the den of Calamity. They are much smaller than the calamity in the forest."

Tang Shaoyang did not recognize a single calamity inside the city. Whatever inside the city, they were not on the trade list, "One of them is similar to an ogre, but they have three heads, three pairs of hands, and their skin is deep red. Are they Ogre, Karan?"

Karan was his first spirit and also an ogre. He thought Karan might know something about this calamity.

[I don't know. I never saw my brethren with three heads and six hands. But they are ogres, but maybe a variant that I don't know of.]

[They are indeed Calamity Ogre, a stronger version of the original Ogre. In other words, they are the calamity version of ogre.] Karoen The Void Knight gave him the answer.

"What about that one eye creature?" Tang Shaoyang and the spirits in the World Spirits were sharing his vision. They could see what he saw.

The creature he meant was the one-eyed creature. It had dark purple skin with a big one eye with a single horn curved upward on its head. It was seven meters tall and the rest was humanoid. Two hands, two feet, and massive abs.

[That's Cyclopes.]

The third one was weirder. They had a bear-like body, their fur was dark green, and they stood on their hind legs instead of walking on four. It had the body of a bear but with a goat head. It looked like an actual cursed creature in Tang Shaoyang's eyes. He was disturbed by this discovery.

[I don't know the remaining Calamity.]

He felt like the ogre with six hands and three heads was more normal than the other calamity in the city. The fourth calamity was the smallest calamity he had found so far. It was the size of a squirrel. It had white fur with black stripes, looked like a furred zebra despite their size, and had the head of an ant. They jumped from one building to another, moving in a group of five or six.

[Calamity Ogre — Rank 3]

[Calamity Cyclopes — Rank 4]

[???? — Rank 3]

[???? — Rank 5]

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